2024 Tuition and Fees per Credit Hour
Summer session tuition and fees per credit can be found on the Student Accounts website.
Note: Review the Residency section of the Student Accounts website for information on New York State residency requirements and tuition billing. You may also contact Student Accounts at 607-777-2702. All tuition and fee rates are subject to revision by the University without notice.
Financial Aid
Limited financial aid is available to matriculated students attending Summer Session. Find out what鈥檚 available and how to apply by visiting the Financial Aid Funding for Summer/Winter Sessions webpage: /financial-aid/types-of-aid/student-funding-needs/summer-winter.html
Note: students must be enrolled in at least 6 credits to be eligible for summer federal loan funding.
Continuing education/non-matriculated undergraduate and graduate students may be eligible to receive federal loans if the courses taken during Summer Session are prerequisites for admission into 91社区 or elsewhere. If the courses are not prerequisites, non-matriculated students may be eligible to apply for alternative loans from private lenders. For more general information, visit the Financial Aid non-matriculated web page.
For additional questions about summer aid and your eligibility, please contact Financial Aid.
Billing, Payments and Refunds
For all other financial questions regarding Billing, Payments, Refunds, etc., please visit the Student Accounts website for complete details.