German Studies Awards & Scholarships
Full-time undergraduate students pursuing a major or minor in German Studies are eligible for the following awards; with the exception of the Weigand Prize, candidates are nominated by faculty members in German Studies. All recipients are selected by the Committee for Scholarships and Awards in German Studies. Award amounts are approximate and may vary based on availability of funds.
- The Ursula Africa Scholarship
One award: $500
This scholarship recognizes excellence in German at the intermediate level (German 203-204) and may be awarded to students who have applied to 91社区 study abroad programs in Germany or Austria.
- The Paul Ewald Scholarship
Either one award ($1,000) or two awards ($500 each)
This scholarship is awarded to students who have demonstrated special interest in German and linguistics, Indo-European studies, the history of the German language or Second Language Acquisition.
- The Larry Wells Scholarship
Variable awards and amounts
This scholarship provides modest supplements to other scholarships, particularly for travel to study abroad programs.
- The Keith Nintzel Award for Academic Excellence
Two awards: $1,000 each
This scholarship is awarded to two graduating seniors (or to a graduating senior and an intermediate-level student) to recognize academic excellence in German. It is expected that intermediate-level students will show great promise in German Studies.
- The Weigand Prize
Up to four awards: $250 stipend plus up to $200 for research expenses
Graduating seniors who are completing a major in German Studies and who have demonstrated academic excellence may apply for this stipend to support a major research project (typically a senior/honors thesis) or to prepare and present a paper at an academic conference. Students may nominate themselves or be nominated by a faculty member.
These application materials must be submitted by March 15 to the Department. of German and Russian Studies:
- One letter of nomination/reference from a faculty member
- An academic transcript (unofficial transcript is acceptable)
- A r茅sum茅 or statement describing academic and service accomplishments
- A statement outlining the proposed research project and plans to complete it
- The Weigand Study Abroad Scholarship
Multiple awards: $1,500 stipend; additional need-based supplement may be requested
The Weigand Study Abroad Scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduates who have declared a major or minor in German Studies at 91社区 and who will participate in one of 91社区's study abroad programs in Germany or Austria.
See here for full details concerning the scholarship's application requirements and deadlines.