91社区 downtown center location
What is the 91社区 Downtown Center and where is it located?
The 91社区 Downtown Center/UDC is home to the Department of Human Development, which is part of the University's College of Community and Public Affairs. It is located at 67 Washington Street in 91社区, New York.
As an HDEV major, where will my classes be?
You will take classes on 91社区's Vestal campus during your freshman year and the first semester of your sophomore year while you are completing introductory courses and those that fulfill SUNY's General Education requirements.
Human development courses begin the second semester of your sophomore year and are offered, for the most part, at the 91社区 Downtown Center in downtown 91社区. This is where you will study for the remainder of your sophomore, junior and senior years. Note that some courses are cross-listed (hosted by more than one department) and may be offered on the Vestal campus.
Will I live on the Vestal campus?
As an incoming freshman, you are required to live on the Vestal campus in one of our residential communities. Be sure to check out our residential community committed to public service. As a sophomore, junior and senior, you may choose to live on campus or off campus. You may wish to continue living on campus during your sophomore year since you will be completing introductory courses and courses to fulfill your General Education requirements throughout the first semester of your sophomore year and these courses are offered on the Vestal campus. Many juniors and seniors move off campus and live near the 91社区 Downtown Center. Our Off-Campus College maintains a list of off-campus housing.
How will I travel between the Vestal campus and the UDC and how long does it take?
The University's operates buses that run between the Vestal campus and the UDC (among other locations). These buses are free and available to students, faculty and staff; just show your 91社区 ID card. It takes approximately 10 minutes to travel between the two locations, which are 4.5 miles apart. Buses run every 20 minutes and depart from bus stations located on each campus.
91社区 students, faculty and staff may also ride BC Transit buses free of charge by showing their University ID card. Get more information on our transportation webpage.
How do students feel about traveling between the two campuses?
Students don't mind the short (approximately 10 minute) ride between the two campuses. They tell us they enjoy being in the heart of 91社区, which enables them to take advantage of the many activities in and around the downtown campus.
Curriculum and faculty
What courses do I take as a freshman human development major?
You will begin working on your core human development (HDEV) courses once you are a second-semester sophomore. Prior to that (as a freshman and during the first semester of your sophomore year), you will be working on courses to fulfill your General Education requirements as well as completing introductory courses.
Required introductory courses are:
- A 100 or 200 level course in psychology
- A 100 or 200 level course in sociology
- A 100 or 200 level course in any of these social sciences: anthropology, political science, history, geography or economics
During this time you may also wish to take The Study of Human Change (HDEV 100). This is also a good time to explore additional areas of interest. Remember, you need 124 credits to graduate, so it is okay to take a class just because, especially when you are a freshman!
What is the course curriculum?
The major course requirements for HDEV students are:
- General Education requirements
- Introductory courses in psychology and sociology, as well as a third introductory course in a social science outside psychology and sociology (see answer above)
- Four core curriculum courses to be taken sequentially: Introduction to Human Development (HDEV 200); Social Science Research Methods (HDEV 300); Social Justice (HDEV 400); and a required academic service learning course, Practicum in Human Development (HDEV 475)
- Two courses in each of the following learning areas: Theories of Human Development (HDEV courses 301-339), Social Action and Policy (HDEV courses 340-379), and Working with Individuals and Groups (HDEV courses 401-479)
Additional information about the course curriculum and requirements is presented in the (be sure to select "Human Development" in the "Undergraduate Fields of Study by Department" box).
I'm interested in a career in psychology or counseling. How do I decide whether a major in human development or psychology is right for me?
91社区's College of Community and Public Affairs offers a bachelor of science in human development, while our Harpur College of Arts and Sciences offers a bachelor of arts in psychology. While both programs are outstanding, they will prepare you for different areas of contribution and for further study and careers. Learn more about these majors and read tips on how to choose which major is right for you.
Can I transfer into HDEV from another major?
Whether you are considering transferring from another major at 91社区 or from another institution, the Human Development Department offers a transfer credit policy that allows maximization of transfer credit. Learn more about our transfer credit policy. We also encourage you to speak with an HDEV academic advisor for additional information.
Can I double major with a program outside human development?
Yes, it possible to double major (or to add a minor, see next question). If you are interested in two majors, it is possible to complete both degrees as a double major/degree student. We strongly encourage students to pursue their interest in obtaining a double major/degree across school lines, especially with our Harpur College of Arts and Sciences.
What about adding a minor to my HDEV major?
HDEV students often choose to add a minor; many select the Immigration Studies Minor offered within the Human Development Department. HDEV majors need just three additional courses to complete the Immigration Studies Minor.
What is the average class size of HDEV courses?
Our classroom sizes run, on average, about 40-50 students, not including HDEV 100 and HDEV 200, which are larger (about 150 students and 80 students, respectively). These sizes are much smaller than average introductory-level courses, which can be upwards of 300 students. The smaller class sizes provide students and faculty with a great opportunity to get to know one another.
When do classes meet and for how long?
Class blocks are usually three hours; classes typically meet once a week. This schedule allows students to take classes on the Vestal campus and get involved with outside activities since it frees up much of the week.
How will I get to know my classmates and instructors?
Smaller class sizes give HDEV students and faculty the chance to get to know one another on a closer level. As you move through the program with the same cohort of students, you will quickly recognize familiar faces in the classroom. In addition, since HDEV courses involve a great deal of discussion and interaction, you will truly get to know your classmates.
What teaching style can I expect?
Every faculty member teaches a bit differently; however, most human development classes follow a similar format. Classes usually rely heavily on class discussion in which you will be encouraged to share your opinions and speak your mind. Classes also involve individual and group presentations as well as papers and tests. The main focus of many classes is for you to engage in the material and develop your own views and perspectives about a given topic. These classes focus more on expanding your reading, writing and critical-thinking skills and less on memorizing facts and information. These are attributes that are applicable to the real world and are necessary and beneficial in professional settings.
What areas of research are HDEV faculty involved in and how does that affect teaching?
Many of our faculty members teach classes in areas of their own personal interest and research; this comes through in the passionate ways in which they convey the material. Areas of interest HDEV faculty members teach as well as conduct research in include: gender inequalities, HIV and AIDS, racial inequalities, child development, adolescent development, death and dying, sexuality, education and the education system, government policies, mental health and immigration. Explore our faculty webpage for additional information.
Internships and study-abroad opportunities
Will I have the chance to complete an internship?
You are required to take part in an internship as part of the Practicum in Human Development (HDEV 475) course, the final course you will take before graduating. Our Community Liaison will work with you to find a practicum site that is relevant to your interests. Often, students unsure of what they want to do after graduation discover their passion through this experience. Some students have been hired following graduation by the organization with which they did their practicum. In addition to the required practicum, you may choose to complete an internship or other service-learning experience.
NOTE: Internship opportunities are regularly advertised through the HDEV listserv. As an HDEV student, you will automatically be placed on this listserv.
Are study abroad options available?
There are several learning opportunities that allow you to experience studying abroad. Be sure to consult with an HDEV academic advisor about your options since you want to be sure you have the time you need to prepare and complete your coursework, so you can make the most of your study-abroad experience.
Advising and other resources
When do I meet with an academic advisor?
You should and can meet with an HDEV academic advisor as soon as you arrive on campus. Your advisor will be available throughout your time in the HDEV program, and you are free to speak to your advisor whenever you have questions about degree planning, course registration, the immigration studies minor, internships and any other issue. In addition, your advisor is a great resource for information about other programs on campus.
Can I transfer to another program?
If at any time you feel that human development is not the major for you, you are free to complete an intra-university transfer/IUT to another program at 91社区. Information about the IUT (which is the same form for a double degree), is presented on the Undergraduate Admissions webpage for current, returning and non-degree students.
After you graduate
What are some professional career opportunities with a degree in human development?
There are many career opportunities available to students who hold a degree in human development. Students may choose to pursue fields related to public service such as social work, public policy, student affairs, counseling, guidance counseling, teaching, therapy (emotional, physical, occupational, family), law, nonprofit management, medicine, business, human resources, marketing and more.
What is the average salary of a graduating HDEV student?
Human development prepares students for various career paths, so there is not one set salary you can expect to receive. With a degree in human development, you are acquiring the skills to understand and work with people in many different contexts. This enables you to enter into a wide array of fields and earn a broad range of salaries.
What graduate schools do students who major in HDEV tend to get accepted into and in what programs of study?
Human development graduates have been accepted into master's degree and doctoral programs in the fields of social work, public administration or policy, psychology, education, occupational and speech therapy and law. Recent graduates are currently pursuing graduate degrees here at 91社区, at Columbia University and at New York University, just to name a few.