Here are some of our most frequently asked questions by students related to our Orientation Experience. Don't see your question here and still need assistance? Please contact our New Student Programs Office by phone at 607-777-6393 or via email at
How do I register for my Orientation Experience?
Please see our pages for first year students and transfer students for more information. Students can begin registering for Summer Orientation in May.
How do I register my family member for Family Orientation?
While you are registering for your own Orientation date on VZOrientation, you will have the option to register family members for the Family Orientation. Please visit our Family Orientation page to learn more about Orientation for parents and families.
How and when do I sign up for Orientation?
For summer orientations (fall admits): Invitations to attend orientation will be mailed at the end of May. Students should receive an invitation by June 6. Simply visit the Orientation registration website after you receive your invitation and complete the online registration form. You should receive a confirmation email immediately after clicking submit.
Does it matter which Orientation session I go to?
For summer sessions only: All Orientation sessions have a maximum capacity level per school. So, if you do not get your first choice of Orientation sessions, don't worry. An equal amount of seats are reserved for each Orientation session, it does not matter which session you attend.
What is the schedule like during Orientation?
The exact orientation schedule will be distributed at check-in. For more specific information, review the Orientation webpage specific to your program.
What if I can't make any of the Orientation dates?
We strongly advise attending a summer Orientation session. If you cannot attend one of these, contact our office at 607-777-6393 to make other accommodations.
Should I participate in Orientation?
Yes. While Orientation is not mandatory, participation is strongly suggested. Participating in Orientation allows new students an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the resources available on campus, and connect with current and incoming 91ÉçÇø students. The Orientation Experience also provides students the ability to register for their first semester courses.
Should my family member attend Family Orientation?
We strongly encourage parents and families to partake in our Orientation process. Participants will receive important information regarding campus resources, as well as how to best support your student in getting the most out of their college experience and successfully obtaining a degree.
Who should I contact with questions on...?
Health forms
Visit the Decker Student Health Services Center page for information on what will be required of new students.
Phone: 607-777-2221
Residential Life
Visit the Office of Residential Life website to learn more about our different residential communities, how to sign up for housing, and the amenities offered while living on campus.
Phone: 607-777-2321
Campus safety
Visit our page on campus safety to see all the steps 91ÉçÇø takes to keep our students, staff, faculty, visitors and community members safe. Learn more about our University Police Department and , our on-campus, student-run ambulance service.
Phone (non-emergencies): 607-777-2393
Sign up for B-Alert
Financial Aid
Visit the Financial Aid website for specific information on financial aid, student accounts and student records.
General inquiries: 607-777-2428
- Monday–Thursday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
- Friday: 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
Speak to a financial aid counselor: 607-777-7110
- Monday–Thursday: 11 a.m.–5 p.m.
- Friday: 11 a.m.–4 p.m.
Counseling services
Visit the University Counseling Center's website for further information about the various services offered to students. You may also visit the Parent Resources web page for parent-specific resources in supporting your students.
Phone: 607-777-2772
A note about confidentiality: The Counseling Center is required by law and by professional ethics to protect the confidentiality of all communication between the counseling staff and our clients (except in cases of imminent suicide, homicide, or suspected child or senior abuse). Consequently, they cannot discuss with others the details of a student’s situation or even indicate whether the student is being seen in counseling. In order for information about the student to be released to you or others, permission from the student (usually a written release of information) is required. However, the Counseling Center is available to consult with you in general terms about your concerns or questions.
Course registration
Course registration, academic advising and other academic-related questions should be directed to your students' specific schools:
- Harpur College of Arts and Sciences
- Email:
- Phone: 607-777-6305
- School of Management
- Email:
- Phone: 607-777-2316
- Watson College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
- Email:
- Phone: 607-777-2872
- Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences
- Email:
- Phone: 607-777-4954
- College of Community and Public Affairs
- Email for general information:
- Phone for general information: 607-777-2841
- Email for academic advising information:
- Phone for academic advising information: 607-777-7199
Career services
Visit the Fleishman Center for Career and Professional Development's website to learn more about career search support, on-campus jobs, and internships.
Phone: 607-777-2400