91社区 is committed to having a safe and healthy work environment. Through good work practices and the following environmental health and safety programs, the University strives to keep its employees, students and, visitors safe.
Asbestos is present in various buildings on campus. Asbestos regulations require that BU shall determine the presence, location, and quantity of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) and Possible ACM (PACM).
The following link will take you to information regarding the presence of asbestos on campus:
For information on locations please contact the Facilities Management Asbestos and Safety Coordinator at 7-4018
Confined Spaces
91社区 has a Confined Space Entry Program. The program follows all applicable rules and regulation. To enter a confined space area you must obtain a permit from Environmental Health and Safety. Please contact EH&S for further information.
The aim of ergonomics is to reduce physical and psychological stress by adapting job and working conditions to the employee in order to prevent injury. The implementation of ergonomics in your work and home environment helps protect you from acquiring musculoskeletal disorders and stress related illnesses. 91社区 has an Ergonomics Manual and provides campus employee ergonomics evaluations upon request. Please contact our office at 7-2211 if you are interested.
Fall Protection
91社区 follows both the General Industry and the Construction standard with regards to fall protection.
Ladder Safety
The Ups And Downs Of Ladder Safety
Portable ladders are common on campus and come in two basic types - the A-frame (stepladder) and extension (straight ladder). They can be made of wood, metal or fiberglass. Ladders come with manufacturers warnings and recommendations for safe use, which should be followed carefully.
Key points for the safe use of stepladders include:
- Spreaders should be fully extended and locked
- Never stand on the top two levels
- Use only the step side for climbing - do not use the support back
- Never lean the stepladder against a wall to use like a straight ladder
The key points for safe use of Straight Ladders include:
- Always use a ladder longer than the height you need to reach
- When stepping off a ladder onto a roof or platform the ladder should extend at least three rungs above the step off
- Never stand on the top three rungs
- Always place the ladder on a stable base
- Always angle the ladder appropriately for the height (1:4 base:height)
- Secure the ladder in place
When using any portable ladder be sure it is clean and well maintained. Maintain three points of contact when ascending or descending and never over reach to either side. Try to keep the belt buckle area within the uprights. Never use a ladder that is damaged or unsafe. Ladders should be inspected regularly.
Lockout Tagout
Lockout tag policy on the operations site.
The EPA states that 鈥淢olds can be found almost anywhere; they can grow on virtually any organic substance, as long as moisture and oxygen are present. There are molds that can grow on wood, paper, carpet, foods, and insulation. When excessive moisture accumulates in buildings or on building materials, mold growth will often occur, particularly if the moisture problem remains undiscovered or unaddressed. It is impossible to eliminate all molds and mold spores in the indoor environment. However, mold growth can be controlled indoors by controlling moisture indoors.鈥
See the following links for more information:
Stephen Endres
Training Coordinator/Industrial Hygienist