Evolutionary Studies Minor
The undergraduate minor in Evolutionary Studies (EvoS) introduces students to evolutionary thinking across a wide range of academic disciplines and is explicitly meant to be interdisciplinary.
The EvoS minor consists of a minimum of 24 credits, and includes the following requirements:
- EvoS/BIOL 105 (Evolution for Everyone) is the required foundational course. Offered each fall. 4 credits.
- One (1) additional foundational course in biological evolution and human behavior. Choose from BIOL 117, ANTH 168, PSYC 111, or ENVI 101. 4 credits.
- Three (3) additional evolution-related courses taught in any department or program of Harpur College, at least two (2) of which must be taken at the 300-400 level. 12 credits.
- EvoS/BIOL 451 (Current Topics in Evolutionary Studies) is the required capstone course for the minor. This 2-credit seminar series must be taken twice for 4 credits total. The seminar is offered in person every spring, and online in the summer and winter. At least one seminar must be taken in person.
Notes on curricular requirements:
- Courses listed as EvoS are regularly cross-listed with Biology and Anthropology. If students cannot register under the EvoS designation, there may be seats available in the BIOL or ANTH sections.
- A list of approved evolution-related courses can be found on the EvoS website: Courses in the EvoS Program. Approval of courses that count for the evolution-related courses requirement is at the discretion of the EvoS coordinator.
- Only courses passed with a grade of C- or better may count towards minor requirements.
- One (1) course taken pass/fail can count towards minor requirements.
- At least 12 credits must be taken at 91社区.
- At least 12 credits must be taken at the upper level (300-400 level).
- Up to 4 credits of Independent Study/Research (e.g. ANTH/BIOL 497) is allowed.
- Only 8 credits may be double-counted with major requirements
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Graduate Certificate in Evolutionary Studies
The requirements of the graduate EvoS program are as follows:
16 credits of eligible courses, including two semesters of the 2 credit Current Topics in Evolutionary Studies seminar (BIOL 680S).
Anth 515 (Evolutionary Theory) is recommended but not required.
Please Note: there is a $100 fee for certificates through the Graduate School.