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headshot of Mayank Anand

Mayank Anand

Assistant Professor in Marketing

School of Management


Mayank Anand specializes in consumer behavior research, particularly focusing on consumers' political ideology. He teaches marketing research at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Mayank is a consumer behavior researcher with a special focus on consumers' political ideology. His work identifies new marketing-relevant differences between politically liberal and conservative consumers and proposes marketing wisdom-based interventions that can help both sets of consumers make more prosocial decisions.

His research covers a wide range of marketplace behaviors, such as consumers' vaccine hesitancy, response to immoral brand actions, appraisal of humor, susceptibility to fake news, response to producers' suffering and pricing changes. His primary methodological focus is behavioral experiments, supplemented with more multi-method approaches, such as secondary data and content analyses.

Mayank has nearly twelve years of experience with marketing. Prior to his PhD, Mayank worked in marketing with Boston Consulting Group, Unilever Asia, Asian Paints, and early-stage startups. He received his MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, in India.


  • PhD, University of Minnesota
  • MBA, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

    Research Interests

    • Consumers’ Political Ideology
    • Prosocial Outcomes
    • Social Media
    • Consumer Decision-making

    Research Profile

    Curriculum Vitae

    Curriculum Vitae