Declaring the Biology Major
- Review the different major options (BA or BS) below
- At advising, let the advisor know that you would like to declare your major (either BA or BS).
- Be prepared to provide your B number to review your degreeworks with the advisor
Core requirements for BA and BS degrees
Introductory Biology: BIOL 113, 114 and BIOL 115 (or approved equivalent)
General Chemistry: CHEM 104, CHEM 105, and CHEM 106 or CHEM 107 and CHEM 108 or CHEM 111
Organic Chemistry: CHEM 231, 332
Statistics: MATH 147 or 148 or BIOL 437 or BIOL 447 or ANTH 200 or PSYCH 243 or other by approval
Math / Science / Physical Science: (8 credits) Choices include: CHEM 221, CHEM 335, CHEM 341, CHEM 351, CS 110, CS 140, ENVI 201, 382, MATH 224, MATH 225, MATH 226, MATH 227, MATH 304, MATH 314, PHYS 121, PHYS 122 (or PHYS 131, PHYS 132), any 100-level GEOL course (only one permitted); other courses in mathematics, the physical sciences and computer science only by approval of faculty advisor.
Cell Biology and Genetics Core: BIOL 401 or BIOL 311 or BIOL 332
Ecology and Evolution Core: BIOL 351 or BIOL 355 / BIOL 373
CURRENT Biology BA/BS major requirements for students
Biology BA/BS major requirements for students entering PRIOR TO FALL 2018.
Additional requirements for BA degree
Beginning Fall 2018
The B.A. in Biology provides an opportunity to sample widely across our curriculum, work toward a double major, or to pursue a curriculum that is rich in courses offered by other departments. You can follow your interest in liberal arts or pursue a curriculum tailored to the admission requirements for training in medicine and other health-care professions.
12 additional elective credits in BIOL courses numbered 300 and above, where two courses must have a laboratory component, with the following additional stipulations:
No more than four credits may come from the following list: BIOL 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, and 499
Will not be satisfied by BIOL 490-493
A course counting toward the laboratory requirement must be at least two credits
Only one laboratory course requirement may be satisfied by BIOL 495 or 497 or 498
Except for BIOL 391 and 494-499, no BIOL course taken on the Pass/Fail grading option will fulfill the requirements for the biology major
Residency requirement: A minimum of 20 credits in BIOL courses numbered 300-level and above, including the two core courses, must be taken in Harpur College in order to qualify for the BA degree
Total required credits: 60 (or 58 if CHEM 107,108 is used or 54 if CHEM 111 is used).
Additional requirements for BS degree
Beginning Fall 2018
The B.S. in Biology is appropriate for students who seek more depth and specialization within biology to prepare them for graduate school and lab and field-based careers in biology.
20 additional elective credits in BIOL courses numbered 300 and above, where two courses must have a laboratory component, with the following additional stipulations:
No more than eight credits may come from the following list: BIOL 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, and 499
Will not be satisfied by BIOL 490-493
A course counting toward the laboratory requirement must be at least two credits
Only one laboratory course requirement may be satisfied by BIOL 495 or 497 or 498
Except for BIOL 494-499, no BIOL course taken on the Pass/Fail grading option will fulfill the requirements for the biology major
Residency requirement: A minimum of 28 credits in BIOL courses numbered 300-level and above, including the two core courses, must be taken in Harpur College in order to qualify for the BS degree
Total required credits: 68 (or 66 if CHEM 107,108 is used or 62 if CHEM 111 is used).
Have Questions?
Frequently Asked Questions
The course I want has several components: lecture, lab, activity, discussion. How do I register?
In the course schedule for the semester that you are registering for, you will see a course, e.g. Biology 114. In the list, you will find Lec 90 and then several "Dis" (Discussion) and "Activity" (Laboratory) sections.
Make sure your schedule can accommodate the time when Lec 90 meets
Select a discussion and laboratory section that meets your needs
Register in all three
Note: BUBrain has a CRN for each component. Sometimes, there are two CRNs for lectures that are scheduled at the same time and in the same room. Check for the CRN
that corresponds to your major.Help! I am closed out of a course. What do I do?
Many courses that fill quickly have a wait-list option. The wait list operates on a first-come, first-serve basis. Some courses may indicate that registration requires "Permission of Instructor." This means that they will accept petitions.
What grade do I need in a course to receive credit toward the Biology major?
You need a passing grade of D or higher to receive credit towards your major.
I am not doing as well as I would like in my course; should I withdraw or change my grading option?
Before making any decision for ADD, DROP and WITHDRAW from a course, students should check with their department and Harpur College Advising, to ensure that they are still able to meet major and graduation requirements. Students on financial aid must also check with a university financial aid advisor, to determine if the course change will affect their eligibility for financial aid. This may be particularly relevant for Excelsior recipients.
Students can DROP and ADD courses at the early part of the semester. The deadline for such changes is always listed in the university calendar as the "drop and add " deadline.
Students can WITHDRAW from a course. The deadline for such changes is also listed in the university calendar as the "course withdrawal" deadline. The student will not be given a grade or credit for the course, but W (for withdraw) will appear in the transcript. Be aware that if the course you are dropping is a co-requisite for another course, you would have to drop that other course, as well.
The deadline for changing the Grade Option is the same as the withdrawal deadline. Changing the grading option from a letter grade to Pass/Fail has significant consequences. Except for BIOL 494, 495, 496 and 497, biology course taken as Pass/Fail does not fulfill Biology major course requirements. You may take the mathematics and non-biology science courses required for the Biology major on a Pass/Fail basis; however, Harpur College sets a limit to the number of courses that you can take Pass/Fail and you should consider how P/F grading will be perceived by professional or graduate school admissions officers.
I would like to take a course at another college and have it count toward my major. How do I do this?
There is a residency requirement for the major. BA Biology majors must take 20 credits of the core courses and upper level Biology electives at 91社区. BS Biology majors must take 28 credits of the core courses and upper level Biology electives at 91社区. There is also a residency requirement for Harpur College. Before deciding to take mathematics and science courses elsewhere, consider that that someone making decisions about entry to graduate schools or employment will take into consideration the rigor of the course and the institution offering the course. Online labs are unlikely to receive approval. You can see what coursework transfers here.
Once you have chosen your course, you must still fill out a transfer credit petition form even if it appears in the list found at the above link. Fill this credit petition form out and either see a biology faculty advisor or drop it off at the Biology Dept. office in Science 3 Rm 210. You will need to also provide a description of the course.
Can I double major in Biology and Biochemistry or in Biology and Integrative Neuroscience?
No, the degree of overlap of these majors is too great to have a double
major in them. -
For Further Information
Undergraduate Co-Director/Advising:
K. Horwath
Science 2, 537
Undergraduate Co-Director:
Carol Miles
Science 2, 535