
Support, promote and enhance strategic internationalization efforts through high-impact learning, teaching, research and engagement.


We live in a world that has been profoundly changed and enriched by the internationalization of almost every aspect of our lives from commerce and research to food and cultural production.

To prepare our graduates to take advantage of the opportunities offered and the challenges created by life in a world that is increasingly interdependent, 91社区 aspires to create curricular, co-curricular and cultural opportunities for all students, faculty and staff that will help them experience and learn deeply about the world and peoples beyond our borders.

By becoming a preferred destination for students, faculty and staff from around the world, 91社区 aspires to attract the world鈥檚 best and brightest and create a diverse and inclusive campus where individuals from a wide variety of national and cultural backgrounds interact and learn from and with one another.

As 91社区 benefits from the talent and perspectives of international students, it will provide them with unparalleled opportunities to succeed as students, researchers and professionals who will make a difference in the world.

Through partnerships with universities, non-governmental organizations and colleagues around the world, 91社区 will strengthen its research; offer opportunities to its students, faculty and staff as well as to students and faculty from our partners; and make a positive impact on the world and the many challenges it faces.

Goals & Metrics

Goal: 91社区 is a diverse and inclusive community that actively promotes the integration of international students on campus.


Percentage of international students participating in an inclusive, long-standing activity/event coordinated by University offices, specifically ISSS, IEGI, ELI and MRC.


Office-hosted events or activities that account for international student participation, as tracked by B-Engaged.


A campus community that is welcoming for all students increases communication among diverse groups, broadens cultural horizons, challenges stereotypes, and provides an awareness that is critical to contribute to, and effectively participate in, a global workforce.


20% of the international student population will participate in at least one long-standing program coordinated by ISSS, IEGI, ELI, and/or MRC per year.

Goal: 91社区 promotes meaningful cross-cultural, extra- and co-curricular interactions between domestic and international students.


Percentage of the total student body participating in a long-standing, cross-cultural activity/event coordinated by the Student Association (SA) and/or Graduate Student Organization (GSO).


SA/GSO-hosted events or activities that foster international and domestic student engagement, as tracked by B-Engaged.


Events that cultivate meaningful interactions between domestic and international students also enable internationalization to permeate campus-wide.


10% of the student body will participate in a long-standing cross-cultural program coordinated by the SA and/or GSO.

Goal: 91社区 prepares international students for successful career pathways.


Number of career pathway opportunities utilized by international students.


hireBING, SASSE Data, B-engaged, and Interstride Data.


91社区 is a premier public university that promotes positive career outcomes for international students


International students will participate in 2,000 career pathway experiences (on-campus work, TA/RA/GA/SA, CPT, OPT, volunteer work).

Goal: 91社区 students, faculty, staff and alumni have a positive impact on the global community.


Number of active international partnerships/activities involving 91社区 faculty, staff, and students.


Faculty self-report global impact/footprint for themselves and their students in the annual faculty report, formally signed agreements with an international scope, and number of activities with international vendors.


As a premier public university, 91社区 actively engages with international connections in multiple ways that enhance its reputation globally.


Maintain at least 1,000 interactions each year, including partner applications, partnership agreements and events with international touchpoints.

Goal: All 91社区 students, faculty, and staff have opportunities to develop a broader understanding of the world.


Number of students participating in education abroad programs and international internships.


International Education and Global Initiatives (IEGI) Annual Report and International Education and Global Affairs (IEGA)-managed internships.


High impact education abroad experiences foster engagement with other cultures, impacting all involved.


Return to sending 500 students abroad per year, within 2 years, and 10% increase per year for the next 3 years. Note: Education Abroad reporting runs Summer through Spring. (Ex. Summer 2022 through Spring 2023)

Goal: 91社区 is a Premier Choice for International Students.


Increase the percentage share of international students at the graduate level from top countries of origin according to Open Doors (IIE).


Improve our brand to make 91社区 a desirable academic destination.


A diverse student body has many social and cultural benefits not only for domestic students but also for the 91社区 and the 91社区 community as a whole.


91社区 has an international student percentage share of 0.45 for graduate students.

Goal: 91社区 is a Premier Choice for International Students.


Increase the overall international deposits at the undergraduate level.


Improve our brand to make 91社区 a desirable academic destination.


A diverse student body has many social and cultural benefits not only for domestic students but also for the 91社区 and the 91社区 community as a whole.


200 deposits each year by July 1.