
Biomedical engineering faculty play a leading role in a wide range of research activities at 91社区, both as individuals, as members of larger research groups or directing core research facilities.

Stem Cell and 3D Printing (Ye)

  • 3D Tissue and Organ Printing
  • Transitional Regenerative Medicine
  • Data-Driven Synthetic Biology
  • Single Molecule Imaging and Biosensing
  • Nanomedicine
  • Vaccine Development

  • Multi-scale mechanics of heterogeneous tissues
  • Cell and tissue mechanobiology
  • Pathogenesis of skin infections and diseases
  • Cosmetic physics

Biomolecular and Tissue Engineering Lab (Jin) 

  • Human stem cell differentiation and interplay between cells and their microenvironments for tissue regeneration
  • Engineering tissue cues for in vitro maturation of stem cell-derived organoids
  • Engineering scaffold materials for organogenesis and organoid-on-a-chip platform
  • Development of nanosensors for real-time monitoring key parameters inside living systems
  • Vaccine development

In Vitro and In Silico Models of Organs and Tissues (Mahler) 

  • Tissue Engineering
  • Biomechanical and biochemical cell signaling
  • Cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions
  • Cell behavior during disease and response to chemicals or drugs
  • Understanding nanomaterial interactions with living systems

Intimately Bio-integrated Biosensors (Koh)

  • Unconventional electrochemical biosensors
  • Flexible, stretchable, breathable sensors
  • Biocompatible sensors and materials
  • Wearable analytical devices for biomedical applications

Biophotonics and Computational Optical Bioimaging (Lu)

  • Stimualted Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy for label-free bioimaging applications
  • Live-cell imaging for lipid metabolism studies in cancer using SRS and multiphoton microscopy
  • SRS label-free AI-based digital pathology for image-guided brain tumor surgery  
  • Multiphoton ptychography for computational phase bioimaging
  • Imaging drug delivery using SRS microscopy and novel Raman tags

  • Developing micro/nano-devices and bioassays for disease early diagnosis
  • Translating the diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in clinical use
  • Investigating the biogenesis and biofunctions of extracellular vesicles in cancer

BioM2 Lab for Engineering Living Systems (Wang)

  • Multi-Organ Microphysiological Systems
  • Tissue Engineering
  • Microfluidic Tissue Culture Platforms
  • Integrated On-Chip Biosensing.

Engineering Multicellular Physiological Systems Lab (Hookway)

  • 3D tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
  • Stem cell biology and tissue morphogenesis
  • Cardiovascular physiology
  • Multicellular interactions

Biophysics and Mathematical Biology Lab (Li)

  • Mathematical biology
  • Mechanobiology
  • Cell mechanics
  • Biophysics
  • Electrophysiology
  • Computational physics

  • Soft material-based bioelectronics
  •  Non-invasive neuromodulation
  • Gene delivery for the nervous system
  • Neurotechnologies

Facilities and Laboratories