How do I find out information about Residential Life and where I will be living?
During Orientation all students will have the opportunity to speak with staff from Residential Life and to take a tour of the various facilities. For more information check out or call (607) 777-2321.
How do I find off campus housing?
All first-year students are required to live on campus. Transfer students have the option of living on campus or off campus. During transfer Orientation, students and family members will have the opportunity to speak with staff from the Off Campus College office. For more information check out the OCC web page or call 607-777-4273.
I am an off-campus, commuting student. Where can I get more information?
Check out the Off Campus College website.
Before the Semester Starts
How do I apply for financial aid?
Visit or call them at (607) 777-2428.
Can I turn in my student health forms at Orientation?
We strongly recommend that you turn in all your forms prior to Orientation. More information on Health forms and requirements can be found at the Health Services website or by calling (607) 777-2221.
Is there a bank associated with 91社区?
Visions Federal Credit Union has a branch on the second floor for the University Union, room UUW209, as well as several ATMs located throughout campus. Students will be provided the opportunity to open an account with Visions Federal Credit Union during Orientation. You certainly may choose to have an account at another bank, just be aware that the only ATMs located on campus will be Visions Federal Credit Union.