Virtual - Responding to Microaggressions in the Workplace

Day Monday, October 05
Time 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Where Video Conferencing Link

Virtual - This workshop will provide a space for students to unpack the meaning of microaggressions and there adverse impact in the workplace, learn how bystanders and those affected can respond, and understand the importance of participating in microaffirmations to resist the impact of racism while validating the lived experiences of those in marginalized communities. There will also be a Q&A ...

Add to Calendar 10/05/2020 12:00 PM 10/05/2020 1:00 PM America/New_York Virtual - Responding to Microaggressions in the Workplace Virtual - This workshop will provide a space for students to unpack the meaning of microaggressions and there adverse impact in the workplace, learn how bystanders and those affected can respond, and understand the importance of participating in microaffirmations to resist the impact of racism while validating the lived experiences of those in marginalized communities. There will also be a Q&A ... Video Conferencing Link