Loan Repayment

Student Loan Repayment: What You Need to Know

As you prepare to graduate, it's time to think about . Understanding your options and staying on top of payments will help you achieve your financial go

How Much Do I Owe?

To track your federal student loans, visit using your and password. For private loans, contact your lender to get the total amount you owe.

Who Is My Loan Servicer?

Your r is assigned by the Department of Education. You can find this information on Contact your servicer for:

  • Loan repayment details
  • Deferment options
  • Forbearance requests

Calculate Your Monthly Payments

Factor loan repayments into your post-graduation budget. Use the to estimate your monthly payments.

Repayment Plan Options

The federal government offers . Your loan servicer can help you choose the one that best fits your financial situation.

Grace Period

You have a grace period before you must begin repayment:

  • Direct Loans: 6 months
  • Perkins Loans: 6-9 months
  • Health Professions Loans: 9-12 months

Interest may accrue during this time, depending on the loan type. Repayment starts after the grace period, with your first payment due within 60 days.

Repay Loans on Time

Timely repayment builds good credit, which is crucial for job applications, renting, or buying a car. Good credit also leads to better interest rates and more financial opportunities.

Need Help?

If you have unresolved issues after contacting your loan servicer, the is a final resource. Current students should reach out to 91社区鈥檚 Financial Aid Office for assistance.