List of Acronyms
AAR: After Action Report
ARC: American Red Cross (Help see )
BCDOH: Broome County Department of Health
BCOES: Broome County Office of Emergency Services
BCSD: Broome County Sheriff鈥檚 Department
BFD: 91社区 Fire Department
BPD: 91社区 Police Department
BU: 91社区
CAP: Civil Air Patrol
CATV: Community Antenna Television
CBRNE: Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive
CCC: Comprehensive Communication Center
CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CEOC: Campus Emergency Operations Center
CEM: Certified Emergency Manager庐
CEMP: Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
CFR: Code of Federal Regulations
CMS: Crowd Management Services
COE: Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army
COOP: Continuity of Operations Plan
CP: Command Post
CPW: Community Planning Workshop
CSC: Community Service Center
DAC: Disaster Assistance Center
DOH: Department of Health
EAA: Emergency Assembly Area
EAP: Employee Assistance Program
EAS: Emergency Alert System
EBS: Emergency Broadcast System
ECC: Emergency Coordination Center
EH: Environmental Health and Safety
EHSO: Environmental Health and Safety Officer
EHTR: Emergency Highway Traffic Regulations
EMA: Emergency Management Areas
EMAC: Emergency Management Advisory Committee
EMS: Emergency Medical Services
EO: Executive Order
EOC: Emergency Operations Center
ERCO: Emergency Response Coordinating Officer
EPA: Environmental Protection Agency, U.S.
ERT: Emergency Response Team
ESF: Emergency Support Function
FCO: Federal Coordinating Officer
FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency
FHWA: Federal Highway Administration, U.S.
FOSC: Federal On-Scene Coordinator
HAZMAT: Hazardous Material; Hazardous Material Response Team
GAR: Governor鈥檚 Authorized Representative
IAA: Immediate Area of Assembly
IACUC: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
IAP: Incident Action Plan
IC: Incident Commander
ICP: Incident Command Post
ICS: Incident Command System
IDA: Initial Damage Assessment
IEMS: Integrated Emergency Management System
IMT: Incident Management Team
ITS: Information Technology Services (91社区 Department)
JIC: Joint Information Center
LH: Local Hospital
LNO: Liaison Officer
MAST: Military Assistance to Safety and Traffic
MC: Media Center
MCI: Mass Casualty Incidents
MW: Media Workshop
MYDP: Multi-Year Development Plan
NAWAS: National Warning System
NFIP: National Flood Insurance Program
NIMS: National Incident Management System
NOAA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NWS: National Weather Service
NYS: New York State
NYSOEM: New York State Office of Emergency Management
NYSP: New York State Police
NYSUP: New York State University Police
OES: Office of Emergency Services, Broome County
PDA: Preliminary Damage Assessment
PIC: Public Information Center
PIO: Public Information Officer
PL: Public Law
PPE: Personal Protective Equipment
PSTN: Public Switched Telephone Network
RACES: Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service
RDA: Rapid Damage Assessment
SCO: State Coordinating Officer
SO: Safety Officer
SOG: Senior Officer Group (91社区 specific term)
SOP: Standard Operating Procedures
SUNY: State University of New York
TAA: Temporary Assembly Area
UC: Unified Command
UVES: Union Volunteer Emergency Services (Ambulance)
VFD: Vestal Fire Department
VPD: Vestal Police Department
VVES: Vestal Volunteer Emergency Services (Ambulance)
WMD: Weapon of Mass Destruction
After Action Report (AAR) | Document compiled by the Planning Section that includes information about the incident, the response actions taken and lessons learned. |
Agency | Any department, division, commission, authority, government corporation, independent establishment or other agency of state or local government. See also "Federal Agency." |
Agency Executive or Administrator | Chief executive officer (or designee) of the agency or jurisdiction that has ultimate responsibility for the incident. The president (or designee) would be the Agency Executive for an emergency situation that occurs on the 91社区 campus. |
Agency Representative | Individual assigned to an incident from an assisting or cooperating agency who has been delegated full authority to make decisions on all matters affecting that agencies participation at the incident. Agency Representatives report to the Incident Liaison Officer |
American Red Cross | The national organization of the Red Cross organized to undertake activities for the relief of person suffering from disaster. |
Branches | If Divisions or Groups exceed the span of control, it may be necessary to establish
Building Administrator (BA) | Each building on campus shall be assigned a minimum of one person responsible for the operation of that building. In addition to duties typically assigned to the building administrator, the individual shall serve as a liaison between the building and emergency responders during critical incidents. The BA shall be assigned a two-way portable radio from University Police that is capable of communicating with the UPD dispatcher. During critical incidents when the BA is on campus, the BA shall report to the incident command post. |
CAMEO | Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations. CAMEO is a software package that
allows response teams to quickly:
Capability Assessment | Capability assessment is a process to measure existing capability and identify specific deficiencies in emergency management. |
Campus Emergency Operations Center (CEOC) | This is the site designated to serve as the response and strategy center throughout the incident and recovery period. University Police will announce the location of the CEOC if it has been determined that the CEOC should be set up. |
Certified Emergency Manager庐 (CEM庐) | An individual professional certification granted to qualified emergency managers by the International Emergency Managers Association. (See for information) |
CHEMTREC | Chemical Transportation Emergency Center. A public service of the American Chemistry Council (formerly known as the Manufacturing Chemists Association) to provide immediate advice for those at the scene of emergencies involving chemicals and then contact the shipper for more detailed assistance and appropriate follow-up. The service is available 24 hours a day at the toll-free number: 1-800-424-9300. (Help see /) |
Chief Executive |
Command | The act of directing, ordering and/or controlling resources by virtue of explicit legal, agency or delegated authority. |
Command Staff | Carry out staff functions needed to support the Incident Commander including: Liaison, Safety Officer, Public Information Officer and EOC Coordinator. |
Communications Unit |
Community Planning Workshop (CPW) | Program within the Community Service Center that provides graduate students in the
planning, public policy and management department with opportunities in applied planning
research and assistance to communities, agencies, and organizations across Oregon.
Students have assisted in:
Community Service Center (CSC) | Interdisciplinary organization that assists Oregon communities by providing planning and technical assistance to help solve local issues. The Community Planning Workshop (CPW) is one of the service-learning elements of the CSC |
Compensation/Claims Unit | Assigned to the Finance Section, the Compensation/Claims Unit is responsible for management
and direction of administrative matters pertaining to:
Comprehensive Communication Center | General term that refers to a centralized location that houses a Joint Information Center, Media Center and Media Workroom. |
Comprehensive Emergency Management | Comprehensive emergency management is a concept that refers to the management of emergency programs by coordinating and integrating wide-range functions of numerous agencies for all types of emergencies; all phases of operation (prevention/mitigation, response and recovery); and at all levels of government (village, city, township, county). The concept assumes the establishment of a working partnership between government at all three levels and the private sector. |
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) | This is the official plan of 91社区 for responding to unplanned incidents that could disrupt University operations and/or injure people or cause damage to buildings. |
Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) | Document including strategies on how to return to 鈥渂usiness as usual鈥 as soon as possible following a major disaster. |
Cost Unit |
County Assistance | Aid to disaster victims or local governments by county agencies. Such assistance may be in the form of lending county equipment, supplies, facilities, personnel or other resources; performing emergency work or services essential to saving lives and to protecting and preserving property, public health and safety; debris clearance; and temporary housing. |
County's Authorized Agent | The person named by the county executive to execute on behalf of the county all necessary documents for disaster assistance from the state and federal government, following the gubernatorial and presidential declarations. |
Crisis Communication Team | The Crisis Communication Team works with the president and the campus Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to develop the plan of action in communicating information to all constituencies. The Crisis Communication Team shall be led by representatives from the Office of Communications and Marketing. |
Damage Assessment | Appraisal or determination of actual effects resulting from an emergency or disaster. An estimate of the damages to a geographic area is made after a disaster has occurred, and serves as the basis for the governor鈥檚 request for a presidential disaster declaration. |
Damage Assessment Report | Report containing information on destroyed property, major damage and minor damage to the extent not covered by insurance, prepared by a local damage assessment team. The report will include an evaluation of the social and economic impact of the disaster in terms of "people problems" and assistance required. |
Deactivation | Determined by the Incident Commander, requires demobilization of response units and documentation of the incident (i.e. After Action Reports). |
Demobilization Unit |
Disaster | Occurrence or imminent threat of widespread or severe damage, injury or loss of life or property resulting from any natural or man-made cause including fire, flood, earthquake, wind, storm, wave action, oil spill or other water contamination, radioactive activity, epidemic, air contamination, blight, drought, infestation, explosion, riot, hostile military or paramilitary action, or other public calamity requiring emergency action. |
Disaster (Major Disaster) | 鈥淎ny hurricane, tornado, storm, flood, high water, wind-driven water, tidal wave, tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, mudslide, snowstorm, drought, fire, explosion or other catastrophe in any part of the United States, which, in the determination of the president, causes damage of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant major disaster assistance, under PL 93-288, above and beyond emergency services by the federal government, to supplement the efforts and available resources of states, local governments and disaster-relief organizations in alleviating the damage, loss, hardship or suffering caused thereby.鈥 (PL 93-288) |
Disaster Assistance Center | A temporary office located at or near a disaster site that is staffed with representatives of federal, state, local and volunteer agencies for the purpose of assisting individual disaster victims in obtaining disaster relief to which they are entitled. Often called a "one-stop" center. |
Disaster Relief Act of 1974 | Public Law 93-288 (PL 93-288). The law enacted by Congress to enable the president to establish a program of disaster preparedness utilizing the services of all appropriate federal agencies for the prevention/mitigation, response and recovery from emergencies and major disasters including technical assistance, use of federal resources and financial assistance. |
Divisions | Divisions are established to divide an incident into geographical areas of operation. Divisions are usually labeled using alphabet characters (A, B, C, etc.). Other identifiers may be used as long as division identifiers are known by assigned responders. A division is managed by a supervisor. |
Documentation Unit |
Drill | Supervised instruction period aimed at testing, developing and maintaining skills in a particular operation. A drill is often a component of an exercise. |
EAS | Emergency Alert System (Replacing the Emergency Broadcast System) |
EBS | Emergency Broadcast System (being replaced by the Emergency Alert System (EAS) by FCC regulation adopted November 10, 1994). |
EHTR | Emergency Highway Traffic Regulations. Federal and state regulations for the control of highway usage during times of emergency. |
Emergency | 鈥淎ny hurricane, tornado, storm, flood, high water, wind-driven water, tidal wave, tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, mudslide, snowstorm, drought, fire, explosion or other catastrophe that requires emergency assistance to save lives and protect public health and safety or to avert or lessen the threat of a major disaster.鈥 (PL 93鈥288). |
Emergency | Air and water contamination, blight, civil disturbance or terrorism, drought, earthquake or volcanic activity, energy emergency, epidemic, explosion, fire, flood or high water, forest fire, hazardous material accident, hurricane, tornado, windstorm, ice jam, ice storm, infestation, landslide or mudslide; oil spill, radiological accident or incident, snowstorm or blizzard, transportation accident or other catastrophe in a part of the county which requires county emergency assistance to supplement local efforts to save lives and property, public health and safety, or to avert or lessen the threat of a disaster. Also used in the Disaster Relief Act of 1974 with similar meaning when federal emergency assistance is required to supplement state efforts. |
Emergency Assembly Area (EAA) | A pre-designated safe location used in response to campus wide emergencies where essential services can be provided to displaced persons. |
Emergency Assembly Area Coordinators | Manages and supervises efforts to provide essential services in the Emergency Assembly Area (EAA). |
Emergency Management Advisory Committee (EMAC) | Representative group of administrative and auxiliary units on campus that provides guidance on all management plans, policies, procedures, training and exercises related to mitigation, response, preparedness and recovery. |
Emergency Operations Center | A site from which civil government officials (municipal, county, state and federal) and businesses exercise direction and control in an emergency. A facility with the necessary communications from which essential emergency functions can be directed, controlled and coordinated on a 24-hour basis. |
Emergency Responder(s) | Specially trained individuals who provide assistance in an emergency (or potential emergency) situations. They are not typically building occupants and may be from University Police, local fire departments, Environmental Health and Safety, Facilities Management, etc. In critical situations they may take charge of the building and have full authority over activities in and around the building. |
Emergency Response Coordinating Officer (ERCO) [CEOC Manager] | The ERCO can convene the Emergency Response Resource Group (ERRG) and serves as the manager of the ERRG. The ERCO can serve as liaison to the President鈥檚 Office in the absence of the president鈥檚 appointed liaison. |
Emergency Response Team (ERT) | An on-campus technical rescue team comprised of University employees from several
departments. The ERT is trained and equipped to respond to the following types of
Emergency Shelter | A form of mass or other shelter provided for the communal care of individuals or families made homeless by an emergency or major disaster. |
Emergency Support Function (ESF) | The primary operational-level mechanism to provide assistance,. ESFs are organized around functional capabilities (e.g. emergency management, transportation, search and rescue, etc.). ESFs are annexes to the University鈥檚 Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP). |
Emergency Support Function (ESF) Coordinator | The entity assigned to manager oversight for a particular ESF. |
Emergency Support Function (ESF) Primary Agency | Agency with significant authorities, resources or capabilities for a particular function
within an ESF. The primary agency is responsible for:
Emergency Support Function (ESF) Support Agency | An entity with specific capabilities or resources that support the primary agencies
in executing the mission of the ESF. Support agencies are responsible for:
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) | 91社区's Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) provides guidance needed
to promote a safe campus environment for faculty, staff, students and visitors. EH&S
personnel have experience and training in a variety of disciplines, including:
Executive Commander Center | A part of an emergency operations center where the CEO and other policymakers deal with broad organizational issues, establish links with high-level officials and address any political problems. |
EOC Coordinator and Support Staff | Sets up the EOC upon notice of activation. Provides staff support within the EOC prior, during and after an emergency. |
Evacuees, Spontaneous | Persons who might leave an area in periods of intense crisis in response to a real or feared threat whether or not they are advised to do so. |
Evacuation Recommendation | Recommendation made by a presiding official to all or part of the population to evacuate from a stricken or threatened area, considered necessary for the preservation of life or other disaster mitigation response or recovery. |
Exercise | Activity designed to promote emergency preparedness; test or evaluate emergency operation鈥檚
plans, procedures or facilities; train personnel in emergency response duties; and
demonstrate operational capability. There are three specific types of exercises:
Facilities Unit |
Federal Agency | Any department, independent establishment, governmental corporation or other agency of the executive branch of the federal government including the U. S. Postal Service, but not including the American Red Cross. |
Federal Assistance | Aid to disaster victims or state or local governments by federal agencies. Such assistance may be in the form of federal agencies utilizing or lending equipment, supplies, facilities, personnel or other federal resources; the distribution, through relief or disaster assistance organizations or otherwise of medicine, food and other consumable supplies; emergency assistance; donating or lending equipment and supplies, performing emergency work or services essential to save lives and to protect and preserve property, public health and safety; debris clearance; temporary housing; financial assistance in the repair and restoration of certain damaged facilities; and several other forms. |
Federal Coordinating Officer | The person appointed to coordinate federal assistance in a presidential declared emergency or major disaster. |
Federal Disaster Relief Act | Public Law 93-288, as amended, gives the president broad powers to assist state and local governments in carrying out their responsibilities to alleviate suffering and damage resulting from major disasters. |
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) | Agency established to oversee federal assistance to local government in the event of major disasters. Also administers the Emergency Management Assistance Program, which provides emergency management funds to local government through the states. (Help See ) |
Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC) | Federal employee responsible for coordinating the on-scene federal response to a hazardous material incident. The FOSC will usually be a member of the U.S. Coast Guard or the Environmental Protection Agency. |
Finance and Administration Section | Established as needed to provide financial, reimbursement and administrative support to incident management activities. Responsible for purchasing and cost accountability related to the incident. Documents expenditures, purchase authorizations, damage to property, equipment usage and vendor contracting. Develops FEMA documentation. |
First Responder | Under the type of emergency medical response system used locally, the nearest fire company and a medic unit respond to life-threatening emergencies. That fire company is equipped to perform basic life support prior to the medic unit鈥檚 arrival and is considered a 鈥渇irst responder.鈥 |
Flood Hazard | Natural hazard defined in terms of the 100-year flood. This type of flood has a 1% chance of occurring in any given year. People or structures located in the 100-year flood zone are vulnerable to injury and damages. A flood disaster is one that injures a number of people, causes significant property damage, or both. |
Food Unit |
General Staff | Operations Section Chief, Planning Section Chief, Logistics Section Chief, Finance/Administration Section Chief |
Governor's Authorized Representative | The person named by the governor in the federal-state agreement under PL 93-288 to execute on behalf of the state all necessary documents for disaster assistance following the declaration by the president of an emergency or major disaster, including certification of applications for public assistance. |
Ground Support Unit |
Groups | Groups are used to describe functional areas of operation.
Hazard Analysis | Hazard analysis is a process of systematic investigation of potential disasters in terms of frequency, magnitude, location and probability of occurrence in order to forecast their possible effects on the people, systems, facilities and resources of the institution. |
Immediate Assembly Area (IAA) [Muster Point] | An immediate assembly area to be used by personnel who are evacuated from their building. This area is to be used as a meeting place to ensure building occupants have been accounted for and also a place to wait to receive further instruction by emergency responders. IAA locations are to be determined by the building administrator. |
Incident Action Plan (IAP) | Written or verbal strategy for responding to the incident developed by the Incident Commander and section chiefs. |
Incident Command System (ICS) | An Incident Management System with a common organizational structure with responsibility for the management of assigned resources to effectively accomplish stated objectives pertaining to an incident. |
Incident Commander(IC) | The individual responsible for the management of all incident operations, including development, implementation and review of strategic decisions, as well as post-event assessment. |
Incident Command Post (ICP) | This is the on-site operations center at which the primary command functions are executed. The Incident Commander is in charge of the ICP. A description of the ICP operation is in Section III University Police. |
Incident Management Team (IMT) | The Incident Commander and appropriate Command and General staff personnel assigned to an incident. |
Integrated Emergency Management System (IEMS) | A broad, all-hazard emergency management system that encompasses all the various types of emergencies and addresses mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery activities. Encourage the development of the common management functions required for response to emergencies of all types while recognizing the unique preparedness requirements of specific hazards. IEMS enables each level of government to integrate with other levels as well as with private sector resource providers. Optimum use and integration of existing skilled personnel, emergency facilities and emergency equipment across all levels of government are encouraged. |
Joint Information Center (JIC) | Location established by state and federal government subsequent to a Presidential Disaster Declaration. These centers serve a dual role of collecting damage information relating to the private sector and serving as a referral center to help individuals in getting available assistance to meet immediate needs. Part the CCC. |
Level 1 & 2 Emergency | Definition: |
The situation adversely impacts or threatens life, health or property at the University
on a large scale and control of the incident will require multiple agencies and multiple
University departments working together. Long-term implications are likely.
Action: | |
Level 3 Emergency (Alert) | Definition: |
If the situation impacts or threatens life, health or property on a large scale at
one or more locations within the University, control of the incident may require specialists
in addition to University and outside agency personnel. Long-term implications may
Action: | |
The director of emergency management and/or a chief officer from University Police
determine whether to activate the Incident Management Team (IMT) and the Policy Group.
Level 4 Emergency (Monitor / Standby) | Definition: |
If the situation escalates to include an unplanned event that may adversely impact
or threaten life, health or property within a single area and control of the incident
is beyond the capability of University employees, outside agency assistance will be
Action: | |
Level 5 Emergency (Non-emergency/Administrative) | Definition: |
An unplanned event that is not likely to adversely impact or threaten life, health
or property. Control of the incident is within the capabilities of University employees
and the duration of the event is limited.
Action: | |
The onsite lead unit/department handles the situation following the lead unit鈥檚 Standard Operating Procedures. The lead unit responding to an incident is the Incident Commander (IC). | |
Liaison Officer | Serves as contact point for other agencies. Coordinates with external public (such as city, county, state or federal agencies) and private resource groups. |
Logistics Section | Responsible for providing all support needs to the incident, including resource procurement from off-incident locations. Provides facilities, transportation, supplies, equipment maintenance and fueling, food service, communications and medical services. |
Local Hospital (LH) | 91社区 is served by three local hospitals: Lourdes Hospital, Wilson Memorial Hospital, and 91社区 General Hospital. All three hospitals are within two miles of the 91社区 campus. Wilson Memorial Hospital is the region鈥檚 trauma center. |
Man-made Disaster | Any disaster that results from human actions or the lack thereof, including but not limited to fire, epidemic, air or water contamination, explosion or radiological accident |
MAST | Military Assistance to Safety and Traffic. A cooperative program of the federal departments of transportation, defense, and health and human services whereby suitably equipped Army and Air Force helicopters with medically trained crew members maintained in a state of readiness for military requirements also respond to civilian medical emergencies where they can do so without compromising their primary military mission. |
Media Center (MC) | This is the site at the University where the communication staff will brief the media and issues press announcements. Part of the CCC. |
Media Workroom | A facility close to the Media Center where members of the media can conduct their operations for large, multi-day incidents. Part of the CCC. |
Medical Unit |
Mitigation | Mitigation activities are those that eliminate or reduce the probability of a disaster occurring. Also included are long-term activities that lessen the undesirable effects of unavoidable hazards. |
Multi-year Development Plan | The multi-year development plan is a planning and management tool that allows emergency managers to program the elimination of capability shortfalls identified by the capability assessment and project the fiscal requirements to accomplish this. |
Mutual Aid | Two-way assistance, by public entities of two or more, given under pre-arranged plans or contracts on the basis that each will aid the other in time of emergency as requested. |
National Incident Management System (NIMS) | A comprehensive national framework for integrating best practices in emergency preparedness
and response. This system provides consistency through standard organizational structures
and procedures across jurisdictional boundaries and disciplines. NIMS is based on
three key organizational structures:
Natural Disaster | Any disaster that results from natural causes, including but not limited to earthquake, hurricane, tornado, storm, high wind, flood or wave action. |
National Warning System (NAWAS) | Federal portion of the Civil Defense Warning System used for dissemination of warning and other emergency information from federal and state warning points to the county warning point. A system of dedicated telephone lines originating at Colorado Springs, Colorado, through various federal and state warning points and terminating at county and city warning points, weather service installations and other critical locations. The system is staffed 24 hours a day for the primary purpose of disseminating warning of enemy attack and is also used to disseminate warnings and information on all types of emergencies and disasters. The state EOC is the New York state warning point and controls the system within the state. |
NYS Office of Emergency Management (NYSOEM) | Responsible for coordinating the activities of all state agencies to protect New York's communities, the state's economic well-being and the environment from natural and man-made disasters and emergencies. NYS OEM routinely assists local governments, voluntary organizations and private industry through a variety of emergency management programs including hazard identification, loss prevention, planning, training, operational response to emergencies, technical support and disaster recovery assistance. |
Office of Emergency Services | Broome County Office of Emergency Services is comprised of four divisions: Communications, Fire Prevention and Control, Emergency Medical Services, and Disaster Preparedness. This office is housed in the Public Safety Facility at 153 Lt. VanWinkle Dr., 91社区. |
On-Scene Command Post | Facility at a safe distance from an accident site from which the incident commander, responders and technical representatives can make response decisions, deploy manpower and equipment, maintain liaison with media and handle communications. |
One-Stop Center | See "Disaster Assistance Center" |
Operational Guides | Guides contain key information from the emergency plan for management team members and are designed to get the plan activated. Guide information includes a description of position responsibilities, incident level definitions, critical tasks, emergency contact information and a list of team members. |
Operations Section | Responsible for managing tactical operations to reduce immediate hazard, save lives and property, establish situational control and restore normal conditions. |
PL 93-288 | Public Law 93-288, The Disaster Relief Act of 1974. |
Planning Section | The Planning Section Chief is responsible for gathering and analyzing all data regarding incident operations and assigned resources, developing alternatives for tactical operations, conducting planning meetings and preparing an action plan for each operational period. |
Policy Group | Provides direction in making strategic policy decisions for any incident that impacts the University鈥檚 ability to perform its critical business functions. Activates, oversees and terminates the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) response. |
Preparedness | Preparedness activities, programs and systems are those existing prior to an emergency and used to support and enhance response to an emergency or disaster. Planning, training and exercising are among activities conducted under this phase. |
Presidential Emergency Declaration | Issued when the president has determined that a catastrophe in any part of the United States requires federal emergency assistance to supplement state and local efforts to save lives; protect property, public health and safety; or to avert or lessen the threat of a catastrophe. |
Presidential Major Disaster Declaration | Issued when the president has determined that a catastrophe has caused damage of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant federal assistance under PL 93-288, as amended by PL 100-707 or subsequent legislation, above and beyond emergency services provided by the federal government to supplement the efforts and available resources of local governments and other relief organizations in alleviating damage, loss, hardship or suffering as a result of a catastrophe. |
Procurement Unit |
Public Information Officer (PIO) | Develops and releases incident information to the media, incident personnel and other appropriate agencies and organizations. |
Public Switched Telephone Network | 91社区鈥檚 campus telephone system connects to the rest of the world through the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). Should call volume dramatically increase in the 91社区 area, call blocking could occur. |
RACES | Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service. An organization of licensed amateur radio operators dedicated to providing communications services during time of emergency. |
Recovery | Recovery is both a short-term and long-term process. Short-term operations seek to restore vital services to the community and provide for the basic needs of the public. Long-term recovery focuses on restoring the community to its normal, or an improved, state of affairs. The recovery period is also the appropriate time to institute mitigation measures, particularly those related to the recent emergency, including reassessing the Emergency Plan and planning process for deficiencies. |
Resources | All the assets of an agency or organization, including materials, systems and personnel. |
Resources Unit: |
Response | Response involves activities and programs designed to address the immediate and short-term effects of the onset of an emergency or disaster. Aids in reducing casualties and damages and in speeding recovery. Response activities include direction and control, warning evacuation, rescue and other similar operations. |
Safety Officer | Develops and recommends measure for assuring personnel safety. Monitors and/or anticipates hazardous and unsafe conditions. |
Section Chief | The first position activated in each section (Operations, Logistics, Planning, and Finance and Administration), these members of General Staff in the Incident Command System are responsible for the management of response activities in each section. |
Service Branch |
Single Resources |
Situation Unit: |
Staging Areas | That location where incident personnel and equipment are assigned on an immediately available status. |
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) | A set of guidelines that are routinely followed in order to respond to specific situations |
State Coordinating Officer (SCO) | Person appointed by the governor to serve as the on-scene representative for the Division of Emergency Management and to work in concert with the Federal Coordinating Officer in administering state and federal assistance to disaster victims. |
State Disaster Emergency | The period beginning with a declaration by the governor that a disaster exists and ending six months later unless rescinded or extended by the governor. |
State Emergency Management Plan | State plan designated specifically for state-level response to emergencies or major disasters that sets forth implementing federal disaster assistance. |
State of Disaster | Executive order or proclamation that describes the nature of the disaster and designates the area threatened and the conditions that have brought about the state of disaster and date or termination. |
Strike Teams |
Supply Unit |
Support Branch |
Task Force |
Task Sheets | Task sheets are designed for each ICS position and provide a checklist of "to do items" within a timeframe. |
Temporary Assembly Area (TAA) | A temporary assembly area to be used by personnel who are displaced for an hour or more due to conditions that affect select buildings. |
Time Unit |
Unit Log | Activity log describing chronology of events, incoming and outgoing messages and other pertinent information for records relating to incident, as well as post-incident evaluation. |
Unified Command | In ICS, Unified Command is a unified team effort that allows all agencies with responsibility for the incident, either geographical or functional, to manage an incident by establishing a common set of incident objectives and strategies. This is accomplished without losing or abdicating agency authority, responsibility or accountability. The sharing of Incident Command equally between/among two or more departments or agencies, while each party retains its vested authority. Unified Command can occur at the Incident Command or EOC levels. |
Utility | Structures of systems of energy, power or water storage, supply and distribution, sewage collection and treatment, telephone, transportation or other similar public service. |
Volunteer Organization | Any chartered or otherwise duly recognized tax-exempt local, state or national organization that has provided or may provide services to state or local governments or individuals in a disaster or emergency. |
Vulnerability | Susceptibility to injury or damage from hazards. |
Warning | Notification to government agencies of impending dangerous situations and notification to the public, through EAS, including actions that can be taken to prevent or mitigate damage or injury. |
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) | (A) Any destructive device (as defined in section 921 of this title, (which reads) any explosive, incendiary or poison gas, bomb, grenade, rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces, missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one quarter ounce, mine or device similar to the above; (B) poison gas; (C) any weapon involving a disease organism; or (D) any weapon that is designed to release radiation or radioactivity at a level dangerous to human life (18 U.S.C., section 2322a). |