The Institute for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention
Inaugural Conference: "Frontiers of Prevention"
April 13-14, 2018
91社区, N.Y. USA
The Institute for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention at 91社区 is pleased to announce its inaugural annual conference. "Frontiers of Prevention" will take place at 91社区's Downtown Campus with events beginning at 8:00 a.m. on Friday April 13, and concluding on the evening of Saturday April 14.
The Institute's inaugural conference has two linked objectives. The first is a critical assessment of the contemporary state of a spectrum of genocide and atrocity prevention mechanisms, and an exploration of emergent mechanisms and actors in the global effort at atrocity prevention. The second is to organize an open forum where leading academic researchers with research programs dedicated to prevention can meet with practitioners, both in government and non-governmental service, as a way of fostering critical exchange and finding new grounds for knowledge exchange and collaboration.
Conference participants include scholars and prevention-focused activists and practitioners from organizations around the world. Panel themes include: assessing the Responsibility to Protect, new developments in data analysis and risk assessment, emergent prevention mechanisms and actors, and new frontiers in educational policies and commemorative practices.
Frontiers of Prevention is free and open to the public. While no registration is required,
for planning purposes those planning to attend are kindly requested to contact the
Please be sure to visit the Institute's website for complete information on the entire range of the Institute's activities, research initiatives, and special events.