S.H. Ho Foundation Research Grants (HFRG) for Health Sciences and Technology

Deadline:  October 31, 2023


The S. H. Ho Foundation Ltd. was founded by the Ho family, whose connection to 91社区 developed as Martha Ho, MA 鈥78, earned her graduate degree in economics. Martha and her husband, David Ho, are co-owners of Pacific BMW in California and avid University supporters, including as EXCELERATE Campaign Committee members. The S. H. Ho Foundation Ltd. has made a $5.6 million gift to propel the pioneering research of 91社区 University faculty. This new endowment will provide, in perpetuity, approximately $200,000 annually in vital seed grants for faculty University-wide to advance current or emerging research.

This faculty grant program is designed to support individual investigators or teams of investigators who require seed funding in an amount between $50,000 and $200,000 for the initial acquisition of equipment, supplies, data, personnel, or other enablers in anticipation of external grant submission.  鈥淗ealth Sciences and Technology鈥 are broadly defined and submissions are solicited from all academic units, but proposals must address how funds will be used to address a compelling health challenge through the use of innovative technology.  Grants are awarded are for an eighteen-month period, beginning January 1, 2024. No-cost extensions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Program Eligibility

These funds are not intended to serve as bridge funds nor to support research in lieu of external grant funds.  If applicants have access to initial start-up funds from the university, they must make clear why additional resources are required.  Projects funded through this program are expected to lead to the development of a proposal for external support.  An individual may serve as Principal Investigator (PI) or co-PI on only one proposal submission. 

Review Panel

All proposals will be reviewed by the Advisory Committee for Scholarship and Research (ACSR).  Their evaluations will be sent to the President, Provost, and VP for Research for final decisions.  It is essential that proposals communicate clearly to all reviewers outside of the proposal discipline, what is proposed and why it is important.  The following are the criteria for evaluation.

  1. Originality, significance, quality and future impact of the proposed research in leading to major advances in the use of technology to address health challenges
  2. Ability to attract future federal, state, philanthropic or private funding
  3. Strength of record of achievement of the proposer or team (the Office of Sponsored Programs [OSP] will supply current and pending data to the ACSR for submitters)

Proposal Preparation

Funding is available for one or more awards up to a maximum of $200,000.  Applicants are encouraged to discuss proposal and budget preparation with the staff of OSP.  Completed packages must be submitted electronically to buinternalgrants@binghamton.edu.  The proposal deadline for the HFRG program is 5:00 pm on October 31, 2023.  Proposals should be submitted as one PDF file.  Awards will be announced by December 15, 2023 for projects beginning January 1, 2024.  Applicants are encouraged to submit non-proprietary content and clear mark proprietary information, when applicable.  

All proposals must contain the following elements, in one document:

  1. Proposal Cover Page
  2. Project Narrative (3 pages maximum, single spaced, one inch margins, 11 point font);
    • Describe the project, its significance, quality and future impact on how technology will address one or more health-related challenges;
    • Describe the Principal Investigator/Co-PI contributions to the projects. Discuss participation of post docs and/or students, if applicable;
    • Provide a brief statement of the benefits of this project to the University, if funded. Specifically address the increase in fundability or visibility that would be achieved;
    • Describe plans for seeking external support for this project. Include a list of potential sponsors and timelines for proposal preparation.
  3. Literature Cited: Provide key citations that relate directly to this project.
  4. Budget and Budget Justification (see below): Funds for the period January 1, 2024 to June 20, 2025 may be requested.
  5. Biographical Sketch(s): Maximum two pages per investigator (NSF style will be accepted, as well as standard curriculum vitae format)


The lead PI will be expected to provide a brief mid-point report in September, including a projection of possible external options for continued funding . A final report will be required by August 1, 2025, two months following the end of the funding period on June 30, 2025, summarizing the outcomes of the project, including any abstracts, publications, proposal submission activities, and invention disclosures (if applicable).  Further, concrete and detailed plans for submitting proposals to external funding agencies within six months of the end of the funding period should be fully described.  These reports, or variation, will be shared with the Donors and may be included in various stewardship vehicles. In addition, information on awarded projects (Title, PI/team, and non-confidential abstract) will be posted to the Division of Research webpage. 

Further Information

Questions about proposal preparation or budgeting should be directed to OSP staff.  Additional proposal questions may be addressed to buinternalgrants@binghamton.edu.

Read more about the Donors

Proposal Cover Page