Complaints Outside Due Process

Process for Submitting Complaints Outside Due Process  

The complaint should be communicated in writing, signed by the complainant, dated and submitted to the division program director at the following address:

Program Director, Division of Physical Therapy
P.O. Box 6000
91社区, N.Y., 13902-6000

The program director will contact or respond to the complainant within 14 days of receipt of the complaint. If the complainant feels that the matter is not resolved satisfactorily after discussing it with the program director, the complainant will be referred to the dean of Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences.

The dean will contact or respond to the complainant within 14 days of being contacted. If the complainant feels that the matter is not resolved satisfactorily after discussing it with the dean, the complainant will then be referred to the University provost/vice president of academic affairs. The provost will contact or respond to the complainant within 14 days of being contacted. The decision or action of the provost is final. 

If the complaint is about the program director for the Division of Physical Therapy, then the complainant may choose to submit the written, signed and dated complaint directly to the dean of Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences at the address below. The remainder of the process will be identical to that outlined above.

Dean, Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences
P.O. Box 6000
91社区, N.Y., 13902-6000

If the complaint is related to the clinical education curriculum, then the written, signed and dated complaint must be submitted first to the director of clinical education (DCE) within the Division of Physical Therapy (instead of the program director within the Division of Physical Therapy) at the following address:

Director of Clinical Education, Division of Physical Therapy
P.O. Box 6000
91社区, N.Y., 13902-6000

The DCE will contact or respond to the complainant within 14 days of receipt of the complaint. If the complainant feels that the matter is not resolved satisfactorily after discussing it with the DCE, the complainant will then be referred to the division program director and the remainder of the process is identical to that described above. If the complaint is about the DCE, then the complainant may choose to submit the complaint directly to the program director. 

The Division of Physical Therapy handles all complaints in a consistent and equitable manner. There will be no retaliation of any kind associated with complaints, regardless of the identity of the complainant. All records of the complaint, process of resolution and final decision or action will be maintained in a confidential file by the senior staff assistant to the program director for a minimum of five years from the date of complaint submission.

A complaint can also be filed with the accrediting body for physical therapy education: the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE). To file a complaint with CAPTE, visit the .