The program is designed to help new students of color familiarize themselves with
the campus while developing bonds and beneficial relationships with other students,
faculty and staff of color.
Pathways to Inclusive Leadership (Pathways) assists students in leadership development
through a comprehensive and inclusive approach focused on diversity, career readiness
and civic engagement.
B-College Bound
B-College Bound Mentor Program
The B-College Bound Mentor Program expands the services and support provided to Upward
Bound (UB) students to ensure their continued success throughout their academic careers.
Our annual spring ceremony celebrates the excellence, commitment, dedication and tireless
efforts of students of color and multicultural student organizations.
Cultural Heritage Celebrations
The Multicultural Resource Center supports programs observing Latin Heritage Month
(October), Lunar New Year Celebration (February), Black History Month (February),
Women's History Month (March) and Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (April).
MLK Series
Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. promotes inclusive community-building, fosters transformative
learning opportunities, and strengthens connections with the local community.
Lunar New Year Celebration
The Lunar New Year Celebration is a month-long observance with events hosted by Asian/Asian-American
student organizations and the MRC.
The Men of Color Summit aims to educate, empower, and motivate students to strive
for excellence in education.
In the Lounge
In the Lounge with MRC
In the Lounge with the MRC is a series of programs and initiatives that coincide with
cultural heritage months/events, planned by our Graduate Assistant for Event Planning
and Event Planning Interns. These events include our Culture Chats, watch parties,
painting, crafts, and so much more! Join us for an opportunity to build cultural awareness,
make connections, get to know the center or just have fun. Check out our instagram
@MRC91社区 for upcoming events.
Culture Chats
Join us in the lounge for our monthly Culture Chats. Each month, we celebrate and
acknowledge a specific heritage or identity with activities, speakers and more!
MRC Open House
At the start of each semester, the MRC hosts an open house to introduce the campus
community students, staff and services offered in our space!
MRC Calendar
Check out all upcoming events the MRC has to offer!