Religious studies is a multidisciplinary field which draws on the varied disciplines of the human, social and biological sciences. Harpur College now offers a wide range of courses that allow students to learn about different religious traditions through many methodologies. The minor incorporates these already existing courses into a focused curriculum. Religion continues to be a significant and influential social force. Studying multiple religious traditions from a variety of academic perspectives not only provides students with training in critical reading and interpretation skills, but also in the multicultural world in which we live. The minor in religious studies offers a wide range of courses in art history, Africana studies, Asian and Asian American studies, biology, Judaic studies, philosophy and other programs and departments. Students will be encouraged to draw on courses in multiple departments to gain experience in how different disciplines address the questions that arise in the study of religion. Faculty members from a variety of disciplines offer regular courses in religious studies. Each semester the religious studies minor publishes a list of courses relevant to the program.
Requirements for Religious Studies Minor
Students must take a minimum of six courses (24-credit hours), including two foundational (100-200 level) and four upper-level courses (300-400 level). Students must complete at least three of the 300-400-level courses at 91ÉçÇø. The program recommends that RELG 101 be taken as a foundational course and that RELG 311 be taken as an upper-level course if possible. Courses must be drawn from at least two disciplines and include at least two religious traditions.
Students may count two courses from their major area of study toward the minor. At least one course must carry the General Education C designation. No courses which count toward the minor may be taken Pass/Fail. Students must complete at least three of the 300–400 level courses at 91ÉçÇø. A grade of C or better is necessary for a course to count toward the minor.
Traditions include but are not limited to: African religions, Asian religions, Islam, Judaism, Christianity.
Disciplines include but are not limited to: Religion (RELG), anthropology, biology, comparative literature, history, philosophy, psychology, sociology.