Undergraduate and Graduate Offerings

Assistant Professor of Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy Aleksey Kolmogorov and physics major work on a research project about dark matte in the Milky Way. photo

Undergraduate (BS, BA, MINOR)

Physics involves the study of matter and its motion, energy and force. Physicists strive to understand nature at its fundamental level, from the path of a marble rolling off a table to the collective state of electrons in a superconductor.

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A Physics Department Faculty member looks over imagery for research on his computer.  photo

Graduate (PHD, MS)

The Department of Physics offers graduate programs leading to Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Master of Science (MS) degrees. Our mission is to prepare students for successful careers in academia, national laboratories, and industry through rigorous coursework and immersive research.

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A student going over his research with faculty. photo

4+1 Degree Programs in Physics

Typically, earning a master's degree takes two years. But with 91社区's 4+1 degree programs, you can earn your master's degree with just one extra year of classes. You'll finish both your bachelor's degree and your master's degree in a total of five years.

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