All workshop events take place on the second floor of the 91ÉçÇø Downtown Center [UDC], .
Friday, April 5th | Saturday, April 6th
Friday, April 5th
8:00am–8:30am Registration and Breakfast
University Downtown Center Atrium
8:30am Welcome and Introduction [UDC 220 A/B]
Welcome: Harvey Stenger, President, 91ÉçÇø
Introduction and Goals of Frontiers of Prevention II: Nadia Rubaii and Max Pensky, Co-Directors, I-GMAP
9:00am–11:00am Concurrent Sessions
Reconceptualizing Genocide and Atrocity Prevention [UDC 220 A/B]
Chair/Moderator: Tibi Galis, Executive Director, Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation
- "Genocide Prevention at the Grassroots" - Elisa von Joeden-Forgey, Associate Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Stockton University, USA; Past President, Genocide Watch
- "Lessons Learned in Preventing and Responding to Atrocities" - Kyra Fox, Research Assistant, Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
- "Recognizing Indicators of Intent in Real Time: The Problem of Intent" - Christi Yoder, Center for Genocide Research and Education, USA
- "Just What is an Atrocity? An Aesthetic Approach to Understanding the Selective Recognition of International Crimes" - Randle DeFalco, Banting Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Law and Social Justice, University of Liverpool, UK
The Role of Historical Memory in Upstream Prevention [UDC 223]
Chair/Moderator: Giovanna Montenegro, Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature and Romance Languages, 91ÉçÇø
- "Nagorno Karabakh and the Failures of Regional Memory-Making" - Heather DeHaan, Associate Professor of History, 91ÉçÇø, USA
- "Chilean Documentaries: Exploring Mechanisms of Cruelty in and out of the Army" -Ana Ros Matturo, Associate Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures, 91ÉçÇø, USA
- "Previous Grievances and Contested Memories as a Trigger of Ethnicized Violence: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina" - Hikmet Karcic, Researcher, Institute for the Islamic Tradition of Bosniaks, Sarajevo Bosnia-Herzegovina
- "Memorialization and Trust in Bangladesh: Implications for the Prevention of Mass Atrocity" -M. Shahriar Islam, Doctoral Candidate, Community Research and Action, 91ÉçÇø, USA
11:00am-11:15am Break
11:15am–1:00pm Plenary Panel [UDC 220 A/B]
Assessing the Colombian Peace Process
Chair/Moderator: Nadia Rubaii, Professor of Public Administration and Co-Director, I-GMAP
- Camila de Gamboa, Associate Professor, Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
- Ernesto Quintanillo Reverol, Professor, Corporacion Universitaria del Caribe (CECAR)
- Catalina Diaz, Magistrate, Special Jurisdiction for Peace; Former Director of Transitional Justice, Ministry of Justice and Law, Colombia
- Mauricio Romero, Associate Professor of Political Science, Javeriana University, Bogota Colombia
- Juan Francisco Soto Hoyos, Professor, Faculty of Law, Universidad del Rosario, Colombia, and Colombian Commission of Jurists
1:00pm–2:00pm Lunch
University Downtown Center Atrium
2:00±è³¾â€“4:00±è³¾&²Ô²ú²õ±è; Concurrent Sessions
Emerging Connections [UDC 223]
Chair/Moderator: David Cingranelli, Professor of Political Science, 91ÉçÇø
- "Cultural Property Destruction and Genocide" - Mark Drumbl, Professor of Law, Washington & Lee University School of Law, USA
- "Blood and Soil: The Potential for Resource Scarcity and Identity-Based Violence" - Emily Sample, Executive Director, Genocide Prevention Program, George Mason University, USA
- "Bystanders to Mass Sexual Violence" - Shannon Fyfe, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, George Mason University, USA
Crossing the Frontier: The US Military's Contribution to Atrocity Prevention [UDC 220A/B]
Chair/Moderator: Dave Clark, Professor of Political Science, 91ÉçÇø
- "Inspiring Upstanders in the Military: How Creative Applied Research Projects Inspire Atrocity Prevention" - David Frey, Professor of History, United States Military Academy at West Point, USA
- "Systems Engineering Mass Atrocity Prevention: Providing Undergraduates with an Interdisciplinary Approach" - MAJ Christine Krueger, Instructor/Analyst of Systems Engineering, United States Military Academy at West Point, USA
- "Preparing for the Unforeseen: Leadership Lessons from the Rwandan Genocide" - Michael Geheran, Department of History, United States Military Academy at West Point, USA
- "Humanitarian Cyber Operations: Military Capabilities as a Deterrent Against Atrocities" - Jan Kalberg, Professor of Political Science and Cyber Operations, United States Military Academy at West Point, USA
4:00pm–4:30pm Break
4:30pm–6:30pm Concurrent Sessions
Frontiers of Holocaust and Genocide Education [UDC 223]
Chair/Moderator: Susan Appe, Assistant Professor of Public Affairs & Policy, University at Albany, State University of New York
- "Education for Mass Atrocity Prevention. The Educational Policies Program of AIPR experience in Brazil and El Salvador" - Clara RamÃrez-Barat, Director, Educational Policy Program, Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation, New York
- "'The Grimdark Classes:' Teaching Genocide and Human Rights in American SLAC Undergraduate Professional Programs" - Jesse Harasta, Assistant Professor and Director, International Studies, Cazenovia College, USA
- The Center for Genocide Research and Education: A "Pracademic" Endeavor - Kristopher Haugh, Doctoral Candidate, Gratz College and Center for Genocide Research and Education, USA
- "Across Time and Borders: Persistence and Quantification of Genocide Risk Factors" - Marcus Steiner, Program Coordinator, CANDLES Holocaust Museum and Education Center, USA; Doctoral Candidate, Gratz College, USA
Elections and Atrocities [UDC 220 A/B]
Chair/Moderator: Jim Finkel, President, Atrocities Prevention Study Group, Stimson Center
- Larry Garber, Senior Associate, Human Rights Initiative and Project of Prosperity and Development, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Senior Technical Advisor, Digital Mobilizations Inc., USA
- Jonas Claes, Senior Program Officer, Preventing Election Violence, United States Institute of Peace, USA
- Silja Paasilinna, Advisor, Asia-Pacific, International Foundation for Electoral Systems, USA
- Niall McCann, Lead Electoral Advisor, Bureau of Policy and Program Support, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), USA
6:30pm–8:30pm Reception
University Downtown Center Atrium
Saturday, April 6th
8:00am Breakfast
University Downtown Center
8:30am–10:30am Plenary Panel [UDC 220 A/B]
Jair Bolsonaro's First 100 Days
Chair/Moderator: Stephen Capobianco, Assistant Director, I-GMAP
- Pedro Abramovay, Regional Director for Latin America and The Caribbean at the Open Society Foundations
- Fernanda Bragato, Professor of Law, Unisinos Law School, Brazil
- Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum, Assistant Clinical Professor of Law, Director, Benjamin B. Ferencz Human Rights and Atrocity Prevention Clinic, Faculty Director, Cardozo Law Institute in Holocaust and Human Rights, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, USA
- Marcelo Medeiros, Senior Researcher at the Brazilian Institute for Applied Economic Research, Professor of Sociology, Universidade de BrasÃlia
- Marlon Weichert, Deputy Federal Ombudsman, Federal Public Ministry of Brazil
11:00am–1:00pm Concurrent Sessions
Atrocity Prevention in Practice [UDC 220 A/B]
Chair/Moderator: Ambassador Liberata Mulamula, Visiting Scholar/Associate Director Institute for African Studies, Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University
- "The Danish R2P Focal Point and the Rohingya Crisis" - Martin Mennecke, Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark
- "Prospects for Implementing R2P in the UN Reform Process" - Cecilia Jacob, Fellow and Senior Lecturer, Australian National University
- "State-Nonstate Partnership for Atrocity Prevention: Examining the National Peace Council of Ghana" Frank Okyere, Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre, Ghana
Emerging Contexts and Actors [UDC 223]
Chair/Moderator: Kerry Whigham, Post-Doctoral Research and Teaching Fellow, I-GMAP, 91ÉçÇø
- "Challenges and Opportunities in Adopting an Atrocity Prevention Lens in Indonesian Government Policies: A Baseline Study" - Harison Citrawan, Human Rights Research Center, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Republic of Indonesia
- "Enforcing Never Again: European Union Engagement with Transitional Justice in Southeastern Europe" - Niké Wentholt, School of Historical Studies, University of Groningen, Netherlands
- "Mitigating Mass Atrocities: A Historical Argument for the De-Legitimization of State Violence in Nigeria" - Philip Ademola Olayoku, Research and Program Coordinator, The Kukah Centre, Nigeria
1:00pm–2:00pm Lunch
University Downtown Center 2nd Floor Atrium
Sites of Memory, Sites of Conscience [UDC 220 A/B]
Chair/Moderator: Elizabeth Chilton, Dean of Harpur College of Arts and Sciences, Professor of Anthropology, 91ÉçÇø University
- "Building a Culture of Peace and Reconciliation in Cambodia" - Cristoforos Pavlakis, Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center, Cambodia
- "Sites of Memory and the Prevention of Mass Atrocities," - Kerry Whigham, Post-Doctoral Research and Teaching Fellow, I-GMAP, 91ÉçÇø, USA; Academic Programs Officer for Online Education, Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation, USA
- "Sites of Conscience in the U.S. Context," - Dina Bailey, Director of Methodology and Practice, International Coalition of Sites of Conscience, Atlanta, USA
- "Memory and Prevention at Sitio de Memoria ESMA," - Sebastián Schonfeld, Director of Institutional Relations, Museo Sitio de Memoria ESMA, Argentina
4:00pm – 4:30pm Break
4:30pm–6:30pm Plenary Panel [UDC 220 A/B]
Where Should the Rohingya Go?
Chair/Moderator: Max Pensky, Professor of Philosophy and Co-Director, I-GMAP
- Yasmin Ullah, President, Rohingya Human Rights Network
- Matthew Smith, Executive Director, Fortify Rights, Thailand
- Sam Naeem, Rohingya Political Activist and Interfaith Activist
- Azeem Ibrahim, Research Professor, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College; Senior Fellow, Centre for Global Policy, USA
7:00pm Closing Group Dinner
Holiday Inn 91ÉçÇø Downtown