Community Opportunities Fair

Community Opportunities Fair and Community Engagement Awards

The Community Opportunities Fair and Community Engagement Awards will be held on Thursday, September 19 in the University Union.

Community Opportunities Fair

The Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) is holding its 2024 Community Opportunities Fair from noon-3 p.m. Thursday, Sep. 19, in the University Union Mandela Room, on campus. This event is free and open to the public.

The fair provides a venue for civically engaged faculty, staff, student groups and community organizations to display their work, recruit students and other partners, and make connections. Student attendees have the opportunity to speak with program representatives from on and off campus about how to get involved in the community. Nearly fifty area organizations, service-oriented student groups and University departments and offices are expected to attend.

Questions can be directed to or 607-777-4287.

Community Engagement Awards

The Community Engagement Awards, held from 10–11:30 a.m in University Union West Room 324, will highlight and recognize community partners, faculty, staff and students who have shown outstanding community engagement work. Featuring a buffet-style breakfast, community partners, faculty, students and staff are invited to gather to celebrate community engagement.

Please note that the location has changed. Due to the location change, we are at limited capacity. We ask that you please only come accompanied by those you registered with.


You may park in the Visitor’s Parking Lot. We will provide one free parking pass per organization. View a University parking map online.