Graduate Alumni
Alumni of the Graduate Program in the History and Theory of Art and Architecture at 91社区 have, since the late 1960s, gone on to take up significant academic and curatorial appointments in universities and museums across the United States and abroad, as well as positions in museum education, historic preservation, visual resources management and corporate research, among many other professional fields.
To list only a few examples, graduates of the Department of Art History can currently be found in the faculty and curatorial staff of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, the Morgan Library, New York, the Amon Carter Museum, Fort Worth, Texas, the Bowdoin College Museum, the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, the University of Arizona at Tucson, the University of Notre Dame, the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, and Kaywon School of Art and Design, Euiwang, Korea.
Recently Completed PhDs
Hyeok Cho
"Can the Subaltern Artist Speak?: Postmodernist Theory, Feminist Practice, and the Art of Lee Bul," (J. Tagg, 2020)Zohreh Soltani
"Tehran: A Symptomatic Rendering of Public Architecture,鈥 (T. McDonough and N. Um, 2020)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Art History, Ithaca CollegeRotem Rozental
"Photographic Archives, Nationalism, and the Foundation of the Jewish State, 1903鈥1948," (J. Tagg, 2019)
Current Position: Chief Curator, American Jewish University, Los AngelesAmanda Beardsley
"Celestial Mechanics: Technologies of Salvation in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and American Culture," (T. McDonough and P. Smart, 2019)Lalaine Bangilan Little
"Retablo: Configuring Relationships, Spaces, and Activities in the Eighteenth-Century Spanish Philippines," (N. Um, 2019)
Current Position: Director, Friedman Gallery, Misericordia UniversityYoung-Sin Park
"The Choson Industrial Exposition of 1915," (J. Tagg, 2019)Cagatay Emre Dogan
"Picturing the Nation: Turkish Republican Era Photographic Representations of Istanbul," (T. McDonough, 2018)Josh Franco
"Marfa, Marfa: Minimalism, rasquachismo, and Questioning 'Decolonial Aesthetics' In Far West Texas," (T. McDonough, 2016)
Current Position: National Collector, Archives of American ArtYa-Ling Wang
"The Institutional and Critical Reception of American Abstract Expressionism in Taiwan and China," (J. Tagg, 2016)Hyeyun Chin
"'Great Britain's Glory' and the Staging of Global Commerce: The Royal Exchange and the Architectural Identity of Early Modern London," (A. Walkling, 2016)
Current Position: Assistant Professor of Art Theory, Hannam UniversityDengyan Zhou
"The Language of "Photography" in China: A Genealogy of Conceptual Frames from sheying to xinwen sheying and sheying yishu," (J. Tagg, 2016)
Winner of the 2017 Distinguished Dissertation Award in Humanities and Fine Arts, 91社区 University.
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Beijing Film AcademyPaulina Banas
"The Orientalist Book Industry (1840-80): Prisse D'avennes, Systems of Borrowing and Reuse, and the Marketing of Egypt," (N. Um, 2016)
Current Position: Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow and Faculty Member, Maryland Institute College of ArtAngelique Szymanek
"The Fear of Rape, the Treat of Looking: Art, Activism & Spectatorship" (T. McDonough, 2015)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Hobart and William Smith CollegesAnwar Ibrahim
"Politics, Controversy and Design in Post 9/11 American Mosques: The Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, Roxbury, Massachusetts," (N. Um, 2015)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Architecture Department, College of Architecture & Design, Jordan University of Science and TechnologyJennifer Kennedy
"Charming Monsters: The Spectacle of Femininity in Postwar France," (T. McDonough, 2014)
Winner of the 2014 Distinguished Dissertation Award in Humanities and Fine Arts, 91社区 University.
Current Position: Bader Postdoctoral Fellow, Queen's UniversityAynur De Rouen
"Change And Continuity: An Analysis Of The Socio-Spatial Fabric Of Te艧vikiye-Ni艧anta艧i, 1945-1960," (B. Abou-El-Haj and N. Um, 2014)
Current Position: Curator, Special Collections, 91社区 LibrariesHye-ri Oh
"The Concept Of Photography In Korea: The Genealogy Of The Korean Conception Of Sajin From The Late Choson Dynastic Period Through Japanese Colonialism," (J. Tagg, 2014)
Current Position: Visiting Assistant Professor, Indiana University of PennsylvaniaNa'ama Klorman-Eraqi
"Feminism and Photography in Britain in 1970s and Early 1980s." (J. Tagg, 2013)
Current position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Art History, Tel Aviv UniversityChunghoon Shin
"Seoul Art 'Under Construction' from the Late 1960s to the New Millennium," (T. McDonough, 2013)
Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Painting, Seoul National UniversityHala Auji
"Between Script And Print: Exploring Publications Of The American Syria Mission And The Nascent Press In The Arab World, 1834-1860," (N. Um, 2013)
Honorable Mention for the Malcolm H. Kerr Dissertation Award in Humanities, Middle East Studies Association, 2014
Current position: Assistant Professor, American University in BeirutDeniz Karakas
"Clay Pipes, Marble Surfaces: The Topographies of Water Supply in Late Seventeenth- and Early-Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Istanbul," (N. Um, 2013)
Current Position: Visiting Assistant Professor, Texas State UniversityJeannine Keefer
"Politicization of Space: Urban Campus, Urban Renewal and Development in the Temple and University City Areas of Philadelphia from 1947 to 1972," (T. McDonough, 2013)
Current Position: Visual Resources Librarian, Department of Art and Art History, University of RichmondShriya Sridharan
"Srirangam's New Antiquity - Negotiating the Hindu Temple's Divine and Historic Pasts in a Global Present," (N. Um, 2012)
Current Position: Lecturer, Santa Clara UniversityJeremy Culler
"From Television Signal To Magnetic Strip: An Archaeology Of Experimental Television And Video Knowledge," (J. Tagg, 2011)
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Art History, University of South Carolina AikenKivanc Kilinc
"Constructing Women for the Republic: The Spatial Politics of Gender, Class and Domesticity in Ankara, 1928-1952," (T. McDonough, 2010)
Current Position: Associate Professor, American University of BeirutVictoria Scott
"Silk-Screens and Television Screens: Maoism and the Posters of May and June 1968 in Paris," (T. McDonough, 2010)Cindy Stelmackowich
"Bodies of Knowledge" Nineteenth-Century Anatomical Atlases 1800-1860," (J. Tagg, 2010)Ana Isabel Perez Gavilan
"The Via Crucis Devotion in Eighteenth-Century New Spain: Innovative Practices in the Sanctuary of Jesus of Nazareth of Atotonilco, Gto" (K. Barzman, 2010)
Current Position: Professor, School of the Plastic Arts, Autonomous University of Coahuila, Saltillo, MexicoSharon Smith
"Planned grandeur: a commensurate study of urban expansion in early modern Italy and Mamluk Egypt" (B. Abou-el-Haj and C. Burroughs, 2009)
Current Position: Head, Distinctive Collections, Arizona State UniversityGinamarie Pugliese
"Reading Children: Constructions of Childhood in England's Nineteenth-Century Children's Periodicals, 1855-1875" (A. Walkling, 2009)Kenneth Havenstein
"Choreographing the City: Politics, Pedagogy, and Musicality in Medieval Siena," (B. Abou-El-Haj, 2009)
Current Position: Adjunct Lecturer, Art Department, State College at Oneonta; Adjunct Lecturer, Art and Art History Department, Hartwick CollegeSaygin Salgirli
"From Thirteenth-Century Toulouse to Fifteenth-Century Serres: A Comparative Study on Dissent, Authority, and Architecture" (B. Abou-El-Haj, 2009)
Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory, University of British ColumbiaCharles (Cody) Barteet
"Colonial Contradictions in the Casa de Montejo and M茅rida, Yucat谩n: Space, Society, and Self-Representation at the Edge of Viceregal Mexico" (K. Barzman, 2008)
Current position: Associate Professor, Western OntarioGaudencio Fidelis
"The Reception and Legibility of Brazilian Contemporary Art in the United States (1995鈥2005)" (A. D'Souza, 2008)
Current position: Director, Art Museum of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, BrazilMeiqin Wang
"Confrontation and Complicity: Rethinking Official Art in Contemporary China" (N. Um, 2007)
Current position: Professor, California State University, NorthridgeRaed Al Tal
"Structures of authority: A sociopolitical account of architectural and urban programs in Amman, Jordan (1953--1999)" (N. Um, 2006)
Current position: Assistant Professor, Jordan University of Science & Technology, Amman, JordanLinda Steer
"Found, borrowed and stolen: The use of photographs in French surrealist reviews, 1924--1939" (J. Tagg, 2006)
Current position: Associate Professor, Brock UniversityBulent Batuman
"Spaces of counter-hegemony: Turkish architects and planners as political agents in the 1970s" (T. McDonough, 2006)
Current position: Associate Professor, Bilkent UniversityAnn Ciola
"Identity and Community Solidarity: Counter-Spectacle, Power and Resistance in the Mass Funeral of the 'Guguleteu Seven', March 15, 1986" (K. Barzman, 2005)Sam Y. Liang
"Ephemeral Households, Splintered City: Mapping Leisure in the Sojourners' Shanghai, 1870-00" (T. McDonough, 2005)
Current position: Associate Professor, Utah Valley UniversityOnyile Onyile
"Ekpu Oro: The spirits of the living dead as an expression of Oron world view, 1894-1940" (N. Nzegwu, 2005)
Current position: Professor, Georgia Southern UniversityKaren (Wren) Rogers
"Checkerboard grids: Principles and practices of spatial order in the Americas and the making of place in New Mexico" (C. Burroughs, 2005)
Current position: Associate Dean for External Affairs, College of Architecture, Design and Construction, and Associate Professor, Auburn UniversityTeresa Pac
"Churches at the edge: A comparative study of Christianization processes along the Baltic Sea in the Middle Ages: Gdansk and Novgorod" (C. Burroughs, 2004)
Current position: Associate Professor, College of Fine Arts and Design, University of Central OklahomaSarah Bassnett
"Visible cities: Photography, visual discourse and city planning in early twentieth-century Toronto and Montreal" (J. Tagg, 2004)
Current position: Associate Professor, University of Western OntarioJina Kim
"Invitation to the Other: The reframing of "American" art and national identity and the 1993 Whitney Biennial in New York and Seoul" (J. Tagg, 2004)
Current position: Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Culture, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Republic of KoreaHong Kal
"The presence of the past: Exhibitions, memories and national identities in colonial and postcolonial Korea and Japan" (J. Tagg, 2003)
Current position: Associate Professor, York UniversityRosemary Ludwick-Bieker
The Cloisters Panel "Scenes from the Life of Saint Augustine": A study in late medieval iconography and Augustinian spirituality (B. Abou El Haj, 2003)Fr. Joseph Bertha
"The illustration of the Akathist hymn at the Ferapontov Monastery" (B. Abou-El-Haj, 2002)
Current position: Pastor, St. Stephen's Byzantine Church, Amherst, NYMichelle Hearne
"Anne de Bretagne (r. 1491-1514): Images of medieval queenship in early modern France" (J. Wilson, 2002)Bianca Freire-Medeiros
"The traveling city: Representations of Rio in United States films, travel accounts and scholarly writing (1930s-1990s)" (A. King, 2002)
Current position: Senior Lecturer of Sociology, Getulio Vargas Foundation (Brazil)Andrea Frohne
"The African burial ground in New York City: Manifesting and representing spirituality of space" (N. Nzegwu, 2002)
Current position: Associate Professor, Ohio UniversityLeigh George
"The functions of graphic design: Sociologies, history, and the International Design Conference in Aspen" (J. Tagg, 2002)
Current position: Marketing Manager, Pro Bono at Taproot Foundation; former Account Manager at Greenfield/Belser; former Graphics Project Manager at Westat EducationLaura MacCaskey
"' macula non est in te.' The birth of the Virgin in sixteenth-century Rome" (C. Burroughs, 2001)Diane Graham [Shafer Domnick]
"Planting, planning and design: A comparative study of English colonial cities founded in India, North America, and the Caribbean, 1660--1710" (A. King, 2001)
Current position: Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh, Titusville -
Selected Books by Graduates
Auji, Hala (PhD 2013). Printing Arab Modernity: Book Culture and the American Press in Nineteenth-Century Beirut. Leiden: Brill, 2016.
Batuman, B眉lent (PhD 2006). New Islamist Architecture and Urbanism: Negotiating Nation and Islam through Built Environment in Turkey. New York: Routledge, 2018.
--. The Politics of Public Space: Domination and Appropriation in and of K谋z谋lay Square. Saarbr眉cken: VDM Verlag, 2009.
Crysler, C. Greig (PhD 1999). with Stephen Cairns and Hilda Heynen. The SAGE Handbook of Architectural Theory. Sage Publications, 2011.
--. Writing Spaces: Discourses of Architecture, Urbanism, and the Built Environment, 1960-2000. New York: Routledge, 2003.
Ergut, Elvan Altan (PhD 1999) with Dana Arnold and Belgin Turan 脰zkaya, eds. Rethinking Architectural Historiography. London and New York: Routledge, 2006.
Freire-Medeiros, Bianca (PhD 2002). Touring Poverty. New York: Routledge, 2012.
--. O Rio de Janeiro que Hollywood Inventou. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2005.
Frohne, Andrea E. (PhD 2002). The African Burial Ground in New York City: Memory, Spirituality, and Space. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2015.
Hearne, K. Michelle (PhD 2002), with Roger S. Wieck and William M. Voelkle. The Hours of Henry VIII: A Renaissance Masterpiece by Jean Poyet. New York: George Braziller, 2000.
Irbouh, Hamid (PhD 2000). Art in the Service of Colonialism: French Art Education in Morocco, 1912-1956. London and New York: Tauris Academic Studies, 2005.
Ivey, Paul Eli (PhD 1992). Prayers in Stone: Christian Science Architecture in the United States, 1894-1930. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1999.
--. Radiance from Halcyon: A Utopian Experiment in Religion and Science. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1992.
Kal, Hong (PhD 2003). Aesthetic Constructions of Korean Nationalism: Spectacle, Politics and History. New York: Routledge, 2011.
Klorman-Eraqi, Na'ama (PhD 2013). The Visual Is Political: Feminist Photography and Countercultural Activity in 1970s Britain. Camden, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2019.
Kusno, Abidin (PhD 1998). The Appearances of Memory: Mnemonic Practices of Architecture and Urban Form in Indonesia. Chapel Hill, N.C: Duke University Press, 2010.
--. Behind the Postcolonial: Architecture, Urban Space, and Political Cultures in Indonesia. New York: Routledge, 2000.
Lee, Young-June (PhD 1998). Photography, A Strange Kind of Art. Seoul: Noonbit Press, 1998.
--. Mapping Contemporary Theories of Photography: A Reader in New Approaches to the History of Photography, 1964-1995. Seoul: Noonbit Press, 2006.
--. Gigye Bipyung (Critique on Machine). Seoul: Hyunsil munhwa yeongu, 2006.
--. Image Critic-From Hair Style to Satellite Image. Seoul: Noonbit Press, 2008.
--. Bipyung-eui nunchori (The Gaze of A Critic: Thoughts on Photography). Seoul: Noonbit Press, 2008.
Liang, Sam (PhD 2005). Mapping Modernity in Shanghai: Space, Gender, and Visual Culture in the Sojourners' City, 1853-98. New York: Routledge, 2010.
Newcome, Mary (PhD 1975). Gregorio de Ferrari. Turin: Artema, 1998.
Onyile, Onyile (PhD 2005). Ancestral Spirits Embodied in Ekpu Figurines of the Oron People: A Study in Nigerian Traditional Art. Lewiston, N.Y. and Ceredigion, England: Mellen Press, 2007.
Perera, Nihal (PhD 1995). Society and Space: Colonialism, Nationalism, and Postcolonial Identity in Sri Lanka. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1998.
Porter, Dean A. (PhD 1974), with Teresa Hayes Ebie and Suzan Campbell. Taos Artists and Their Patrons, 1898-1950. Notre Dame, Ind.: Snite Museum of Art, 1999.
Steer, Linda (PhD 2006). Found and Borrowed Photographs in French Surrealist Periodicals, 1924-1939. Routledge, 2016.
Wang, Meiqin (PhD 2007). Urbanization and Contemporary Chinese Art. New York: Routledge, 2015.
--. Socially Engaged Art in Contemporary China. New York: Routledge, 2019.
Zukowsky, John (PhD 1977), and Martha Thorne, eds. Skyscrapers: The New Millennium. Munich and New York: Prestel and Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 2000.