When you transfer into 91社区, you will receive a transcript evaluation which will show how your prior courses will be accepted in transfer. If you do not agree with the decision on the granting or placement of credit that you earned at your prior institution, you have the right to submit an appeal.
Before You Submit An Appeal
- You must be either an admitted transfer student or a current 91社区 student.
- Please visit BU Brain to review your transcript and degree audit before submitting an appeal. Do not submit an appeal until your initial transfer evaluation is complete and the courses from your previous college or university appear on BU Brain. If you have sent in transcript(s) from your previous college or university, but the courses are not yet appearing on BU Brain, please contact Undergraduate Admissions at 607-777-2171 or admit@binghamton.edu.
How to Submit An Appeal
For information about the appeals process, please see your school advising office. Once you submit an appeal, you should receive a response from your school within 10 business days (15 business days when the University is not in session); this response may take the form of a decision on your petition, a request for additional information, or notification that your petition will be considered by a committee and the date on which a decision by that committee is expected.
Contact Information for Advising Offices
- College of Community and Public Affairs
- Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences
- Harpur College of Arts and Sciences
- School of Management (SOM)
- Watson College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Further Appeals Process for Students Transferring from a SUNY Institution
There is an additional appeals process if you have transferred from a prior SUNY institution. If you submit an appeal to your school advising office and receive a decision but do not agree with the decision regarding your SUNY courses, you may appeal to the SUNY System Provost. If you submit an appeal to your school advising office and do not receive a response within 15 business days, you may appeal to the SUNY System Provost.