Register to vote

College students have a choice to register at their home address or the address they live while at college. If you register in Broome County, you can vote in person at your local polling place. Students who register at home will need to return home to vote or plan ahead to vote absentee.

Should I register with a political party?

It's up to you! New York has closed primary elections, which means that you can only vote in the primary if you are registered with a party that is holding a primary election. You can change your party affiliation by submitting a new voter registration form, but keep in mind that N.Y. has an early deadline to change your party affiliation.

Voter registration forms

The pdf forms can be printed and turned in to the CCE in UU-137 or mailed directly to the appropriate board of elections office. We also have a secure dropbox outside our office where forms can be deposited. We will collect them regularly and submit all forms we receive to the Broome County Board of Elections.

  • (for students who live on campus)
  • (for students who live off campus or are registering with their home address)
  • Register online through the or the The DMV will register you at the address on your license, so students wishing to register to vote in Broome County at their on-campus or off-campus address should complete a paper registration form or use the
  • for Broome County registered voters*

*You should update your registration any time you move by completing a new voter registration form. Students who are currently registered in Broome County and are moving within the county (for example, a student who registered on campus and has now moved off campus) may submit a change of address letter rather than a new registration form.