There are opportunities to get involved in TEDx91社区University!
From assisting with the event, to speaking at the event, to being a student director, there are many opportunities to get involved in TEDx91社区University!
Student Speaker:
Have you ever thought about what your TED talk would be? Want to share those words
on stage at TEDx91社区University 2020? Apply to be the student speaker and make
your dream come true!
Submit your today!
Application available: 10/28/2019
Application due: 11/15/2019
Logo Design Contest:
Calling all graphic designers, artists and generally crafty people. Each year, TEDx91社区University
picks a new theme for their event and we need you to create the design. Once the application
is available, you can submit your design ideas to be the official graphic designer
for TEDx91社区University 2020.
Application available: 11/15/2019
Application due: TBD
Do you love TED? Do you want to help us spread the word about TEDx91社区University
and our event in March? Sign up to volunteer by tabling before the event, selling
tickets and helping at the big event itself.
Application available: TBD
Application due: TBD
Volunteer training will take place when we return from the winter break.
Have questions about any of these opportunities? Email us at