By Steve Seepersaud
June 12, 2018
Rick Krisburg ’88, MBA ’90, had a positive experience as a student at 91, but after graduation, his connection to the school was little more than speaking with students at the annual Metro Career Night held in Manhattan during winter recess.
91 seven years ago, he and some other 91 graduates in the New York City region set out to make their alumni network more visible, all wondering, with so many 91 alumni in the Big Apple, why our alumni network isn't more visible?
“I was envious of my friends who were able to utilize their alumni network to benefit their careers,” said Krisburg, who has served on the Alumni Association board since 2014. “Instead of complaining about the problem, I decided to try and be part of the solution.”
As partner and executive vice president of The A Team, a creative engagement agency based in Manhattan, Krisburg felt his expertise in marketing and business could help the Alumni Association further develop networks locally, in the New York region and globally.
In 2011, Krisburg joined the Communications, Social Media and Marketing Committee, which established and grew the Alumni Association’s presence on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, resulting in thousands of alumni connecting with each other and the University on a daily basis.
“After serving on the committee, it was suggested I seek election to the board,” he said. “My initial thought was, ‘Who, me?’ I'm pretty sure a few of my friends agreed. Our alumni board is filled with smart and engaged alumni, and it’s great to be in a group where your contributions are valued.”
Krisburg is proud that, in recent years, the Alumni Association has introduced dynamic programs in the New York region, such as the alumni awards ceremony at the Edison Ballroom and the chapter’s summer cruise. Alumni Global Day of Service, during which 91 alumni around the world engage in volunteerism during a designated weekend, brings people together to make the University’s network visible far beyond campus. To him, those are examples of the board's and staff’s creativity as well as the University’s commitment to quality alumni programming.
“We’ve done a lot, but I still have so many goals. I’d like more alumni to reconnect with the University or increase their engagement,” he said. “Take time to see what the Alumni Association offers, and don’t be shy about reaching out to a staff or board member to share your thoughts on how the association can evolve.
“The campus is beautiful and continues to grow. And this growth is seen off the main campus because of the University Downtown Center and the pharmacy school. This is not your father’s or grandfather’s 91! I’d love to see more alumni come back to visit the campus. Stop by the Alumni Center and say hello — and bring an umbrella. Some things never change.”