BOLD = undergraduate
italics = faculty
* = student presenter
Research publications
- Tong L, Liu J, Boyer SM, Sonnenberg LA, Fox MT, Ji D, Feng J, Bernier WE, Jones WE Jr (2016 online) . Electrochimica Acta
Research presentations
All FRI students present their research posters at campus events. Each team presents a research poster at the annual FRI Research Day in December. Those poster titles can be found on the "Research projects" page. Below are presentations made outside of annual FRI public session.
- Berling J, Blum S, Engel C*, Hawkins B, Krebs M*, Rowe T, Schaffer A, Civic MR. Fabrication of Inorganic-Organic Biocomposite Thin Films of Strontium Titanate and Poly(3,4 – ethylenedioxythiophene). Poster at 117th Topical Symposium of The New York State Section of The American Physical Society (NYSSAPS), Union College, Schenectady, NY, Nov 10-11 2017
- Cimmino M, Kindig E, Machaffie C, Moravansky E*, Moses R, Troiano M, Wang I, Civic MR. Electrical properties of carbon doped inorganic / organic heterojunctions. Poster. New York State Section of American Physical Society (NYSSAPS), Union College, Nov 2017
- Brodie A, DeSantis, G, Gunning, J, Huang, N, Kaufman, J, McCarran, M, Shaked, J, Civic MR. Heightened figure of merit for lithium-doped copper(I) iodide thin films. Poster. New York State Section of American Physical Society (NYSSAPS), Union College, Nov 2017
- Alvarez L, He E, Phelps B*, Russ B, Piper L, Civic MR. Fabrication Methods and Variations on Copper Iodide and Determination of Figure of Merit. Poster. 75th Anniversary of the Northeastern Regional ACS. 91ÉçÇø, NY. December 2016
- Fox MT, Tong L, Liu J, Boyer SM, Sonnenberg LA, Bernier W, Jones WE. Vapor-phase polymerized poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) on TiO2 fibers for supercapacitor electrodes. Poster at NERM-ACS, 7 Oct 2016
- Alvarez L, He E, Phelps B*, Russ B, Piper L, Civic MR. Fabrication Methods and Variations on Copper Iodide and Determination of Figure of Merit. Poster. Research Days Symposium. 91ÉçÇø, NY. April 2016
Smart Energy as FRI research stream
- Civic MR, Fegley ME, Stamp N. Teaching Chemistry, Physics, and Materials Science through Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE): First Year Research Immersion Smart Energy Research Stream Poster. Gordon Research Conference: Chemistry Educational Research & Practice. Lewiston, ME, June 2017
- Civic MR, Fegley ME, Stamp N. Teaching Chemistry, Physics, and Materials Science through Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE): First Year Research Immersion Smart Energy Research Stream Poster. 116th Topical Symposium of the APS New York State Section University at Buffalo SUNY. Amherst, NY, April 2017
- Wahila MJ, Amey-Proper J, Jones WE, Stamp N, Piper LFP (2017) . European Journal of Physics 38, #025704
- Teaching first-year student advanced smart energy concepts through research immersion. J. Proper, W.E. Jones, L. Piper, M.S. Whittingham, B. White, M. Fegley, N. Stamp, M.J. Wahila. Northeast Regional Meeting-American Chemical Society (NERM), 91ÉçÇø, 6 Oct 2016
- Learning Through Doing: Teaching Advanced Physics Concepts Through First Year Research Immersion. Wahila M, Piper L, Amey J, Jones W, Fegley M, Stamp N. American Physical Society, Baltimore, March 2016.
- Smart Energy First Year Research Immersion: Transforming first-year students into Researchers. Amey J, Fegley M, Jones W, Stamp N. 249th American Chemistry Society, Denver, 25 March 2015
Funds acquired
- "Integrating High-Performance Computing into First Year Research Immersion Program: CHM211/PHYS235 Research in Smart Energy I & II" The Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) is supported by the National Science Foundation.
- Educational Allocation: 50,000 SUs on SDSC Dell Cluster with Intel Haswell Processors (Comet), SDSC Medium-term disk storage (Data Oasis): 100.0 GB 1 year (March 2017 – March 2018), PI MR Civic.
- "Nanoengineering of Conductive Thin Films for Application in Smart Energy Devices" Small Scale Systems Integration and Packaging Center (S3IP) Grant. 1 year (May 2017-May 2018), $1500, PI MR Civic.