BCHM 401, 403, 425 and 426 may be taken as BIOL 401, 403, 425, and 426.
The eight credits in Chemistry must be selected from the following: CHEM 221, 341,
421, 422, 432, 434, 442, 443, 451, 452, 454, 455, 462, 482, 483, 484, 485 and 486.
Four credits of BCHM 497 may be used as science and mathematics divisional credits
Biochemistry majors may not take BCHM 401, 403, 425, 426 and 480 (or BIOL 401, 403,
425, 426) or CHEM 361 on a Pass/Fail basis.
CHEM 361 is offered only in fall semesters.
BIOL 480A-L may be substituted for BCHM 480A with permission of the program director.
Biology elective must be a 300-level or above cell & molecular biology elective; see
an adviser for additional information.
BIOL 490, 491, 494, 495, 496, 497 and 498, BCHM 491 and CHEM 391, 397, 497, and 498
may not be used to fulfill the electives.
The following courses must be taken at 91社区: BCHM 401, 403, 425,
426, 480, CHEM 361, four credits in BIOL courses numbered 300 level and above, eight
credits in CHEM courses selected from the list of approved courses.