
Journal Papers

[J47] Al-Mahmodi, M., Ayadi, O., Wang, Y., Al-Halhouli, A. (2025). Sensitivity-based techno-economic assessment approach for electrolyzer integration with hybrid photovoltaic-wind plants for green hydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 97, 904-919.

[J46] Tashtoush, A., Wang, Y., Khasawneh, M.T., Hader, A., Shazeeb, M.S., Lindsay, C,J. (2024). Real-time object segmentation for laparoscopic cholecystectomy using YOLOv8. Neural Computing and Applications, In Press.

[J45] El Baz, H., Wang, Y., Yoon, S.W., Jin, Y. (2024). Optimization of AGV sorting systems in pharmaceutical distribution: A two-stage package assignment and simulation approach. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 134, 2439-2457.

[J44] Gokul Krishnan, S., Suresh Kumar, P., Nassar Matara, N., Wang, Y. (2024). Real-time experimental evaluation and analysis of PID and MPC controllers using HIL setup for robust steering system of autonomous vehicles. IEEE Access, 12, 74711-74723.

[J43] Rammohan, A., Wang, Y., Kannappan, S.S., Kumar, P.S., Ashok, B., Kotb, H., AboRas, K.M., and Yousef, A. (2024). Service life estimation of electric vehicle lithium-ion battery pack using Arrhenius mathematical model. Frontiers in Energy Research, 12, 1359596.

[J42] Abu Lekham, L., Hey, E., Canario, J., Rivas, Y., Felice, A., Mantegna, T., Wang, Y., and Khasawneh, M.T. (2024). A pre-defined rule-based multi-factor risk stratification is associated with improved outcomes at a rural primary care practice. Family & Community Health, 47(3), 248-260.

[J41] Manikandan, N.S., Kaliyaperumal, G., Wang, Y. (2023). Ad hoc-obstacle avoidance-based navigation system using Deep Reinforcement Learning for self-driving vehicles. IEEE Access, 11, 92285-92297.

[J40]  Perumal, P.S., Wang, Y., Sujasree, M., Tulshain, S., Bhutani, S., Suriyah, M.K., Raju, V.U.K. (2023). LaneScanNET: A deep-learning approach for simultaneous detection of obstacle-lane states for autonomous driving systems. Expert Systems with Applications, 233, 120970.

[J39] Nimri, W., Wang, Y., Zhang, Z., Deng, C., Sellstrom, K. (2023). Data-driven approaches and model-based methods for detecting and locating leaks in water distribution systems: A literature review. Neural Computing and Applications, 35, 11611–11623.

[J38] Abu Lekham, L., Wang, Y., Hey, E., Khasawneh, M.T. (2022). Multi-label chain clustering-classification and regression predictive models for patient punctuality and turnaround time in outpatient primary care settings. IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 12(4), 288-304.

[J37] Abu Lekham, L., Wang, Y., Hey, E., Khasawneh, M.T. (2022). Multi-label text mining to identify reasons for appointments to drive population health analytics at a primary care setting. Neural Computing and Applications, 34(17), 14971–15005.

[J36] Haghnegahdar, L., Chen, Y., Wang, Y. (2022). Enhancing dynamic energy network management using a multiagent cloud-fog structure integrated with a smart grid. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 162, 112439.

[J35] Perumal, P.S., Wang, Y., Sujasree, M., Mukthineni, V., Shimgekar, S.R. (2022). Intelligent advice system for human drivers to prevent overtaking accidents in roads. Expert Systems with Applications, 199, 117178.

[J34] Alwesabi, Y., Avishan, F., Yanıkoğlu, İ., Liu, Z., Wang, Y. (2022). Robust strategic planning of dynamic wireless charging infrastructure for electric buses. Applied Energy, 307, 118243.

[J33] Abu Lekham, L., Wang, Y., Hey, E., Khasawneh, M. T. (2022). Multi-criteria text mining model for COVID-19 testing reasons and symptoms and temporal predictive model for COVID-19 test results in rural communities. Neural Computing and Applications, In Press.

[J32] Zhang, C., Yang, T., Wang, Y. (2021) Peer-to-peer energy trading in a microgrid based on iterative double auction and blockchain. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 27, 100524.

[J31] Alwesabi, Y., Liu, Z., Kwon, S., Wang, Y. (2021). A novel integration of scheduling and dynamic wireless charging planning models of battery electric buses. Energy, 230, 120806.

[J30] Abu Lekham, L., Wang, Y., Hey, E., Lam, S. S., Khasawneh, M. T. (2020). A multi-stage predictive model for missed appointments at outpatient primary care settings serving rural areas. IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, In Press. 

[J29] Alwesabi, Y., Wang, Y., Avalos, R., Liu, Z. (2020). Electric bus scheduling under single depot dynamic wireless charging infrastructure planning. Energy, 213, 118855.

[J28] Zhang, C., Wang, Y., Yang, T. (2020) Iterative auction for P2P renewable energy trading with dynamic energy storage management. Energies, 13, 4963 (1-20).

[J27] Haghnegahdar, L., Wang, Y. (2019). A whale optimization algorithm-trained artificial neural network for smart grid cyber intrusion detection. Neural Computing and Applications, 32(13), 9427-9441.

[J26] Fazli Khalaf, A., Wang, Y. (2018). Energy-cost-aware flow shop scheduling considering intermittent renewables, energy storage, and real-time electricity pricing. International Journal of Energy Research, 42(12), 3928-3942.

[J25] Ahkamiraad, A., Wang, Y. (2018). An agent-based model for zip-code level diffusion of electric vehicles and electricity consumption in New York City. Energies, 11(3), 640(1-17).

[J24] Ahkamiraad, A., Wang, Y. (2018). Capacitated and multiple cross-docked vehicle routing problem with pickup, delivery, and time windows. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 119, 76-84.

[J23] Fazli Khalaf, A., Wang, Y. (2018). Economic and environmental evaluations of dedicated and residential electric tariffs for plug-in electric vehicles. International Journal of Energy Research, 42(2), 542-558.

[J22] Sadeghi, J., Niaki, S.T.A., Malekian, M.R., Wang, Y. (2017). A Lagrangian relaxation for a fuzzy random EPQ problem with shortages and redundancy allocation: Two tuned meta-heuristics. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 20(2), 515–533.

[J21] Wang, Y., Hill, K. J., Foley, E. C. (2017). Computer programming with Python for industrial and systems engineers: Perspectives from an instructor and students. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 25(5), 800-811.

[J20] Ge, Y., Li, L., Wang, Y. (2017). Modeling of Bernoulli production line with the rework loop for transient and steady-state analysis. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 44(1), 22-41.

[J19] Nezamoddini, N., Wang, Y. (2017). Real-time electricity pricing for industrial customers: Survey and case studies in the United States. Applied Energy, 195, 1023-1037.

[J18] Wang, Y., Li, L. (2017). Manufacturing profit maximization under time-varying electricity and labor pricing. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 104, 23-34.

[J17] Wang, Y., Brzezinski, A. J., Qiao, X., Ni, J. (2017). Heuristic feature selection for shaving tool wear classification. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 139(4), 041001(1-6).

[J16] Nezamoddini, N., Wang, Y. (2016). Risk management and participation planning of electric vehicles in smart grids for demand response. Energy, 116, 836-850.

[J15] Wang, Y., Li, L. (2016). Critical peak electricity pricing for sustainable manufacturing: Modeling and case studies. Applied Energy, 175, 40-53.

[J14] Wang, Y., Li, L. (2016). Li-ion battery dynamics model parameter estimation using datasheets and particle swarm optimization. International Journal of Energy Research, 40(8), 1050-1061.

[J13] Wang, Y., Li, L. (2015). Time-of-use electricity pricing for industrial customers: A survey of U.S. utilities. Applied Energy, 149, 89-103.

[J12] Wang, Y., Li, L. (2015). Uncertainty importance measure of individual components in multi-state systems. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 64(2), 772-783.

[J11] Wang, Y., Li, L. (2015). A novel modeling method for both steady-state and transient analyses of serial Bernoulli production systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 45(1), 97-108.

[J10] Wang, Y., Li, L. (2014). Time-of-use based electricity cost of manufacturing systems: Modeling and monotonicity analysis. International Journal of Production Economics, 156, 246-259.

[J9] Qi, L., Huang, S., Zhang, Y., Xu, X., Li, Y., Wang, Y. (2014). A compartmental model for supercritical coal-fired boiler systems. Journal of Energy Resources Technology-Transactions of the ASME, 136(2), 021602(1-7).

[J8] Wang, Y., Li, L. (2013). Time-of-use based electricity demand response for sustainable manufacturing systems. Energy, 63, 233-244.

[J7] Wang, Y., Li, L. (2013). A PSO algorithm for constrained redundancy allocation in multi-state systems with bridge topology. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 68, 13-22.

[J6] Wang, Y., Li, L., Huang, S., Chang, Q. (2012). Reliability and covariance estimation of weighted k-out-of-n multi-state systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 221(1), 138-147.

[J5] Wang, Y., Li, L. (2012). Effects of uncertainty in both component reliability and load demand on multi-state system reliability. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Part A: Systems and Humans, 42(4), 958-969.

[J4] Wang, Y., Li, L., Huang, S. (2012). Derivation of reliability and variance estimates for multi-state systems with binary-capacitated components. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 61(2), 549-559.

[J3] Wang, Y., Li, L. (2012). Heterogeneous redundancy allocation for series-parallel multi-state systems using hybrid particle swarm optimization and local search. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A: Systems and Humans, 42(2), 464-474.

[J2] Wang, Y., Li, L., Ni, J., Huang, S. (2009). Form tolerance evaluation of toroidal surfaces using particle swarm optimization. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 131(5), 051015(1-9).

[J1] Wang, Y., Li, L., Ni, J., Huang, S. (2009). Feature selection using tabu search and probabilistic neural networks. Pattern Recognition Letters, 30(7), 661-670.