Broad Based Fees
Broad based fees provide access to activities and services, and are assessed to all students. They are not user fees. All students are encouraged to take advantage of the benefits these fees provide. These are services that are necessary for the University to operate.
Activity Fee
Undergraduates - This fee funds approximately 190 student organizations and clubs. The Student Association allocates funds annually. For details, contact the Student Association at 607-777-6503.
Graduates - This fee is used to provide funds to each graduate department for speakers, programs, activities and conferences. The Graduate Student Organization voted to make this fee voluntary for 20/21. For details, contact the Graduate Student Organization at 607-777-4247.
Activity fees can only be waived with authorization from the executive board of the (for the Undergraduate Activity Fee) or (for the Graduate Activity Fee).
Academic Transcript Fee
This fee is mandatory and is charged to all enrolled students to assist in the processing and storage of student permanent records. For more information on how to obtain transcripts, visit the Registrar's website at /registrar/student/transcripts/
Technology Fee
The technology fee, charged to all students, is used to support a number of services provided for student use by Computing Services and Educational Communications. Services include the Blackboard online course system, the campus computing network, Internet connections, classroom technology, e-mail service, computer PODs, the Help Desk and many other technology applications. This fee is mandatory and cannot be waived. More information is available at
Student Health Services Fee
The Health Fee is assessed to all undergraduate and graduate students and covers services rendered for health and counseling as well as health promotion and prevention. This fee is not health insurance.
- The Decker Student Health Center (DSHC) is a primary care facility delivering the similar type of care anyone would expect to get from their primary care physician at home including treatment of acute illness and injury (upper respiratory infections, sore throat, infections, conjunctivitis, urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted infections, fever and rash, sprains, lacerations, etc.). Services also include immunizations, flu clinics, laboratory services, as well as a dispensary for antibiotics and over-the-counter medications.
- The University Counseling Center offers mental health care through a brief therapy model that aims to provide support and guidance in managing and or coping with situational problem/s (i.e. stress management, self-esteem, multicultural concerns, relationship issues or adjustment concerns). In addition, group counseling and same day urgent counseling sessions are available as well as services for tele-counseling, tele-psychiatry, treatment coordination and community referrals. CARE team case managers who are closely linked to the counseling center also support, advocate, refer and assist students in crisis or during stressful situations.
- Health Promotion and Prevention Services cultivates a health-conscious campus environment through education and in collaboration with student, campus and community partners around the dimensions of wellness (social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, occupational, intellectual, and physical).
Last year there were 28,950 visits to Decker Student Health Center (DSHC) and the University Counseling Center (UCC).
More information is available online at
Transportation Fee
The Transportation Fee is assessed to all undergraduate and graduate students and funds a variety of transportation services for students. Contracts with OCCT and BCT allow the students to ride buses throughout Broome Country for free. More specifically the fee supports:
- OCCT – Approximately 75% of the total cost of the student-operated bus company is funded by the transportation fee. The remaining 25% is funded directly by the Student Association.
- Broome County Transit – The University contracts with BCT to allow students to ride the buses free of charge.
- Bike Share – the University’s Gotcha-Bike program which has 30 bikes and 3,000 active members
- Capital improvements – infrastructure upgrades, such as new bus shelters and bike racks
Last year OCCT and BCT provided 1,440,700 University rides, while the bike share program provided 6,000 bike rentals.
More information on OCCT is available at Broome Transit is the local county-operated bus service that covers an extended region.
Recreation Fee
The recreation fee, charged to all students, enables Campus Recreation Services to offer programs intended to enrich the overall educational experience of students at the University. Programs include Club Sports, Wellness Services, Intramural Sports, Outdoor Pursuits and Open Recreation. More information is available at
ID Card Fee
This fee is charged to all students and covers the expense of producing the University identification card and related security, financial, and service access components. For more information, visit /registrar/student/id-cards/index.html.
Academic Support Fee
This fee is charged to undergraduate students only. Tutorial services for undergraduate students are partially supported by this fee, allowing tutorial services at all levels of academic performance. For more information, visit
Intercollegiate Athletics Fee
The athletic fee, charged to undergraduate students only, supports 91ÉçÇø's division I intercollegiate athletics program and campus athletics facilities. Athletic fee revenues are used to cover all types of costs related to the athletics program, including expenses such as travel, officiating, facilities preparation, telephone, sports equipment and uniforms. Athletics provides an interactive and inclusive platform, which enhances school spirit and contributes to our reputation and recognition. More information is available at the athletics department website .
Campus Life Fee
The campus life fee, charged to undergraduate students only, enables the University and students to provide programming opportunities during the academic year, with special emphasis on Late Nite 91ÉçÇø programs on weekends. More information on Late Nite 91ÉçÇø is available at
Inclusive Access Fee
This fee is assessed only to students enrolled in courses which offer digital course materials through Barnes & Noble’s First Day product. First Day provides students with discounted first-day-of-class access to their required course materials. At the course instructor’s discretion, this could include online textbooks, faculty instructional content, customized quizzes, course pre-work, and/or other materials. All course materials are conveniently accessed by the student through Brightspace without a code and are affordable with discounts commonly 30-50% over the price of physical textbooks.
Courses associated with the Inclusive Access Fee will be clearly advertised as such in the schedule of classes and will include the actual rate to be charged on the student bill. Students will have the opportunity to opt-out of the inclusive access fee and will be provided instructions from the course instructor on how to do so. Opt-out instructions will also be included in the welcome email every student receives at the start of the semester, or when they register for the class if after the start of the semester. More information about the First Day Product is available at
Academic Excellence & Success Fee
The State University of New York instituted the Academic Excellence and Success Fee to provide the financial resources necessary for building and enhancing academic and student success. This fee is mandatory for all SUNY students attending a University Center and cannot be waived. It is charged to all undergraduate and graduate students.
College Fee
The College Fee is mandatory for all SUNY students and cannot be waived. This fee is charged to all enrolled students by authority of the Board of Trustees. This fee supplements operations supporting the academic mission, student advising, and mental health.