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Course Rubric/Number: (see page 3 for Harpur College Guidelines on numbering) Course Title: (30 characters & spaces maximum) 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 Course Credit Value Course Credits: By checking here, you confirm that the course meets the Campus Credit Hour Policy from page 3 ___ Grading: Indicate appropriate selection for the level of the course being proposed. Undergraduate ___Letter Grade & Pass/Fail or ___Pass/Fail Graduate ___Letter Grade & S/U or ___S/U Format: In what format will the course be offered? (Lecture, Lecture/Lab, Discussion, Seminar, Online, etc.) Bulletin Description: Provide a complete, precise, and concise course description (up to 100 words). First Offering: In what semester do you anticipate first offering the course with a permanent number? Frequency: Indicate whether it will be taught: regularly (at least once a year), each semester, Spring only, Fall only, or Winter/Summer only. Prerequisites and Corequisites, if any: If the course is 300 or 400-level, a rationale must be provided if there are no prerequisites. Restrictions, if any: (no freshman, seniors only, etc.) Human Subjects Research: Does the proposed course involve human subjects research? (Types of activities involving human subjects include: interviews, questionnaires, or observations, etc.) If so, students must be advised to obtain permission from the University's Human Subjects Research Review Committee prior to commencing research. Cross listings Will this course be cross listed? If yes, please include all relevant course numbers if known. If the course is taught simultaneously as an undergraduate and graduate course, what differences will distinguish the graduate version? A graduate course co-taught with an undergraduate course must have significant elements that make it graduate-level (e.g., additional assignments and more rigorous grading). 500-level graduate courses may be approved when co-taught with 400-level courses but will not be approved co-teaching with 100 to 300 level courses. Enrollment Indicate the anticipated enrollment for this course and the levels of students who will enroll. Describe how these determinations were made. Indicate if it has been taught previously as either a topics course and include the enrollment. Reasons Explain the reasons for the proposal and the relationship between this new course and the existing curriculum. What is its relation to the requirements of the department? Does it complement, overlap, or compete with existing coursework in other programs? If the course has been taught before as a topics course, comment on your reasons for wanting to make it permanent. Currency Explain the course's relation to recent developments and new theories or knowledge in the field. Diversity Explain any relation to cultural diversity, indicating if the course considers various communities or issues of social and cultural differences. Interdisciplinary role How does this course relate to or complement existing courses in other programs? Does this course fill a need in another program? How have you discussed this course with those programs? Please summarize their responses. It may also be appropriate to attach copies of emails indicating who approved and why. Budget If the course needs no new resources, please say so. If it requires resources, explain how the department will provide them. Describe all new requirements associated with this course in the following areas: Funds, Space and facilities, Staff support, Computers, software, computer time, Laboratory needs, Special scheduling. Library requirements Describe any new library services, e.g. online services, databases, or periodicals this course will require, and any area in which the library collections will need enhancement for this course. Approvals Has the course been approved by the appropriate undergraduate/graduate committee of the department or program? Indicate date of approval and chair of committee. COURSE PROPOSAL GUIDELINES TYPES OF COURSES Permanent Courses - Courses that a department/program has approved and requested to make part of their permanent curriculum. Courses must be reviewed by the Harpur College Curriculum Committee prior to being offered. Topics Courses - Courses are not part of a department/programs permanent curriculum. The title and/or subject matter should change each time the course is taught. If taught more than three times with the same title and/or subject matter the course should be put forth for permanent status. Topics courses are numbered x80-x89. CAMPUS CREDIT HOURS POLICY Summary Table of Course-related Work for a 4-credit Course in Various Current Semester Formats Note: Courses offered for 1 credit, 2 credits or 3 credits are adjusted proportionately according to the credit-hour guidelines, which require a total of 43-45 hours of course-related work for each academic credit. Student Workload expectation for 4-credit coursesIn Class Hours (weekly)Outside of Class Hours (weekly)Total Hours Per WeekFall/Spring semester courses meeting 3 hours per week for lecture/discussion (14 weeks)39.512.5Fall/Spring semester courses with additional meeting times (discussion, sections, labs or other) (14 weeks)VariesVaries12.5Summer Session (5 weeks) fact-to-face course102535Summer Session (5 weeks) online coursesn/a3535Winter Session (3 weeks) face-to-face courses154358Winter Session (3 weeks) online coursesn/a5858*From the document entitled HYPERLINK "/academics/provost/faculty-staff-handbook/handbook-vii.html" \l "A8"Syllabus statements on credit hours and course expectations March, 2014 in the Faculty Staff Handbook GENERAL EDUCATION DESIGNATIONS Harpur College experimental or permanent course approval process differs from that needed to designate a course as satisfying a General Education requirement. Gen Ed approvals are handled by the University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. Guidelines, submission form and FAQ can be found on the HYPERLINK "http://www.binghamton.edu/general-education/information-faculty/index.html"General Education website. General Education designations are not used at the graduate level. HARPUR COLLEGE NUMBERING SYSTEM The x80-x89 range of numbers at each level are reserved for topics courses. The x90-x99 range at each undergraduate level are reserved for: 91 Teaching Practica 95 Internship 97 Independent Study 98 - 99 Honors/Thesis 100 level Introductory Courses, normally with no prerequisites, open to all students 200 level Lower division, intermediate courses with or without prerequisites 300 level Upper division, intermediate courses, normally with prerequisites 400 level Upper division, advanced courses with specific course prerequisites 500-589 Masters-level courses: at the option of the instructor (not the student), either S/U or regular letter grading may be used. 590, 592-596 and 598 Internship or practicum courses: at the option of the instructor (not the student), either S/U or regular letter grading may be used. 591 Supervised college teaching of the discipline: only S/U grading may be used. 597 Independent study: at the option of the instructor (not the student), either S/U or regular letter grading may be used. 599 Thesis: only S/U grading may be used. 600-696 Doctoral research seminars: at the option of the instructor (not the student), either S/U or regular letter grading may be used. 697 Independent study at the doctoral level: at the option of the instructor (not the student), either S/U or regular letter grading may be used. 698 Pre-dissertation research: only S/U grading may be used. 699 Dissertation: only S/U grading may be used.     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