Policy Title | Guidelines for Non-Credit Use of Campus Facilities |
Responsible Office | Vice President for Student Affairs |
Policy Type | Facilities and Property |
Policy Number | 410 |
Last Revision Date | 8/15/2024 |
The intent of this policy is to provide guidelines for use of 91ÉçÇø facilities and services for non-credit activities consistent with the purpose, policies, and mission of the University including teaching, research, student life and public service.
- General
Use of 91ÉçÇø facilities is intended primarily for official University units and officially recognized faculty, staff, and student organizations. However, to further its commitment to education and public service, 91ÉçÇø supports the use of University facilities by non-University organizations where such use does not infringe upon, compete, delay or conflict with the normal operation of the University. In making its facilities available to non-University organizations, it is not the intent of the University to compete with private business enterprises having similar facilities of adequate capacity to accommodate the needs of the organizations. - Demonstrations
91ÉçÇø students, faculty and staff are guaranteed the right of free inquiry and expression. Subject to applicable content-neutral policy as stated herein and in other applicable campus policies, members of the University community may hold public meetings and engage in peaceful and orderly assemblies—including, but not limited to, protests, demonstrations, rallies, vigils, marches, and picketing—in and upon designated public areas of campus grounds and buildings.
The areas of campus most commonly used for expressive activities include the area known as the Peace Quad and the walkway commonly referred to as the Spine. These areas are reservable in B There Portal (our reservation platform). 91ÉçÇø will not interfere with orderly assemblies in designated public areas of grounds and buildings unless participants engage in any of the following:
- Conduct that prevents the orderly administration of college classes, lectures, meetings, interviews, ceremonies, and other campus events or University operations;
- Conduct that obstructs the free movement of vehicles or of persons, including, but not limited to in any building or facility, inclusive of blocking hallways and doors;
- Engage in conduct that could foreseeably cause injury or damage to persons or property;
- Operation of audio amplification equipment in a manner that conflicts with normal University operations or that is deemed injurious to health and safety, or that is in violation of City ordinances;
- Constructing or erecting structures, whether or not they are anchored, inclusive of screens and/or objects requiring penetration in concrete or grass, or camping on University grounds or in buildings without authorization (see Camping and use of Tents on Campus policy).
- Possession and/or ignition of an open flame of any type, including, but not limited to, torches;
- Assemblies lasting more than one day, duration not to exceed 12 hours in a one-day
period, and assemblies between the hours of 10:00PM and 8:00AM are prohibited. Exceptions
to this provision may be made in special circumstances including, but not limited
to, the following:
- By artists or actors who participate in University authorized performances of pre-established duration that require such actions as part of the artistic production and only so long as it relates to their performance;
- As part of a temporary authorization granted for the purpose of acquiring athletic or other event tickets or passes, fundraising and awareness activities or other similar University-sponsored activities;
- In extraordinary circumstances, such as times of natural disaster, when permission has been granted by the President or other University official with responsibility;
- Activities that violate the provisions of ; and
- Activities that violate the provisions of any other applicable campus policy, including but not limited to:etc. Posting and Chalking policy, Camping and Use of Tents on Campus policy, ID Cards policy, Code of Student Conduct policies, etc.
In addition, the following activities are strictly prohibited:
- Entry into any private office of an administrative officer, member of faculty, or staff member, or entry into any other University area that is not authorized, without permission;
- Occupation of a building after it is normally closed [list relevant office/Campus Life & University Police Offices]; and
- Obstruction of any roadways running through or adjoining the University’s campus grounds.
All individuals participating in protests and demonstrations are required to provide a form of University issued or government issued identification upon request from a University official.
Individuals wishing to organize a demonstration on campus should follow the normal space reservation procedures which can be found on the B There Portal.
Students should expect that violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action under the University’s Student Code of Conduct, up to and including interim suspension, suspension, and expulsion.
C. Definitions:
1. University facilities include University land, grounds, structures, buildings,
equipment and furniture.
2. Non-University organizations shall be deemed to include:
â–ª Federal, State or local government units, departments and agencies.
â–ª Business, charitable, civic, community, cultural, educational, entertainment, industrial, labor, political, professional, recreational and religious organizations, operating on a not-for-profit basis and whose activities are consistent with and in furtherance of University purposes. Commercial enterprises may use University facilities with appropriate approval(s) pursuant to applicable portions of this policy.
â–ª The University will permit the use of its facilities for events such as weddings, receptions, bar mitzvahs, etc. provided approval by the University has been granted, liability insurance requirements are met, and appropriate expense recovery is enforced.
â–ª However, organizations of the following nature shall not be governed by the terms of this policy:
- Auxiliary services corporations;
- Recognized University or campus student government organizations;
- University or campus alumni organizations;
- University or campus-related foundations;
- Inter-campus organizations composed primarily of University employees such as the business officers, purchasing agents, personnel officers, continuing education directors and librarian organizations; and
- Cultural, recreational or social groups comprised of University or campus faculty and staff members or, subject to the approval of the campus president, members of their immediate families.
D. Restrictions
Business or commercial enterprises may be authorized by the President or his designee to operate on the campus or in facilities furnished by the University, but only to provide for food, legal beverages, campus bookstore, vending, linen supply, laundry, dry cleaning, banking, barber and beautician services, child care, cultural events, delivery of goods or services to campus residents, or to provide a few other contract services such as:
- Telecommunications;
- Copying equipment, and
- The maintenance and repair of facilities, in support of the operating needs of the campus or incidental to the needs of the non-university organizations authorized to use campus facilities.
- Any use of external campus food vendors or caterers must be approved in advance and must follow campus food policy and procedures.
- Business or commercial enterprises may only utilize University facilities for the conduct of internal training, educational programs if it is part of a joint program sponsored with a recognized school or department, business shows and fairs.
- In accordance with University Policy, 91ÉçÇø Police Department is the sole provider of police services on University property.
E. Fundraising
- Chartered student organizations and other recognized University organizations may utilize University facilities for the purpose of fundraising, providing the student organizations follow the Student Association at 91ÉçÇø and/or Graduate Student Organization guidelines as well as the University guidelines. Other recognized University organizations must follow University guidelines. University guidelines include the adherence to local, state and federal statutes and the prohibition of door-to-door solicitations and the restriction of such fundraising efforts to "public" areas (i.e. The Union Tillman lobby, walkways, roadways, etc.) unless otherwise specified by the University. All such fundraising events are subject to approval by the University. Student organizations may raise funds for educational, cultural, social and recreational purposes. A link to the current guidelines can be found here.
Non-University organizations may also raise funds or solicit donations, providing the activity conforms to University guidelines, local, state and federal statutes and is conducted in "public" areas, unless otherwise specified by the University. Such events must not interfere with ongoing activities of the University. In addition, such funds solicitations must be combined with an appropriate distribution of literature or information of educational value to the recipient.
- Finally, non-University organizations whose purposes are to provide charitable or public benefit services may charge admission, again, subject to the pertinent local, state, and federal statutes. Where admission fees are charged, the organization shall make it known in all publicity that the proceeds are for the benefit of the organization and not the State University of New York, State of New York, or 91ÉçÇø.
F. Fees Charged
Generally, University departments or recognized student groups (Student Association-chartered groups, recognized Fraternities and Sororities, SORC and/or GSO) will not be charged a facility usage fee, but may be responsible for other associated costs. Non-University groups may be charged a facility usage fee as well as associated costs to cover the costs of services provided by the University. Fees will be charged for use of University facilities as determined by the building administrator and/or the University department who supports the facility. Revenues generated from such fees will be utilized to defray in part the costs of maintenance, repairs and equipment replacement and the IFR administrative fee.
G. Non-Discrimination Clause
There shall be no discriminatory practices in connection with any event. This includes
classes as identified in the New York State Human Rights Law as it pertains to Places
of Public Accommodation.
H. Implementation
The endorsing department will be responsible for implementing these guidelines for
use by non-University organizations, and for all conferences.
I. Campus Events Coordinating Committee
The University President has appointed a Campus Events Coordinating Committee to act
in an advisory capacity to all event-endorsing departments. In addition, the Committee
will be charged with the periodic review and update of these guidelines, subject to
the approval of the campus President.
Requests for non-credit use of any University facility by a non-University organization or a University organization sponsoring a conference must be made to either the appropriate endorsing department administrative office, e.g. Sports Camps to Athletics, On-Stage Performing Arts to Anderson Center, etc. All student group requests for non-credit use of University facilities must be made to The Union Office.
Scheduling of Events
In order to ensure appropriate scheduling of facilities and the observance of regulations
concerning use and financial responsibility requirements, all requests for non-credit
use of University facilities must be made in writing to the endorsing department,
or The Union Office as appropriate based on the following schedule:
A. Tabling:
1. General Guidelines:
- Tabling in all permitted locations is verified on a daily basis by The Union staff.
- Tables and chairs are provided by The Union staff for indoor locations which include the Union Tillman Lobby and Library Breezeway.
- Tables are not provided for any outdoor tabling locations including the Spine.
- Tents for outdoor tabling are permissible only if 10x10 in size or smaller.
2. External organizations must be sponsored by a University recognized student organization or department and may be subject to a $75 tabling fee. External organizations may be asked to provide evidence of insurance which names 91ÉçÇø, SUNY and New York State as additional insured.
- External organizations may be sponsored by an internal campus-affiliated department or organization which assumes all responsibility on their behalf.
3. University departments and recognized student organizations must adhere to the guidelines on The Union webpage by utilizing the B There request system.
- Tabling locations include The Union Tillman Lobby, The Spine, and Bartle Library Breezeway. Tables may be reserved from 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. Monday through Friday if indoors. If outdoors, requestable spaces can be reserved from 10am-11pm Monday through Friday. There is no tabling outside those hours or any tabling on the weekends.
- One table per organization will be provided in approved indoor locations. Groups are responsible for their own tables if approved in outdoor locations.
- Groups can have up to 3 active reservations for tabling with a maximum of 2 tabling events per week. The Union staff monitors this procedure regularly.
B. Meetings: Requests must be submitted a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the event for meetings held in The Union. All other requests are approved by the building administrator or University department reviewing the request.
- Recognized student organizations, fraternity and sorority organizations and University departments have priority in the spaces that are requested and reserved for their gathering purposes.
C. Conferences: (not involving dormitory facilities), tournaments, seminars, athletic events, workshops, etc.--At least two (2) months prior, and are approved by the building administrator or University department reviewing the request.
D. Annual University conferences or conferences involving dormitory facilities: At least three (3) months prior, and are approved by the building administrator or
University department reviewing the request. Requests for use of facilities made after
the minimum deadlines may be accepted by the University if workload allows.
E. Group Assemblies/Demonstrations: The University respects and supports students’ efforts to exercise their rights to
free speech and assembly. The Division of Student Affairs has designated The Union
Office to provide the appropriate support for the successful implementation of these
events. Following University procedure will ensure a safe and effective assembly activity.
The University will make every effort to respond affirmatively to all requests to
engage in assembly activity. However, content-neutral consideration must be given
to the time, place, and manner of the assembly activity to ensure the health and safety
of the participants and the non-interference with authorized University business,
activities, or events.
To help ensure the safety of participants and the protection of the rights of all
members of the campus community, the University can provide services to recognized
campus organizations with a submitted reservation application, such as location,
safety, crowd control, site preparation/cleanup, and/or other such facilities or services
it deems necessary. These services should be requested on the reservation application,
which is accessed in B-There. Once a reservation application is received and reviewed,
a Union Office staff member will contact the organizer to coordinate any services
2. Priority of Scheduling
- Official University use of all facilities shall have first priority.
- Requests for use of facilities for official purposes by 91ÉçÇø affiliated
groups, SUNY-Central administration and New York State Government agencies will be
given approval over other non-University organizations as defined in Policy, Section
B of these Guidelines.
- Once a commitment for facility usage has been made to a non-University organization, the organization will not be canceled or displaced other than as provided for in paragraph 6 (cancellation) of this Procedures section.
- Official University use of all facilities shall have first priority.
3. Application
Requests should be made on B There or in other approved correspondence provided by
The Union or any endorsing department and should contain all necessary information
including but not limited to:
- name and function of the group;
- name of individual responsible for the event;
- purpose of the meeting;
- preferred meeting date;
- University facilities (rooms, spaces, parking, etc.), food service, electronic media equipment, personnel required and other special needs;
- departmental or office account number;
- number of attendees;
- request for consultation and services/accommodations;
- Liability statement, including certificate of insurance with declarations page naming the State of New York, State University of New York, and 91ÉçÇø as additional insured.
4. Eligibility
- All requests will be reviewed by the endorsing department or the building administrator as deemed appropriate for conformity with State University regulations and 91ÉçÇø University policy, including the following conditions:
- Eligibility of the group;
- Consistency of the purposes of the event with the general objectives of the University;
- Filing and executing the necessary documents.
B. Both the reserving organization and the purpose of the proposed event will be subject to approval by the endorsing department or the building administrator as being compatible with these guidelines. When a clear determination of eligibility cannot be made by the endorsing department or the building administrator, the request will be forwarded to the Campus Events Coordinating Committee for a final determination.
5. Notification
Scheduling and detailed service request arrangements will be the responsibility of
the endorsing department.
6. Cancellation
91ÉçÇø reserves the right to cancel any prior facility use authorization
for extraordinary circumstances such as, but not limited to, those involving consideration
of public health, welfare and safety. In addition, any individual or group of individuals
who fail to comply with the University regulations, any special regulation which may
apply to a particular facility or these Guidelines may suffer cancellation of the
facility use authorization and also may be denied any subsequent authorization.
7. Publicity
All information and promotional materials prepared by a reserving organization in
conjunction with an event scheduled on the campus must state who the sponsoring group
is and must not in any way imply sponsorship by 91ÉçÇø unless specifically
approved by the University. Prior approval of the material may be required by the
University. Public advertisements, press conferences, and press releases for non-University
organization activities shall be subject to approval by the conference coordinator
as the University President's designee. In addition, all non-University and University-affiliated
organizations must adhere to the Posting Policy.
8. Sponsorship
- Faculty or Staff Requests: The proposed use of space by faculty or staff for non-credit
use will be subject to endorsement by the appropriate academic department chair, administrative
office or other officially recognized University unit. No authorization will be given
to an individual faculty or staff member to utilize University facilities for an event
which is solely for the personal gain of the individuals (i.e., private benefit parties,
etc.). This provision does not apply to individual or family use of facilities for
attendance at programs taking place in such locations as gymnasiums, or other recreational
areas. The endorsing department is responsible for all damages, losses, or unrecovered
expenses incurred during or as a result of the activity. Refer to the faculty and
staff handbook for policies and procedures.
- Student or Student Group Requests: The proposed use of space by students and student
groups will be subject to endorsement by an organization recognized by the Student
Association at 91ÉçÇø, the Graduate Student Organization at 91ÉçÇø
University, recognized fraternity and sorority organizations, University departments
or 91ÉçÇø and must meet criteria established by The Union Office and
this policy.
- Non-University Groups:
- A fully executed Revocable Permit must be in effect prior to the event for third party use of University facilities.
- The proposed use of space by non-University groups will be subject to endorsement by the building administrator and/or the University department who supports the facility or space requested.
- Commitments regarding use of 91ÉçÇø facilities may be made only by the building administrator and/or the University department who supports the facility or space requested.
- Individuals with room or building responsibility responding to personal or telephone inquiries concerning the type of facilities and/or services available should not convey any impression that a commitment of facilities or services has been or will be made. The individual or organization should be referred to the building administrator and/or the University department who supports the facility or space requested.
9. Indemnification
It shall be understood and agreed to by a requesting individual or organization that
said individual or organization shall be solely responsible for compliance with all
applicable laws, rules, orders, regulations, codes, and requirements of federal, state
and local governments. In addition, the individual or organization shall indemnify
and hold harmless the State University of New York, the State of New York, and 91ÉçÇø
University from and against any damage, fine, judgment, expense or charge suffered,
imposed, assessed or incurred for any violation or occasion by any act, neglect, or
omission of the organization, its servants, employees, or agents. In the event of
any damage or injury to the equipment or facilities provided by the University under
these guidelines caused by the negligence or improper conduct of the individual or
organization, its agents or employees, the individual or organization shall cause
the said damage or injury to be repaired or remedied as speedily as possible at its
own cost and expense. Notwithstanding the above, if any loss is the result of negligence
on the part of the University, the individual or organization shall be released of
its responsibility for replacement of lost or damaged equipment or facilities.
10. Child Protection Policy: 91ÉçÇø is committed to protecting the safety and well-being of children
who participate in University-related programs and activities, whether on or off campus,
or utilize campus facilities for activities including, but not limited to, sports
camps, academic and personal enrichment programs and research studies. Policy and procedures are to be followed by all University and non-University affiliated organizations.
11. Financial Arrangements
- Billing: The endorsing department will be responsible for billing appropriate users for utilization of University facilities.
- Food Service: All required food service will be provided by the 91ÉçÇø Dining Services and follow the 91ÉçÇø food policy. The organization requesting food service shall be financially liable for the number of meals and food requested. A guaranteed number of guests may be required for each meal. Additional costs incurred by the University Dining Services due to failure to meet these arrangements shall be paid by the reserving organization.
- Insurance: Non-University organizations must carry adequate insurance covering their interests as well as naming the State University of New York, New York State, and 91ÉçÇø as additional named insured" for the dates University facilities are to be used.
- Charges: Generally, University departments or recognized student groups (Student Association-chartered groups, recognized Fraternities and Sororities, SORC and/or GSO) will not be charged a facility usage fee, but may be responsible for other associated costs. Non-University groups may be charged a facility usage fee as well associated costs. Charges may include, but are not limited to, facility use fees, charge backs, and fees depending on the nature of the event or facility being used (exclusive of direct costs), as determined by the University in its sole discretion. For purposes of clarification, a University department, program, or authorized student group is considered a non-University Group if it is requesting the use of a University Facility on behalf of or for the use of an External Group. A summary of the types of organizations and entities include:
- Academic and Staff Programming
- University Related Activities (including but not limited to 91ÉçÇø Council, University Women, Department offerings for members of the University Community, 91ÉçÇø Foundation, 91ÉçÇø Alumni Meetings, Student Organization meetings and events and Fraternity and Sorority Life meetings and events).
- University Sponsored Conferences (91ÉçÇø Community only)
- Non-University Affiliated Usage
- University groups, organizations, departments or activities which create additional workload will be responsible for any personnel damages, cleaning required and all direct costs.
Date | Description | Responsible Party |
7/30/2024 | Removed previous paragraph E. Religious Activities. Update approved by Senior Officers Group 7/30/24. | Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs |
8/20/2024 | Various updates including new policy links. Update approved by Senior Officers Group 8/20/24. | Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs |