Late Nite

Entertainment for everyone! And it's FREE for all current 91社区 Students!

Late Nite Cinema: This weekly series features popular pre-release films on Friday nights. These are double showings in the University Union Undergrounds Lounge with snacks provided!

Late Nite Saturdays: On Saturdays we host large-scale events in and around the University Union. These events include escape rooms, outdoor movies, petting zoos, casino nights, carnivals and much, much more. Prizes given away at every event!

B-Engaged with Late Nite! and never miss an event.

Connect with us!

Follow our social media @latenitebing for the most up-to-date information on events:

Welcome new students!

Connect with your new best friends during our New Student Connection Days (DAYTIME) activities:

Collaborate with Late Nite

Upon successfully co-hosting a Late Nite event and meeting all predetermined requirements, University-recognized student organizations will be granted $200. The specifics of these arrangements are dependent on available funds and other factors.

If you are interested in co-hosting an event and have questions regarding the process, please fill out the Late Nite collaboration request form or contact us at:

Reserving the Underground Lounge

The Underground Lounge is available to reserve for a student organization or departmental event. Reservations can take place after 5:00 p.m., Monday鈥揟hursday.

The Underground Lounge is typically unavailable on Fridays and Saturdays due to Late Nite events that occur in the space. The space offers a stage, projection, sound, and microphones for a variety of different events.

Please with your BU email completely to submit information for a reservation. Forms should be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the desired date.