Alcohol, tobacco and other drug resources
(Emergency, recovery, legal, etc.)
- Emergency services
- On-campus resources
- Off-campus / community / web resources
- Family resources
- Resources to help you quit smoking/tobacco/vaping
Emergency resources
In the event that you or someone you know needs immediate assistance, please call one of the following resources:
- In case of a fire or medical emergency dial 911.
- *911
- New York State University Police at 91ÉçÇø: *911 or (607) 777-2222
- (607) 777-3333
- Responds on campus and off campus within Broome County.
- 91ÉçÇø Counseling Center: (607) 777-2772
- Provides same-day urgent appointments Monday through Friday from 1 to 4 p.m.
- After-hours crisis line for nights, weekends and holidays: 607-777-2772
, push number 2 when prompted. A crisis counselor will speak with you immediately.
- (607) 762-2302
- 24-hour crisis hotline and confidential psychiatric advice.
Nearest hospital emergency departments
When the Decker Student Health Services Center is closed or they have no available appointments, these are your options for receiving immediate medical care:
On-campus resources
- Campus Recovery Support Group: / @busober
- Coordinated through the University Counseling Center, the peer support group provides a space for students in recovery, those who are sober curious, or those who have close friends or family in recovery, to come together to build relationships and join in fellowship.
- Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs Office: (607) 777-3088
- Provides individual assessments, harm-reduction programming, and collaborates with campus and community partners to support student well-being.
- Case Management CARE Team: (607) 777-2804
- Case managers serve as advocates for students; helping them to identify struggles, discuss potential solutions, and access additional resources.
- Decker Student Health Services: (607) 777-2221
- Provides currently registered 91ÉçÇø students and affiliated entities with care for acute illness and injury, health education, women’s health services, travel medicine, immunizations, HIV testing, psychiatric consultation and laboratory services.
- Employee Assistance Program: (607) 777-6655
- Provides confidential, professional, work-site based guidance at no cost to University faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate student employees, retirees and their families. EAP offers consultation, assessment and referrals to appropriate community and professional resources as well as programs and workshops.
- Office of Student Conduct: (607) 777-6210
- Oversees the campus judicial process for 91ÉçÇø students.
- Residential Life Chemical Free Housing: (607) 777-2321
- On-campus housing for students who wish to live with other students seeking to maintain a chemical-free lifestyle on and off campus. Residents must agree to keep their living area free from substances at all times.
- 91ÉçÇø Counseling Center: (607) 777-2772
- Provides comprehensive preventive and clinical services for undergraduate and graduate students. Individual and group sessions are available.
- 91ÉçÇø Campus Police: Non-emergency number - (607) 777-2393
Off-campus, community and web-based resources
- (607) 723-7308
- Assists individuals with substance use disorders and their families.
- (607) 722-5983
- Community of individuals who struggle with alcohol use.
- (607) 778-2423
- (607) 778-6189
- Christ-centered 12-step program.
- Community of individuals who struggle with cocaine use.
- (607) 687-5620
- Program for recovery from substance use codependence.
- (607) 722-4256
- Safe environment for people who have been a victim of, or affected by, a crime. Provide free counseling to survivors as well as a 24 hour crisis line and advocacy program.
- (607) 821-7811
- The center belongs to the community. It is open to everyone and there is no cost. Activities include recovery support groups, holiday celebrations, yoga, music groups, Narcan training and more.
- (607) 296--307
- Medically supervised withdrawal and stabilization services and inpatient rehabilitation.
- Abstinence-based, anonymous organization dedicated to providing a safe meeting space where you can experience a non-judgmental recovery conversation with your peers. This is done through the lens of LifeRing's 3-S philosophy of Sobriety, Secularity, and Self-Help
- (607) 584-4465
- Community of individuals who stuggle with marijuana use.
- Community of individuals who stuggle with narcotics use.
- Off-Campus College Legal Clinic: (607) 777-2797
- The primary purpose of is to connect individuals with quality addiction treatment and care, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. By calling our national helpline, or filling out a form, connects those in need with a treatment specialist at our admissions center. The specialist will then listen, determine individual needs, and help arrange the best treatment for the person.
- Recovery Dharma is a peer-led, grass-roots, democratically-structured organization. It's mission is to support individuals on their path of recovery from addiction using Buddhist practices and principles.
- Online guide to various types of religious and secular recovery programs with a state-by-state directory.
- Group recovery meetings.
- (607) 798-1706
- Comprehensive HIV/AIDS services, syringe exchange program, opioid overdose prevention
program, substance use information and referrals, etc. The Syringe Exchange Program
(i.e. "Prevention Point") provides syringe access and comprehensive risk reduction
services to anonymous individuals who currently inject substances. This includes free
supplies like alcohol pads, cottons, sterile water, caps, and more. The program also
provides biohazard containers to effectively dispose of used syringes.
Syringe Exchange hours are: Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri: noon–5 p.m. at 277 Main St, Johnson City, N.Y. - STAP is affiliated with Reach Medical, a practice that is primarily located in Ithaca, NY and that offers Medicated Assisted Treatment/MAT to those who have opiate use disorder. Individuals who are dependent on opiates of any kind, can be prescribed a medication that aids in the withdrawal process and helps with cravings. This medication is mostly known as Suboxone or Buprenorphine.
- Comprehensive HIV/AIDS services, syringe exchange program, opioid overdose prevention
program, substance use information and referrals, etc. The Syringe Exchange Program
(i.e. "Prevention Point") provides syringe access and comprehensive risk reduction
services to anonymous individuals who currently inject substances. This includes free
supplies like alcohol pads, cottons, sterile water, caps, and more. The program also
provides biohazard containers to effectively dispose of used syringes.
- Online directory for persons seeking treatment facilities in the United States or U.S. Territories for substance use/addiction and/or mental health problems.
- (315) 847-3842
- Community of individuals who have a drug problem.
- (607) 762-2901
- Inpatient treatment.
- (607) 762-2901
- Outpatient treatment.
- (607)762-3288
- Inpatient and outpatient treatment. Substance use disorder assessments, outpatient groups, and family programming.
Family resources
- (607) 722-0889
- Offers help and hope to friends and families of alcoholics (current or former).
- : (607) 687-3540
- For families of gamblers.
- For friends and families of addicts.
Resoures to help you quit smoking, tobacco or vaping
These resources offer helpful tips, information, social support, diversions from cravings, and reinforcement for one of the best decisions a tobacco user can make - to quit.
Web-based programs
- : The EX plan teaches you how to live life without cigarettes in 3 steps. It is based on scientific research and practical advice from ex-smokers.
- : online course.
- : Free resources and tools to help dip, snuff, and chewing tobacco users quit.
- : Learn about topics that interest women on how to quit smoking. Connect to advice through instant messages and telephone.
- : a Facebok page from the National Cancer Institute for how to quit smoking that includes health inforamtion to encourage members.
- : Quitting E-Cigarettes
- : Quit Using Tobacco
Phone applications
- : Interactive app developed by the National Cancer Institute provides tools to help those who want to be smoke-free using evidence-based smoking cessation methods.
- : Learn about topics that interest women on how to quit smoking. Connect to advice through instant messages and telephone.
- : frer app that helps you understand your smoking patterns and build the skills to become smokefree.
- : program designed to send encouraging texts to those quitting smoking.
- : free app. Come here for support and ideas on coping.
In-person resources
Nicotine Relacement Therapy (NRT)
- Decker Student Health Services: (607) 777-2221
- 91ÉçÇø will offer up to an eight-week supply of free NRT (gum, lozenge or patches) to those who are motivated to stop tobacco use and are under the care of a healthcare provider or wellness counselor. Come to the front desk of DSHS during normal business hours. Present your 91ÉçÇø ID and identify the healthcare provider or wellness counselor who is directing your use of NRT. Participants will be required to complete an NRT eligibility form to assure that there are no contraindications to its use. Participants may receive up to an estimated two-week supply of NRT products (220 pieces of gum, 216 lozenges or 14 patches) and can return every two weeks for additional NRT, to receive up to an eight-week supply.
Types of NRT
As part of a comprehensive smoking cessation program, the American Heart Association recommends NRT as an effective tool to help quit smoking. Below are a few options:
- Gum or lozenges: type of chewing gum or lozenge that delivers nicotine to the bloodstream
through tissues in the mouth.
- Popular brands: Nicorette® (gum) and Commit® (lozenge)
- Transdermal (skin) patches: release nicotine through the skin.
- Popular brand: NicoDerm CQ®
- Inhaler: a thin, plastic cartridge that contains a porous nicotine plug at its base.
By puffing on the cartridge, a person extracts and absorbs nicotine vapor through
the lining of their mouth.
- Popular brand: Nicotrol®
- Nasal spray: an aerosol nicotine spray contained in a spray to deliver nicotine to
the user through their nostrils and rapidly absorbed by the nasal membranes inside
the nose.
- Popular brand: Nicotrol® NS
There are also non-addictive prescription medications such as bupropion (Wellbutrin®, Zyban®) and Varenicline (Chantix®). Using NRTs or prescription medications like these doubles the odds of successful quitting. A combination of these methods increases success rates even more.