Roles and Responsibilities
The Incident Command System is activated when 91社区 must manage an emergency event or a large-scale and/or complex planned event. The Incident Command System is the structure used to respond to emergencies and is used by the Town of Vestal, Broome County, New York state and federal government agencies. The following section briefly outlines the roles and responsibilities for positions in the UO Incident Command System. For more information each position, see Appendix C: 91社区 ICS Checklists. Together these positions will ensure an effective and efficient response and allow 91社区 to return to normal operations as soon as possible.
91社区 Policy Group
The Policy Group provides direction in making strategic policy decisions for any incident that impacts the University's ability to perform its critical business functions. The Policy Group is headed by the president of the 91社区 and is composed of the president's senior officers.
The Incident Management Team (IMT) is the designated authority that works on behalf of the Policy Group to make emergency response decisions.
The following are the general responsibilities of the Policy Group:
Communication and coordination with:
- Elected officials and other government entities
- SUNY system administration
- Faculty Senate
- Deans and directors of research and University programs
- Command staff
- Participates in fiscal administration of emergency incidents
Policy-level decisions:
- Guides Incident Commander on policy level decisions
- Informed of any significant decisions that must be made during a crisis to avert or mitigate undesired consequences as soon as possible
Release of information:
- Reviews critical press releases prior to release of information (if time allows)
- Addresses students, parents and staff on:
- Politically sensitive issues
- Mass casualties
- Any incident that requires part/entire University closure
- Advises strategic policy and direction for recovery and resumption of normal operations
- Downgrades status to business as usual
Preparedness and mitigation:
- Convenes as needed (by president) to review readiness
- Address policy issues related to emergency planning
- Address risk-management issues related to emergency planning
- Address planning issues related to 91社区 business continuity and recovery
- Review 91社区 mitigation activities and proposals
- Review 91社区 emergency readiness through after-action and post-exercise reports
- Assess and address financial and cost issues related to emergency planning, mitigation, response and recovery
Lead Department
- President's senior officers group
- President
- Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Vice President for Operations
- Vice President for Research
- Vice President for Student Affairs
- Vice President for Advancement
Incident Management Team (IMT)
The primary objectives of the campus Incident Management Team are to provide campus with:
- Trained personnel with the knowledge, skills and abilities to initiate and staff the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for any crisis and/or disaster on campus.
- Address the unique/differences circumstances in managing an incident on campus (e.g. student issues, research enterprise, etc.)
- Interoperability both horizontally and vertically between internal (91社区 units and departments) and external partners (city, county, state and federal agencies).
The Incident Management Team (IMT) has the following responsibilities:
- Makes the final determination as to who is designated as the Incident Commander (IC) for each emergency that is elevated to Level I, II or III.
- Determines the level of emergency using the criteria outlined in Figure 1.
- Determines if the EOC is partially or fully activated.
The IMT is composed of the members of the University staff and include:
- Incident Commander
- Liaison Officer
- Safety Officer
- Public Information Officer
- EOC Coordinator and Support Staff
- Section Chiefs
Incident Commander
Manages all emergency activities including development, implementation and review of strategic decisions, as well as post event assessment.
General responsibilities:
- Responsible for the management of all emergency activities including:
- Development and implementation of action plans
- Review of strategic decisions
- Lead post-event assessment
Response activation:
- Establishes the level of organization needed
- Designates Command and General Staff
- Orders demobilization of the incident when appropriate
- Deactivates response as conditions return to normal
- Ensures incident After-Action Reports (AAR) are completed
- Obtains a briefing from the prior IC and assesses the situation
Authorization and approval:
- Authorized to act on behalf of the Policy Group to implement response operations that are in the best interest of the University and in accordance with the goals of emergency response and recovery
- Approves and implements the Incident Action Plan
- Authorizes the release of information to the news media, requests for additional resources, use of volunteers and auxiliary personnel, and release of resources
Coordination and collaboration:
- Coordinates and communicates with members of the EOC, the Policy Group and the field units
- Keeps the Command Staff, Section Chiefs and the General Staff informed and up-to date on all important matters pertaining to the incident recovery
- Facilitates the transition from the response phase of the disaster into the recovery phase of the disaster
- Ensures incident after-action reports are completed
Potential Lead | |
Incident Type | Lead Department / Agency |
Law enforcement |
NYS University Police: Chief/Assistant Chief/Deputy Chief of Police |
Fire | 91社区: Director of Emergency Management, Associate Director of Environmental
Health and Safety
Town of Vestal: Fire Chief, Vestal Volunteer Fire Department, Fire Coordinator, Broome County Emergency Services |
Public works | 91社区: Facilities Management, Associate Vice President for Facilities Management, Director of Maintenance and Operations, Facilities Management |
Biohazard/public health/infectious disease/chemical or radiological hazard |
91社区: Associate Director of Environmental Health and Safety, Hazardous Waste Manager, EH&S, Radiation Safety Officer (Physics Department) External Agencies: Department of Health, Broome County Hazmat Team |
Death of student/bias Incident/large-scale demonstration | 91社区: Dean of Students, Chief of Police, NYSUP |
Command Staff
Command Staff is assigned to carry out staff functions needed to support the Incident Commander. These functions include interagency liaison, incident safety and public information.
Command Staff positions are established to assign responsibility for key activities not specifically identified in the General Staff functional elements. These positions include the Public Information Officer (PIO), Safety Officer (SO), Liaison Officer (LO) and Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Coordinator.
Public Information Officer (PIO)
The PIO is responsible for the formulation and release of incident related information to University students and their families, faculty and staff, the media and other agencies. The PIO works closely with the Logistics Section and Incident Commander to disseminate this information. This position is always activated in a level I, II or III emergency.
Liaison Officer (LO)
The Liaison Officer is responsible for coordinating with external partners, such as city, county, state and federal agencies, as well as public and private resources groups. The Liaison Officer will also coordinate with internal University constituents. In either a single or Unified Command structure, external partners coordinate response efforts through the Liaison Officer.
Safety Officer (SO)
The Safety Officer is responsible for monitoring and assessing hazardous and unsafe situations and developing measures for assuring personnel safety. The Safety Officer is responsible for developing the site safety plan and safety directions in the Incident Action Plan (IAP).
EOC Coordinator and Support Staff
The EOC Coordinator and support staff are responsible for setting up and providing staff support within the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) before, during and after an emergency. The EOC Coordinator and support staff also monitor communications flow through radio, telephone, FAX and email. Following an incident, the EOC Coordinator creates a report underlining all the equipment and supplies used during the EOC activation period, assists in preparing FEMA forms, works with the Policy Group on recovery planning, and analyses mitigation and preparedness components of emergency response activities.
General Staff
The General Staff represents and is responsible for the functional aspects of the Incident Command structure. The General Staff is comprised of four sections: Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance and Administration. Each section is headed by a section chief and can be expanded to meet the resources and needs of the response.
Operations Section
The Operations Section is responsible for managing all incident specific operations of an emergency response. The team is guided by a written or spoken Incident Action Plan (IAP) developed in coordination with the Incident Commander and section chiefs in the General Staff. The head of the Operations Team is the Operations Section Chief, which is the initial position activated. The Operations Section will expand as dictated by the number of resources involved in the response and by the span of control.
This section describes the primary functions fulfilled by the Operations Section, the roles and responsibilities of the Section Chief, Branch Director(s), Division/Group Supervisor(s), Unit Leader(s) and Single Resource(s).
Operations Section Chief
The Operations Section Chief is responsible for the management of all operations directly applicable to the primary mission while ensuring the overall safety and welfare of all section personnel. The Operations Section Chief activates and supervises organization elements in accordance with the Incident Action Plan (IAP) and directs its execution. The Operations Section Chief also directs the preparation of unit operational plans, requests or releases resources, makes expedient changes to the IAP as necessary, and reports such to the Incident Commander. Duties include:
- Develop the operations portion of the IAP and complete the appropriate ICS forms (i.e. ICS Form 215).
- Brief and assign Operations Section personnel in accordance with the IAP.
- Supervise Operations Section ensuring safety and welfare of all personnel.
- Determine need and request additional resources.
- Review suggested list of resources to be released and initiate recommendation for release of resources.
- Assemble and disassemble Strike Teams and Task Forces assigned to Operations Section.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214).
Branch Director
Branch Directors are under the direction of the Operations Section Chief, and are responsible for the implementation of the portion of the IAP appropriate to the geographical and functional branches. Duties include:
- Develop with subordinates, alternatives for branch control operations.
- Attend planning meetings at the request of the Operations Section Chief.
- Review Division/Group Assignment Lists (ICS Form 204) for divisions or groups within branch. Modify lists based on effectiveness of current operations.
- Assign specific work tasks to division and group supervisors.
- Supervise rranch operations.
- Resolve logistical problems reported by subordinates.
- Report to Operations Section Chief when the IAP needs to be modified, additional resources are needed, surplus resources are available, or when hazardous situations or significant events occur.
- Approve accident and medical reports originating within the branch.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS For 214).
Division or Group Supervisor
Division or Group Supervisors report to the Operations Section Chief (or Branch Director when activated). The supervisor is responsible for the implementation of the assigned portion of the IAP. He/she is responsible for the assignment of resources within the division or group, reporting on the progress of control operations and the status of resources within the division or group. Division supervisors are assigned to a specific geographical area of an incident. Group supervisors are assigned to accomplish specific functions within the incident (i.e. hazmat management, law enforcement, etc.). Duties include:
- Implement IAP for division or group.
- Provide IAP to Strike Team Leaders, when available.
- Identify increments assigned to the division or group.
- Review assignments and incident activities with subordinates and assign tasks.
- Ensure the Incident Communications and/or Resources Unit are advised of all changes in status or resources assigned to the division or group.
- Coordinate activities with adjacent divisions or groups.
- Determine need for assistance on assigned tasks.
- Submit situation and resources status information to Operations Branch Director or Operations Section Chief.
- Report hazardous situations, special occurrences or significant events (e.g. accidents, sickness, etc.) to immediate supervisor.
- Ensure that assigned personnel and equipment get to and from assignments in a timely and orderly manner.
- Resolve logistics problems with the division or group.
- Participate in the development of tactical plans for next operational period.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS For 214).
Strike Team or Task Force Leader
The Strike Team Leader or Task Force Leader reports to a Division Supervisor or Group Supervisor and is responsible for performing tactical assignments assigned to the Strike Team or Task Force. The leader reports work progress and status of resources, maintains work records on assigned personnel and relays other important information to his/her supervisor. Duties include:
- Review assignments with subordinates and assign tasks.
- Monitor work progress and make changes when necessary.
- Coordinate activities with adjacent strike teams, task forces and single resources.
- Retain control of assigned resources while in available or out-of-service status.
- Submit situation and resource status information to Division/Group Supervisor.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS For 214).
Single Resource
The person in charge of a single tactical resource will carry the unit designation of the resource (e.g. Fire Engine 42, Ambulance 7621, etc.). Duties include:
- Review assignments.
- Obtain necessary equipment/supplies.
- Brief subordinates on safety measures.
- Monitor work progress.
- Ensure adequate communications with supervisor and subordinates.
- Keep supervisor informed of progress and any changes.
- Inform supervisor of problems with assigned resources.
- Brief relief personnel and advise them of any change in conditions.
- Return equipment and supplies to appropriate unit.
- Complete and turn in all time and use records on personnel and equipment.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS For 214).
Planning Section
The Planning Section is responsible for collecting, monitoring, evaluating and disseminating information relating to the response effort. The section is responsible for developing and updating the Incident Action Plan throughout the response. The head of the Planning Section is the Planning Section Chief and is the initial position activated. The Planning Section shall gather information to: 1) understand the current situation; 2) predict probable course of incident events; and 3) prepare alternative strategies and control operations for the incident. The Planning Section will expand as dictated by the number of resources involved in the response and by the span of control.
This section describes the primary functions that need to be fulfilled by the Planning Section. Functions are divided into branches and divisions of the Planning Team, with primary responsibilities and lead departments in charge of coordinating each function.
Planning Section Chief
The Planning Section Chief is responsible for the collection, evaluation, dissemination and use of information about the development of the incident and the status of resources. This includes damage or impacts on University systems, properties, facilities and capability to occupy buildings. The Planning Section Chief works with the Incident Commander and the Operations Section Chief to develop the Incident Action Plan. It is the first position activated in the Planning Section. Duties include:
- Collect and process situation information about the incident.
- Supervise preparation of the IAP.
- Provide input to the Incident Commander and the Operations Section Chief in preparing the IAP.
- Reassign out-of-service personnel already on-site to ICS organization positions as appropriate.
- Establish information requirements and reporting schedules for Planning Section Units (e.g. Resources Unit and Situation Unit).
- Determine need for any specialized resources in support of the incident.
- If requested, assemble and disassemble strike teams and task forces not assigned to Operations.
- Establish special information collection activities as necessary (e.g. weather, environmental, toxins, etc.).
- Assemble information on alternative strategies.
- Provide periodic predictions on incident potential.
- Report any significant changes in incident status.
- Compile and display incident status information.
- Oversee preparation and implementation of Incident Demobilization Plan.
- Incorporate plans (i.e. traffic, medical, vommunications, etc.) into the IAP.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214).
Resources Unit Leader
The Resources Unit is responsible for maintaining and overseeing all resources necessary for the incident. The Resources Unit Leader reports to the Planning Section Chief. The Resources and Documentation Units may be blended together or broken apart depending on the size and scale of the incident. Duties include:
- Establish check-in function at incident locations.
- Prepare Organization Assignment List (ICS Form 203) and Organization Chart (ICS Form 207).
- Prepare appropriate parts of Assignment Lists (ICS Form 204).
- Prepare and maintain the Command Post display to include organization chart and resource allocation and deployment.
- Maintain and post the current status and location of all resources.
- Maintain master roster of all resources checked in at the incident.
- A Status/Check-In Recorder reports to the Resources Unit Leader and assists with the accounting of all incident assigned resources.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214).
Situation Unit Leader
The collection, processing and organizing of all incident information takes place within the Situation Unit. The Situation Unit may prepare future projections of incident growth, maps and intelligence information. The Situation Unit Leader reports directly to the Planning Section Chief. A GIS Specialist may be located within the Situation Unit. Duties include:
- Begin collection and analysis of incident data as soon as possible.
- Prepare, post or disseminate resource and situation status information as required, including special requests.
- Prepare periodic predictions or as requested.
- Prepare the Incident Status Summary (ICS Form 209).
- Provide photographic services and maps if required.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214).
Documentation Unit Leader
The Documentation Unit Leader is responsible for the maintenance of accurate, up-to-date incident files. The Documentation Unit will provide duplication services. Incident files will be stored for legal, analytical and historical purposes. The Documentation Unit Leader reports directly to the Planning Section Chief. Duties include:
- Set up work area and begin organization of incident files.
- Establish duplication service; respond to requests.
- File all official forms and reports.
- Review records for accuracy and completeness; inform appropriate units of errors or omissions.
- Provide incident documentation as requested.
- Store files for post-incident use.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214).
Demobilization Unit Leader
The Demobilization Unit Leader is responsible for developing the Incident Demobilization Plan. For large incidents, demobilization can be quite complex, requiring a separate planning activity. Duties include:
- Review incident resource records to determine the likely size and extent of demobilization effort.
- Based on above analysis, add additional personnel, workspace and supplies as needed.
- Coordinate demobilization with agency representatives.
- Monitor ongoing Operations Section resource needs.
- Identify surplus resources and probable release time.
- Develop incident checkout function for all units.
- Evaluate logistics and transportation capabilities to support demobilization.
- Establish communications with off-incident facilities, as necessary.
- Develop an Incident Demobilization Plan detailing specific responsibilities and release priorities and procedures.
- Prepare appropriate directories (e.g. maps, instructions, etc.) for inclusion in the Demobilization Plan.
- Distribute Demobilization Plan (on- and off-site).
- Ensure that all sections/units understand their specific demobilization responsibilities.
- Supervise execution of the Incident Demobilization Plan.
- Brief Planning Section Chief on Demobilization Progress.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214).
Logistics Section
The Logistics Section is responsible for procuring supplies, personnel and material support necessary to conduct the emergency response (e.g. personnel call-out, equipment acquisition, lodging, transportation, food, etc.). The head of the Logistics Section is the Logistics Section Chief and is the initial position activated. The Logistics Section will expand as dictated by the number of resources involved in the response and by the span of control.
This section describes the primary functions that need to be fulfilled by the Logistics Section. Functions are divided into branches and divisions of the Logistics Team, with primary responsibilities and lead departments in charge of coordinating each function.
Logistics Section Chief
The Logistics Section Chief provides overall management of resource and logistical support including facilities, services, personnel, equipment and supplies for the Operations and Planning sections. The Logistics Section Chief is responsible for providing facilities, services and material in support of the incident. The Logistics Section Chief participates in development and implementation of the IAP, activates and supervises assigned branches/units and is responsible for the safety and welfare of Logistics Section personnel. Duties include:
- Plan organization of Logistics Section.
- Assign work locations and preliminary work tasks to Section personnel.
- Notify Resources Unit upon the activation of Logistics Section units, including names and locations of assigned personnel.
- Assemble and brief branch directors and unit leaders.
- Participate in preparation of IAP.
- Identify service and support requirements for planned and expected operations.
- Provide input to and review Communications Plan, Medical Plan and Traffic Plan.
- Coordinate and process requests for additional resources.
- Review IAP and estimate section needs for next operational period.
- Advise on current service and support capabilities.
- Prepare service and support elements of the IAP.
- Estimate future service and support requirements.
- Receive Demobilization Plan from Planning Section.
- Recommend release of unit resources in conformity with Demobilization Plan.
- Ensure general welfare and safety of Logistics Section personnel.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214).
Service Branch Director
The Services Branch is responsible for providing resources such as transportation needs, emergency food, water and sanitation and any other resources needed for the emergency response efforts. The Service Branch Director supervises the operations of the Communications, Medical and Food Units. The director of the Services Branch reports directly to the Logistics Section Chief. Duties include:
- Determine level of service required to support operations.
- Confirm dispatch of branch personnel.
- Participate in planning meetings of Logistics Section personnel.
- Review IAP.
- Organize and prepare assignments for Service Branch personnel.
- Coordinate activities of branch units.
- Inform Logistics Section Chief of branch activities.
- Resolve Service Branch problems.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214).
Communications Unit Leader
The Communications Unit Leader is responsible for developing plans for the effective use of incident communications equipment and facilities; installing and testing of communications equipment; supervision of the Incident Communications Center; distribution of communications equipment to incident personnel; and the maintenance and repair of communications equipment. The Communications Unit Leader reports directly to the Service Branch Director or Logistics Section Chief. Duties include:
- Determine unit personnel needs.
- Prepare and implement the Incident Radio Communications Plan (ICS Form 205).
- Ensure the Incident Communications Center and Message Center are established.
- Establish appropriate communications distribution/maintenance locations with base/camp(s).
- Ensure communications systems are installed, tested and maintained.
- Ensure an equipment accountability system is established.
- Ensure personal portable radio equipment from cache is distributed per Incident Radio Communications Plan (ICS Form 205).
- Provide technical information as required.
- Supervise Communications Unit activities.
- Maintain records on all communications equipment as appropriate.
- Ensure equipment is tested and repaired.
- Recover equipment from relieved or released units.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214).
Medical Unit Leader
The Medical Unit is responsible for treating ill and injured incident response personnel. This includes preparing the Medical Plan (for the incident) that describes the procedures for medical treatment and transport of incident personnel, establishment of responder rehabilitation, and preparation of reports and records. The Medical Unit Leader reports to the Logistics Section Chief or Service Branch Director, if activated. Duties include:
- Participate in Logistics Section/Service Branch planning activities.
- Establish and staff Medical Unit.
- Establish responder rehabilitation.
- Prepare the Medical Plan (ICS Form 206).
- Prepare procedures for major medical emergency.
- Declare major medical emergency as appropriate.
- Respond to requests for medical aid, medical transportation and medical supplies.
- Prepare and submit necessary documentation.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214).
Food Unit Leader
The Food Unit is responsible for determining feeding requirements for all incident facilities, menu planning, determining cooking facilities required, food preparation, serving, providing potable water and general maintenance of food service area. The Food Unit Leader reports to the Logistics Section Chief or Service Branch Director, if activated. Duties include:
- Determine food and water requirements.
- Determine method of feeding to best fit each facility or situation.
- Obtain necessary equipment and supplies and establish cooking facilities.
- Ensure that well balanced menus are provided.
- Order sufficient food and potable water from the Supply Unit.
- Maintain an inventory of food and water.
- Maintain food service areas, ensuring that all appropriate health and safety measures are being followed.
- Supervise caterers, cooks and other Food Unit personnel as appropriate.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214).
Support Branch Director
The Support Branch works closely with the Services Branch to provide the emergency response efforts with resources. This branch is responsible for managing donations and volunteers, and maintains the resource inventory. The director of the Support Branch reports directly to the Logistics Section Chief. Duties include:
- Determine initial support operations in coordination with Logistics Section Chief and Service Branch Director.
- Prepare initial organization and assignments for support operations.
- Assemble and brief Support Branch personnel.
- Determine if assigned branch resources are sufficient.
- Maintain surveillance of assigned units work progress and inform Logistics Section Chief of activities.
- Resolve problems associated with requests from Operations Section.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214).
Supply Unit Leader
The Supply Unit is responsible for ordering personnel, equipment and supplies; receiving and storing all supplies for the incident; maintaining an inventory of supplies; and servicing non-expendable supplies and equipment. The Supply Unit Leader reports to the Logistics Section Chief or Support Branch Director, if activated. Duties include:
- Participate in Logistics Section/Support Branch planning activities.
- Determine the type and amount of supplies en route.
- Review IAP for information on operations of the Supply Unit.
- Develop and implement safety and security requirements.
- Order, receive, distribute, and store supplies and equipment.
- Receive and respond to requests for personnel, supplies and equipment.
- Maintain inventory of supplies and equipment.
- Service reusable equipment.
- Submit reports to the Support Branch Director.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214).
Facility Maintenance Specialist
The Facility Maintenance Specialist is responsible to ensure that proper sleeping and sanitation facilities are maintained, provide shower facilities, maintain lights and other electrical equipment, and maintain the Base, Camp and Incident Command Post facilities in a clean and orderly manner. Duties of the Facility Maintenance Specialist include the following:
- Request required maintenance support personnel and assign duties.
- Obtain supplies, tools and equipment.
- Supervise/perform assigned work activities.
- Ensure that all facilities are maintained in a safe condition.
- Disassemble temporary facilities when no longer required.
- Restore area to pre-incident condition.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214).
Security Manager
The Security Manager is responsible to provide safeguards needed to protect personnel and property from loss or damage. Duties include:
- Establish contacts with local law enforcement agencies as required.
- Contact the Resource Use Specialist for crews or agency representatives to discuss any special custodial requirements that may affect operations.
- Request required personnel support to accomplish work assignments.
- Ensure that support personnel are qualified to manage security problems.
- Develop Security Plan for incident facilities.
- Adjust Security Plan for personnel and equipment changes and releases.
- Coordinate security activities with appropriate incident personnel.
- Keep the peace, prevent assaults and settle disputes through coordination with agency representatives.
- Prevent theft of all government and personal property.
- Document all complaints and suspicious occurrences.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214).
Volunteer Management Unit Leader
Coordinates volunteer resources to support University emergency response needs. The Volunteer Management Division Supervisor reports to the Logistics Section Chief or Support Branch Chief, if activated.
Donations Management Unit Leader
Manage donations in support of emergency response and recovery. The Donations Management Division Supervisor reports to the Logistics Section Chief or Support Branch Chief, if activated.
Ground Support Unit Leader
The Ground Support Unit is responsible for providing transportation of personnel, supplies, food and equipment; providing fueling, service, maintenance and repair of vehicles and other ground support equipment; collecting and recording information about the use of rental equipment and services initiated and requested; and implementing a traffic plan for the incident. The Ground Support Unit Leader reports to the Logistics Section Chief or Support Branch Director, if activated.
Finance and Administration Section
The Finance and Administration Section is responsible for purchasing and cost accountability. This section documents expenditures, purchase authorizations, damage to property, equipment usage and vendor contracting, and develops FEMA documentation.
Finance and Administration Section Chief
The Finance and Administration Section Chief is responsible for tracking all incident costs and providing guidance to the Incident Commander on financial issues that may have an impact on incident operations. The Finance and Administration Section Chief is the first position activated in the Finance and Administration Section. Duties include:
- Manage all financial aspects of an incident.
- Provide financial and cost analysis information as requested.
- Gather pertinent information from briefings with responsible agencies.
- Develop an operating plan for the Finance and Administration Section; fill supply and support needs.
- Determine need to set up and operate an incident commissary.
- Meet with assisting and cooperating agency representatives as needed.
- Maintain daily contact with agency(ies) administrative headquarters on finance and administration matters.
- Ensure that all personnel time records are accurately completed and transmitted to home agencies, according to policy.
- Provide financial input to demobilization planning.
- Ensure that all obligation documents initiated at the incident are properly prepared and completed.
- Brief agency administrative personnel on all incident related financial issues needing attention or follow up prior to leaving incident.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214).
Time Unit Leader
The Time Unit Leader is responsible for personnel time documentation and for managing the commissary operation (if activated). The Time Unit Leader reports to the Finance and Administration Section Chief. Duties include:
- Determine incident requirements for time recording function.
- Contact appropriate agency personnel/representatives.
- Ensure that daily personnel time recording documents are prepared and in compliance with agency policy.
- Maintain separate logs for overtime hours.
- Establish commissary operation on larger or long-term incidents as needed.
- Submit cost estimate data forms of Cost Unit as required.
- Maintain records security.
- Ensure that all records are current and complete prior to demobilization.
- Release time reports from assisting agency personnel to demobilization.
- Brief Finance and Administration Section Chief on current problems and recommendations, outstanding issues and follow-up requirements.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214).
Procurement Unit Leader
The Procurement Unit Leader is responsible for developing a procurement plan for the incident and to ensure equipment time recording. He/she is responsible for administering all financial matters pertaining to vendor contracts, leases and fiscal agreements. The Procurement Unit works closely with Logistics (Supply Unit) which will implement the procurement plan and perform all incident ordering. The Procurement Unit Leader reports to the Finance and Administration Section Chief. Duties include:
- Coordinate with local jurisdiction on plans and supply sources.
- Obtain Incident Procurement Plan.
- Prepare and authorize contracts and land use agreements.
- Draft memoranda of understanding.
- Establish contracts and agreements with supply vendors.
- Provide for coordination between the ordering manager, agency dispatch and all other procurement organizations supporting the incident.
- Ensure that a system is in place that meets agency property management requirements. Ensure proper accounting for all new property.
- Interpret contracts and agreements; resolve disputes within delegated authority.
- Coordinate with Compensation/Claims Unit for processing claims.
- Coordinate use of impress funds as required.
- Complete final processing of contracts and send documents for payment.
- Coordinate cost data in contracts with Cost Unit Leader.
- Brief Finance and Administration Section Chief on current problems and recommendations, outstanding issues and follow-up requirements.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214).
Compensation Claims Unit Leader
The Compensation Claims Unit is responsible for ensuring evidence is gathered and claims documentation prepared for any event involving injury and/or damage to University property. The Compensation Claims Unit Leader reports to the Finance and Administration Section Chief. Duties include:
- Establish contact with incident Safety Officer and Liaison Officer, or agency representatives if no Liaison Officer is assigned.
- Determine the need for compensation for injury specialists and claims specialists and order personnel as needed.
- Establish a compensation for injury work area within or as close as possible to the Medical Unit.
- Review Incident Medical Plan (ICS Form 206).
- Review procedures for handling claims with Procurement Unit.
- Periodically review logs and forms produced by Compensation/Claims Specialists to ensure compliance with agency requirements and policies.
- Ensure that all Compensation for Injury and Claims logs and forms are complete and routed to the appropriate agency for post-incident processing prior to demobilization.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214).
Cost Unit Leader
The Cost Unit Leader is responsible for collecting all cost data, performing cost effectiveness analysis and providing cost estimates and cost-saving recommendations for the incident. The Cost Unit Leader reports to the Finance and Administration Section Chief. Duties include:
- Coordinate with agency headquarters on cost reporting procedures.
- Collect and record all cost data.
- Develop incident cost summaries.
- Prepare cost estimates for the Planning Section.
- Make cost-saving recommendations to the Finance and Administration Section Chief.
- Complete all records prior to demobilization.
- Maintain Unit/Activity Log (ICS Form 214).