Drug takeback Thursday, April 29

Day Thursday, April 29
Time 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Where School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences loading dock, 96 Corliss Ave., Johnson City, N.Y.

There will be a drug takeback from noon-4 p.m. Thursday, April 29, at the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 96 Corliss Ave., Johnson City, by the loading dock. Over-the-counter medications, prescription drugs and controlled prescription drugs will be accepted. Keep medications in their original containers. Flammable liquids, illegal drugs, medical waste, medical equipment, m...

Add to Calendar 04/29/2021 12:00 PM 04/29/2021 4:00 PM America/New_York Drug takeback Thursday, April 29 There will be a drug takeback from noon-4 p.m. Thursday, April 29, at the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 96 Corliss Ave., Johnson City, by the loading dock. Over-the-counter medications, prescription drugs and controlled prescription drugs will be accepted. Keep medications in their original containers. Flammable liquids, illegal drugs, medical waste, medical equipment, m... School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences loading dock, 96 Corliss Ave., Johnson City, N.Y.