Final Exam Scheduling

Final Exam Scheduling

The Faculty Senate final exam policy can be found in the Faculty/Staff Handbook

  • Courses are not required to offer a final exam. However all final exams and end-of-course exams must be offered during the official final examination period, at the time scheduled by the Course Building and Academic Space Management (CBASM) Office.
  • In order to ensure that instruction continues throughout the entire semester, if a course ends with a test or final exam, it must take place during the official Examination Period. A test or exam may only be given in the last week of the semester if an exam is also given during the official Examination Period. If the final graded component in a course is a take-home exam, it may be due at any time during the official Examination Period, but not earlier.
  • Students should not have to take three or more final examinations in one 24-hour period. In cases where students have more than two exams scheduled in a 24-hour period, faculty are urged to arrange a time for a make-up exam. In cases where conflict arises, the faculty member teaching the largest course will be expected to arrange a make-up exam.
  • Final exams will be scheduled from 8:00 am to 10:05 pm Monday through Thursday and from 8:00 am to 5:15 pm on Friday of the final examination period.  Some exams are scheduled for longer periods of time, at the department or instructors request. Exam times will be scheduled by the final exam scheduling program to reduce the number of exam conflicts for students. Standard exam times are as follows:
    • 8:00 am - 10:00 am
    • 10:25 am – 12:25 pm
    • 12:50 pm – 2:50 pm
    • 3:15 pm – 5:15 pm
    • 5:40 pm – 7:40 pm
    • 8:05 pm – 10:05 pm
  • Once a course has been scheduled a final exam time, any request to change the day/time requires approval from the department chair and dean’s office.