Professor of Political Science David Cingranelli and his students developed some of the earliest quantitative measures of national human rights practices. He has written widely on human rights, democracy and governance. His 2007 book with Rodwan Abouharb, Human Rights and Structural Adjustment, (Cambridge University Press) demonstrated the negative human rights impacts of World Bank and IMF program lending in developing countries. He is a former president of the Human Rights Section of the American Political Science Association. Until 2012, he served as the co-director of the Cingranelli and Richards (CIRI) Human Rights Data Project, the largest and most widely used human rights data set in the world. Presently, he and his colleague, Mikhail Filippov, are working in collaboration on a successor to the CIRI project, called the "CI-RIGHTS" data project. The CI-Rights dataset (1981-2015) is now available for download from this website. Along with Colin Barry and Chad Clay, Cingranelli also created a new dataset that provides numerical scores for eight worker rights (1994-2010). This WorkR dataset is also available for download from this website.
David L. Cingranelli
Professor; Co-Director, Human Rights Institute; Co-Director
Research Interests
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Political Science; Human Rights Institute