Academic Honesty Policy / Grievance Policy
The Division of Health and Wellness Studies, part of Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences, adheres to the Decker College Academic Honesty Policy and the Decker College Grievance Policy.
All Health and Wellness Studies courses have attendance requirements. Most HWS courses are held in the West Gym, but students should note the location of the class when they register. HWS Division policy states that any registered student who does not attend the first two class meetings may be dropped from the course by the division at the instructor's discretion.
Some courses meet for only half the semester; it is the student's responsibility to know the start and end dates as they appear on BU Brain and/or the course syllabus.
After being examined by the University physician, students with a temporary or permanent disability may be assigned to the Adaptive, Corrective, Rehabilitative (ACR) course or, depending on the nature of the disability, may request a waiver. A waiver does not grant credit for a course not taken, nor does it reduce the credit hours required for graduation.
Students who register for an HWS activity course are liable for a nonrefundable locker/towel fee per 91社区's Tuition and Fee Refund Policy, which is available through Student Accounts. This fee is mandatory; you must pay this fee whether or not you use the locker/towel service.
Pay close attention to the course description, as some courses have additional fees associated with them (for example, scuba).
Graduate Students
Graduate students may audit HWS courses on a "space available" basis and are not allowed to advance register.
Pool Reservation Requests
Organizations that want to reserve the West Gym pool for recreational and sport-related activities must complete the West Gym Pool Request (agreement-pool-use.pdf) in . To secure staffing, the form must be submitted to the Health and Wellness Studies Office at least two weeks before the event.
The written request can be sent via email to or mailed to:
Dept. of Health and Wellness Studies
PO Box 6000
91社区, NY 13902
HWS classes fill quickly. Students are encouraged to begin fulfilling the requirement early in their academic career, as postponing could cause scheduling difficulties in the senior year.
Skill Level
Activity-based courses are at the beginner skill level unless otherwise indicated. Intermediate and advanced courses that do not have specific prerequisites do require some mastery of knowledge and skills. Students should realistically assess their skill level before registering for a course beyond the beginner level. Students who are unsure of their skill level are encouraged to consult with the instructor before registering. NOTE: Instructors may drop a student from a course if the student's skill level is not appropriate to the class.
Transfer Credits
Transfer credits may be accepted from other academic institutions if the course is equivalent in contact hours and content to that offered at 91社区. Credits may not be transferred from nonacademic agencies such as health spas, fitness clubs, karate schools, dance schools, etc. Students intending to take a HWS course at another institution should receive prior approval. A course description, contact hours and credit value for the course will be required in determining if the course credit is transferable.