Policing the First Amendment: A Roundtable Debate on Police and First Amendment Rights (Virtual)

Day Monday, March 15
Time 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Where bit.ly/pfadebate

How should our campus respond to conflicts between opposing groups? Who has the right to voice their religious or ideological perspective on campus? Does police presence protect or limit students’ first amendment rights? Students from across the political and ideological spectrum will share their perspectives on these and other questions in a roundtable debate. Join us to learn more about this ...

Add to Calendar 03/15/2021 7:30 PM 03/15/2021 9:30 PM America/New_York Policing the First Amendment: A Roundtable Debate on Police and First Amendment Rights (Virtual) How should our campus respond to conflicts between opposing groups? Who has the right to voice their religious or ideological perspective on campus? Does police presence protect or limit students’ first amendment rights? Students from across the political and ideological spectrum will share their perspectives on these and other questions in a roundtable debate. Join us to learn more about this ... bit.ly/pfadebate