Undergraduate Anthropology Organization

Undergraduate Anthropology Organization

  • Overview

    The is an SA-chartered student organization that provides a focal point of academic and social life in the Department of Anthropology. Membership is open to anthropology majors and minors, as well as students interested in anthropology who have not yet declared a major or minor. The UAO elects its own officers and a liaison to represent its constituency at anthropology faculty meetings.

    In the past, UAO has sponsored field trips to museums, arranged career seminars, and organized social events and academic forums to examine issues in anthropology. UAO communicates to its constituency via email, posted announcements and reminders in class about meetings and upcoming activities. A display case outside S1-117 also contains updates on UAO activities. You are strongly encouraged to become involved in UAO early in your undergraduate career.

  • Meetings & Announcements

    In past years the first meeting includes the update of their bulletin board. If any undergraduate students have relevant pictures (from field schools, archaeological digs, ethnographic studies, etc.) that they would like to be displayed, please print and bring them to the meeting. If you cannot make it at that time, email all pictures to: uao@binghamtonsa.org.

    Please be advised that limited space is available and on a first come, first served basis, so not all pictures may be included.

  • Undergraduate Representatives
    • President - Yadira Sierra
    • Vice President - Julissa Sanabria
    • Editor - Mariya Ivanova
    • Secretary - Jarrod Erdman
    • Events Coordinator: Melina Valencia
    • Treasurer - Crae Wilkins
  • UAO Contact Information