Lending Library

The VARCC offers support in many forms, including a robust lending library that includes both fiction and non-fiction books meant to help survivors feel less isolated, more supported and assist in their recovery. 

Book within the lending library are listed below. Check for current availability of each title. 

Library titles

Title Author 
We Believe You Annie E. Clark and Andrea L. Pino
Touched Shantell T. Smith
Unbound  Tarana Burke
What Happened to You? Bruce D. Perry, Oprah Winfrey
What We Talk 91社区 When We Talk 91社区 Rape Sohaila Abdulali
Yoga for Everyone Dianne Bondy
The Macho Paradox Jackson Katz
Missoula Jon Krakauer
Not That Bad Roxane Gay
Overcoming Trauma Through Yoga David Emerson and Elizabeth Hopper
Sexual Citizens Jennifer S. Hirsch and Shamus Khan
Revive Your Anxious Brain Catherine M. Pittman, Elizabeth M. Karle
Strong at the Broken Places Richard M. Cohen
DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets Marsha M. Linehan
The Gifts of Imperfection Bren茅 Brown
Girlhood Melissa Febos
Goodbye Sweet Girl Kelly Sundberg
Guyland Michael Kimmel
Known My Name Chanel Miller
I Have the Right To Prout Abelson
American Hookup Lisa Wade
Bad Feminist Roxane Gay
The Body Keeps Score Bessel Van Der Kolk
A Bright Red Scream Marilee Strong
The Dance of Anger Harriet Goldhor Lerner
The Deepest Well Nadina Burke Harris