Image & Acoustics Signals Analysis Lab

Seymour Kunis Media Core Lab

We use the Seymour Kunis Media Core Lab in the Engineering & Science building at the Innovative Technologies Complex (ITC), which contains an array of equipment and software. 

Research Techniques and Protocols

  • Computer programming: Python, C/C++
  • Algorithm development utilization using 3D computer vision, image processing, machine learning, and multimedia data fusion
  • Creation of machine learning pipelines
  • Application and creation of  deep learning and statistical modeling methods 
  • Software development in Robot Operating System (ROS) on real mobile robots that autonomously operate in indoor environments with minimum human guidance 
  • Development, testing, and deployment of Artificial intelligence algorithms for robots

Lab Equipment

  • FaceGen Full SDK Academic License
  • Microsoft Kinect for XBOX ONE 

  • iMotions Core with Remote Eye Tracking, GSR & Heart Rate and Facial Expression Analysis modules 

  • Google Project Tango

  • Markforged 3D printer

  • Microsoft Hololens

  • Telepresence robot

Key Peer-Reviewed Conferences

  • CVPR:
  • ICCV:
  • AAAI:
  • IJCAI:
  • RSS:
  • IROS:

Additional Resources


