Generally speaking, our work examines the intersection between neuroendocrine systems and neuroimmune function under a variety of circumstances. Ongoing studies test specific hypotheses regarding the overall impact of external threats such as stress challenges and binge-like alcohol exposure on specific features of brain function using rodent models. A long term goal of our work is to better understand developmental differences in, and long lasting consequences of, early life stress and alcohol exposure. More recently, our work has included growing emphasis on circuit-level changes that disrupt social behavior among aged populations. Our approach utilizes a combination of molecular procedures (RT-PCR, RNASeq), behavioral pharmacology, in vivo microdialysis and immunohistochemistry to achieve these goals.
Terrence Deak
Vice Provost and Dean of The Graduate School; Professor
Research Interests
Research Profile
Academic Affairs, Office of the Executive VP and Provost; Graduate School; Psychology