Updated July 22, 2022

Coronavirus (COVID-19):  Important Financial Aid Updates and FAQs

Can I file a financial aid appeal if my family is now experiencing a financial hardship due to loss of income as a result of COVID-19? 

If your 2022 income will be drastically lower than the income reported on the 2022-23 FAFSA (applicable for summer 2022/fall 2022/spring 2023 semesters), we recommend reviewing the Special Circumstance Appeals webpage for more information, including how to file an appeal: /financial-aid/appeals.html

The following FAQs are applicable to the 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 academic years:

How will my aid eligibility be affected when I am reviewed for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)?

Some financial aid rules have changed because of challenges faced by students due to the disruption caused by the pandemic.  Please review the following webpage for more specifics:  /financial-aid/academic-progress/ 

Additional questions?  Contact the Financial Aid Office at or 607-777-2428.