Common read

91社区 invites all incoming first-year students to participate in the annual Common Read Experience. This program is designed to involve you and your peers in reflection and discussion on vital topical issues. This year, we will be reading "I Never Thought of It That Way" by Monica Guzman. The goal is to come away with actionable takeaways and be better equipped to learn, engage with and discuss diverse viewpoints. Fostering civil dialogue is what being a Bearcat is all about. 

Get involved

When you arrive at your Orientation, you will receive a hard copy of your book, a customized drawstring tote bag and a bookmark with resources. During Orientation, you'll hear about the Common Read and the Civil Dialogue Project at large from a variety of staff and faculty, including your residential community collegiate professor.

Next steps

As you read this book over the summer along with the other members of the Class of 2028, we encourage you to reflect upon these important topics. When you arrive back on campus during B-Welcome Week, you will join the broader University community in related discussions and programs in your residential communities, your classes and in many other exciting ways. There will also be opportunities to win prizes through your participation and involvement through workshops, guest speakers and special events throughout the school year.

We look forward to beginning this journey with you as we learn together how our differences make us stronger, and how through dialogue we can make our communities even better.

Read blog post: 6 Reasons for Incoming Students to Join the Common Read Experience


Students who would like to request accommodations to ensure their equitable access and participation in the Common Read experience should contact the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) Office at 607-777-2686. The office is located in the University Union, Room 119.