NaNoWrMo Kick-Off: 6 hour and 24 hour writing challenges
Day | Friday, November 11 |
Time | 6:00 PM to 11:45 PM |
Where | UU 103 |
November is National Novel Writing Month where all sorts of writers do their best to reach either their own word count goal or 50,000 words! We at SWC challenge you to write as much as you can within either 6 or 24 hours. Whoever reaches the greatest word count by midnight or by 6 pm the following day(word counting starts at 6 pm on Friday) may be eligible to win a Barnes and Noble Gift Card!
Sponsored by: Storytelling Workshop Club
Add to Calendar 11/11/2022 6:00 PM 11/11/2022 11:45 PM America/New_York NaNoWrMo Kick-Off: 6 hour and 24 hour writing challenges November is National Novel Writing Month where all sorts of writers do their best to reach either their own word count goal or 50,000 words! We at SWC challenge you to write as much as you can within either 6 or 24 hours. Whoever reaches the greatest word count by midnight or by 6 pm the following day(word counting starts at 6 pm on Friday) may be eligible to win a Barnes and Noble Gift Card! UU 103