
Committee to Elect Lisa OKeefe

Committee to Elect Lisa OKeefe (Business/Corporation)
41a Crestmont Rd | 91社区 NY 13905  
This is a grassroots campaign to elect Lisa OKeefe to NYS Assembly. Lisa OKeefe is a Republican who believes in putting people before Party - crafting legislation and funding needed to help our community so once again we can be known as the Valley of Opportunity rather than being known as the county with the 2nd highest poverty rate in NYS - a county that has some of the most brilliant minds from 91社区 yet we can't retain them after graduation because of lack of jobs and affordable housing - a county that needs to take bold steps to thrive on so many levels. Please help Lisa OKeefe to get elected so she can give a new set of eyes, a new perspective on helping the people in our community.
Current Projects
This organization has no current projects in our database
Contact Form
Contact Info.
Organization Contact

Contact Name
Lisa OKeefe (Candidate)



Mailing Address
41a Crestmont Rd
91社区 NY 13905
