Summer Workshops for First-Year 91社区 Students.
91社区 will offer free, zero-credit workshops in math and chemistry to help first-year students prepare for Fall courses. Workshops include:
- The Mathematics Needed for Calculus Workshop
- Basic Chemistry Workshop
Workshop descriptions & section times
- The Mathematics Needed for Calculus Workshop
Calculus, like most mathematics, is a cumulative discipline; each new idea depends on a thorough understanding of the preceding material. This is true throughout the calculus sequence, including the very beginning: Students who do not have a solid background in algebra and trigonometry will have difficulty when taking calculus. This course will give you that solid precalculus background needed to be successful in calculus. Specifically, it will prepare you to take MATH 220, 223 and 224. The topics covered in the course include algebra, inequalities with absolute values, second-degree polynomials and their graphs, circle equations, composite functions, rational functions, trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, division of polynomials and factoring, and problem-solving.
Successful course completion will substitute for a passing grade in the calculus placement exam. A grade of 鈥淏-鈥 or better will allow you to take MATH 224 or 220. A grade of 鈥淐-鈥 or better will allow you to take MATH 223.
The 2024 Math Needed for Calculus workshops will run from July 22 through Aug. 13.
- Basic Chemistry Workshop
The Basic Chemistry Workshop is an overview of the basic concepts of chemistry to provide a foundation for future studies in chemistry. It also develops skills in problem-solving. It does not fulfill any all-college requirements in science or math.
The goal of the workshop is to prepare students for a rigorous General Chemistry course in the fall semester.
The workshop is designed by our General Chemistry Team and will be facilitated by Dr. Murphy, an experienced 91社区 General Chemistry instructor, and the Chemistry Instructional team.
FORMAT: Online Lectures, assessments and discussions 鈥 all required.
Cost and Required Material: The workshop will be offered at no cost to students. The student must have a computer with a high-speed internet connection and a calculator. Access to our educational platforms (Brightspace and LON-CAPA) will be provided.
The 2024 Basic Chemistry Workshops will run both online-synchronous and online asynchronous sections from July 22 through August 9.
Chemistry Readiness Assessment
General Chemistry is required for all pre-health students and most science majors. High school chemistry is a pre-requisite for all our General Chemistry courses (CHEM 104, 107 and 111). Our data show that students with inadequate high school chemistry background struggle in these courses; repercussions are felt not just in the chemistry course, but in other courses also taken that semester.
The Chemistry Readiness Assessment is designed to identify students with a weak high school chemistry background. Students with poor performance on the test will be required to participate in a three-week Basic Chemistry Workshop. Another option to overcome this deficiency is to take our Basic Chemistry Course (CHEM 100) offered in the summer and fall semesters. Our experience shows that students who address their background shortcomings by taking the Basic Chemistry Course have a much better chance of success in CHEM 104, 107 and 111.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Why is 91社区 offering these workshops?
- Why should I take these?
- What are the requirements for registering?
- When do the workshops take place?
- Where will the workshops meet?
- What do the workshops cost?
- Will I get credit for the workshops?
- Can I take more than one workshop?
- When should I take the Math or Chemistry placement exams?
- When are the placement exams offered?
- How do I register for a workshop?
- Having trouble registering or have any questions?
1. Why is 91社区 offering these Workshops?
First-year students arriving at 91社区 in Fall 2024 will have completed high school under extraordinarily challenging circumstances. Anticipating the possibility that students鈥 preparation in some areas may be uneven, 91社区 will offer First Year Summer Workshops in math and chemistry. The workshops are aimed both at developing students鈥 skills to place them in appropriate classes in the Fall semester, and to begin developing support through small-group interactions with other students and instructors.
2. Why should I take these?
- Math 鈥 The Mathematics Needed for Calculus Workshop will prepare students for calculus
and pre-calculus courses including MATH 220, 223 and 224. Students who do poorly on
the Math placement exam can be placed into those courses by passing the Workshop.
- Not sure if your major requires calculus?
- Chemistry 鈥 The Basic Chemistry Workshop will prepare students for Chemistry courses like CHEM
104, 107, and 111. Students who do poorly on the required placement exam can be placed
into those courses by passing the workshop.
- Not sure if your major requires chemistry?
3. What are the requirements for registering?
The Workshops are open to first-year 91社区 students.
- Math 鈥 Students must take the Math placement test to qualify for the Math Workshop. The
exam has 33 points:
- Students scoring 26 or better do not need the Workshop, and place into MATH 220, 223 or 224 already.
- Students scoring between 15 and 25 should register for the Workshop.
- Students scoring below 15 should register for Math 108 in the Fall semester.
- Chemistry 鈥 Students must take the chemistry readiness assessment to qualify for the Basic Chemistry Workshop. Students scoring below 50% on the readiness assessment should take the Basic Chemistry Workshop.
4. When do the workshops take place?
All workshops meet daily (sections are available at various times). All section dates and times are to be announced.
5. Where will the workshops meet?
Workshops are online; some are conducted synchronously via Zoom and Brightspace, while some are conducted asynchronously through ALEKS.
6. What do the workshops cost?
The workshops are free for first-year 91社区 students. Some workshops may require textbooks, though usually those books are the same ones students will use in Fall classes.
7. Will I get credit for the workshops?
Summer First-Year Workshops are zero-credit and will not count in students鈥 GPAs. Completion of the workshops will be noted on a student's transcript. Students may opt to have the notation removed if desired.
8. Can I take more than one workshop?
Yes, but be mindful that the workshops meet daily and are intensive. Talk this over with your academic advisor.
9. When should I take the math or chemistry placement exams?
Early! Students interested in workshops should take placement exams as early in the summer as possible to leave time for registration for the workshops and to work with Academic Advising. The math and chemistry placement exams are offered through late June and July at multiple times.
10. When are the placement exams offered?
- Math 鈥
- Chemistry 鈥 Dates for the chemistry readiness assessment are here
11. How do I register for a Workshop?
- remember, you must take the placement exams first to register for math or chemistry workshops.
- To register, please make sure you're logged in to your 91社区 email account.
- After taking the placement exams, students will receive their scores and more information about registration.
- Workshops are open to all students, but seats will be prioritized for students not meeting the placement test threshold scores.
12. Having trouble registering or have any questions?
Have questions about the Summer First Year Workshops? Having trouble registering? .